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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. I'm abstaining from the booya/booyahs. Cause I love the peeps on both sides.
  2. SPAM on the grill is good. Like, once a decade max.
  3. I might have enjoyed church more...except for the knitting part. But really, tex, how awful for your dd.
  4. That's much better than the one the dentist gave me! Thank you!
  5. Happy Birthday wishes to your daughter as well. I like her already.
  6. Good morning, all! Well, it's back to work for me. DS felt better Sunday, so the boys took me out bowling for my birthday (today - woot! :party: ), and I performed miserably, but hey, it was DS's idea and a nice thought, so I laughed through my gutter balls and cheered for DS on the turns when HE didn't end up in the gutter, and we both told DH we let him win. LOL Of course, this was after I spend the whole morning cleaning for a visit from DH's dad and stepmom. Would have been nice if he had told me sooner, so I could have spent Sat cleaning the downstairs instead of DS's bedroom. Or if DH had gotten up early Sun to clean instead - his folks and all. Sigh. Also tried to go sandal shopping with the gift card they gave me, and found NOTHING in my size or style. How is that even possible to go shoe shopping and come home with nothing? I suck at shopping. Huge thunderstorm last night. Woke me up three times. But the world looks and smells so fresh today. :thumbup1: Great job on pulling through for your class, Renai! I tried a Jillian Michaels video once. Once. She kicked my butt and I pulled a muscle. I love bacon. DS and DH have both cried over the lack of more bacon. I think DS has OD'd on bacon, though. He was eating it like every day for months. He said he wasn't in the mood for bacon the other day. But then he ate it anyway when DH made it. Silly boy. #saidbutt!
  7. Well, so much for a fun family weekend. DS woke up sick this morning. So I spent the entire day cleaning his room and going through his toys. At least his Legos are all together in one place now, and I was able to vacuum his floor. Once I found it.
  8. DH had today off, an he's off for the next 4 days. I don't remember the last time that happened. Going to enjoy my family. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
  9. One more :grouphug: from a member of the Hive. I know it's not much, but it's all I have. Best wishes.
  10. It's okay for you to like it, though. :) You don't have to share it with him. SMH. Poor kid. I know what 15 min at his grandfather's house with a dog does to my son. I can't imagine.
  11. My DS had horrible eczema as an infant right up until we discovered his egg allergy. All the many prescribed steroids did was exacerbate the situation. Even his ped admitted to me he wished he had thought of food allergies. After that, we were able to trace his small outbreaks of eczema to specific foods by checking labels and keeping a food journal. In this way we identified all of his food allergies before he ever had testing done. Testing confirmed all of them, and discovered the only one we couldn't, which was soy. So I have exactly the opposite recommendation from you! Identify the allergies, eliminate the eczema. My DS also has not had a single episode of asthma since we eliminated soy from his diet.
  12. Oh, that's right. You get a pass then. :) I'll drink your share.
  13. I can't even imagine drinking soda with Thai food. LOL But I don't care for soda. I love whole milk. I love heavy cream. I love (unsalted) butter. By itself. (Yup, you all now know my dirty little secret. :lol: Teeth marks in the butter was me at three years old, so says my mother, and I believe her.) I'm strange like that.
  14. I grew up thinking milk was what you were supposed to drink when you eat spicy foods. Is that wrong? Maybe my mother just told me that to get me to drink more milk? Actually, I don't even know if it was my mother who told me that. Huh. Well, I like to drink milk with spicy foods. Sue me.
  15. Well, a lot of kids have never been sailing. So there's that.
  16. Maybe, since they aren't complaining, secretly they didn't want to go either? Just tell yourself that. Because you're not a bad mom, and kids need down time, too.
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