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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Well, my spending "splurge" turned out to be the best thing I bought. It was supposed to be the three issues of Kids Discover magazine which are referenced in Guest Hollow's Jr. Anatomy curriculum. But then I got on the site and saw they had a 10 pack for the Human Body. While checking out, I saw a coupon code box, so I did a web search, and found a 30% off code for first time buyers (TRYKD30). That made it 10 magazines for 3 bucks each. Score! And then when I received my confirmation, the email said it came with free downloads of vocab and teacher's resources. Even better. Okay, I also splurged on a few other things, but they were all educational, so it's okay. No really. Mad Libs, Bananagrams, Professor Noggin's card games. All perfectly legit educational resources. And RR has free shipping. Testing out my justifications here so they sound better when I tell DH how much I spent.
  2. Okay, all of my planned school stuff has been ordered. I overspent, but in a good way - I think. LOL
  3. Hi, Susan! I think maybe I need to order the rest of DS' school stuff today. Maybe after another cup of coffee...
  4. DH has a co-worker who has a bunch of kids and a wife who was restricted to bed rest for her last pregnancy, so was on disability from work, and they had just his income when they were expecting both. DH mentioned that DS was growing out of size X - did he need that size for any of his kids? Co-worker immediately offered to take them off our hands. We have been passing down clothes to this co-worker ever since. We also got rid of a car seat (no car accidents, within the manufacturer's time frame for use, and thoroughly scrubbed down by moi), old winter jackets/snowsuits, boots, outgrown toys, and all of our board books (save our favorites) by shipping them off to said co-worker. 'Cause they weren't bringing us joy.
  5. End of June, to the beach. DH never vacations with family outside of our immediate family unit. If it is a visit to see extended family, it is NOT a vacation. :)
  6. I think monkeys have politics. They have territorial laws, no? I'm thinking they must have outspoken, obnoxious monkeys who think they are God's gift to monkey kind, just like our politicians. As far as religion: "Jane Goodall’s fieldwork in chimpanzee communities allowed her to witness things like a young male chimp doing a rhythmic dance in front of a waterfall. It appeared, to Goodall, reverent and seemingly purposeless. She’s speculated that this might be evidence of something like ritualistic religion in the lives of other primates." Source Link From what I hear, Jane knows her stuff.
  7. (PA) There are lots of teachers and ex-teachers who do evaluations specifically for homeschoolers. It's not hard to find one. Our evaluation took less than half an hour and I over-prepared. LOL I turned in "health forms" the first year I had to declare (the year DS turned 8), which was just a letter from the doctor saying DS was a patient and had been seen most recently in his office on X date, and that his records were on file with the practice. (I called the doctor's office up two months in advance to ask for the letter, and they called me to pick it up when they had it ready.) This year, I just wrote a line into my affidavit that I attest to the fact that he is seen regularly by his Pediatrician and said his records are on file with said Ped. I sent in nothing from the doctor, and I received my letter from the school district acknowledging my Letter of Intent was received, everything was satisfactory, and wishing me a productive year. Easy.
  8. Here's another one. (Edited to add period. Because grammar.)
  9. So, no transfer to Florida, but I did get a promotion and a raise. Woot!
  10. Real Science 4 Kids is a Gravitas publication, not BJU, no?
  11. I think what bother some of us is the "cute" and "pat you on the head." (Oh, nevermind! Tibbie beat me to it.) I'm also slightly bothered by the "young women" part, and so I am going to give a shout out to all the men out there who are embarking on this journey with us women, and letting you know, "You've got this!" And when you get stressed about trying to force your kiddo to cut things out with scissors because the lapbook material you bought requires it and all the long-time homeschooler swear by it, ask yourself, "Does this bring my child JOY?" - If not, you have our permission to chuck it and go on a nature walk (or whatever else brings you JOY). And then eat a cupcake.
  12. :seeya: back (Okay, so apparently this emoticon is :see ya:, but I think of it as Hello!)
  13. :grouphug: Jean :grouphug: Lynn :grouphug: Renai, and good luck with making your school decisions for dd. (The art area looks cool, btw - I'm trying to picture where I can squeeze it in at my house :))
  14. Yeah, I did have really great teachers. I think if your dd took it slow, scrapbookbuzz, and took the time to really master the grammar and declensions, then it is a really rewarding curriculum. Don't sweat it if she doesn't finish the whole book, that sort of thing. Have you taught languages before? Knowing what's important and what's not will help. I took 4 years of German in high school, and 3 years of Greek, and went on to do more language in college. If you weren't a language person and are jumping into Athenaze, it may be that at some point your dd will hit a wall. But if she seems the type to really dig languages, go for it.
  15. I used it in high school. I still have my books, volume I and II. I have lugged them around with me for over 20 years! So I guess I had a fairly positive experience. I was an Art History major in college, concentrating on late Roman/early Christian art, and I remember it helping me quite a bit that I could read Greek. I'm going to have to reteach myself in order to teach it to DS, but I'm looking forward to it.
  16. :grouphug: I'd be sad, too.
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