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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Not so awesome at proofreading before I hit Post, however.
  2. DS ' XBox360 wouldn't turn on. Mom to the rescue. I picked it up, put it down, and it turned on. Yeah, I'm that awesome. BOOYAH!
  3. LOL - hugs not needed, but thanks! It was over a decade ago, and the memory is slowly fading.
  4. We went and tagged it, went back and cut it, and brought it home. I decorated. Shortly after I noticed a small pussy bump on my face. With 24 hours it has spread, and within a fortnight I had a weeping, pussy face. I spent three weeks on the couch watching VHS movies. Which meant the same 10 movies I owned over and over and over. One was Titanic, so it wasn't so bad. Jack! Rose! Ended up needing to go to the dermatologist for steroids. It was bad. Very, very bad. It spread to other parts of my body but my face was the worst. And whenever people tell me it doesn't spread, I just laugh at them, because um, yes, it does. At least for me. YMMV.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: That's all the hugs it'll allow. I'd give more if I could.
  6. No. I use a dish towel. DS joined me the last time, and it probably looked like we were doing some ritualistic dance in our kitchen with dishtowels. :lol:
  7. Mine does that ever since I had my wisdom teeth removed. It doesn't bother me, so I haven't done anything. But there are supposedly exercises one can do to alleviate symptoms. Maybe Google them and try them first, before you go see a doctor?
  8. Being someone who catches poison easily, consider yourself blessed.
  9. Good luck! Can you send some my way? I forgot to make cookies for the librarian and security guard at the library. (Library is at a art school, so the security guard is for the school, not the library, but she's super nice just like our librarian.) I think I am going to resort to scratch tickets, LOL.
  10. I have not run in awhile. I also have not prepped my house for Christmas, because no one is coming over this year and it will just be the 3 of us. (Yay!!!!) I have, however, spend numerous hours watching the Walking Dead on Netflix in the past few weeks. Yay, me! How's that for being lazy?
  11. I say save your money on the gift bags and just put a bow on them. The Christmas I was ten and my sister twelve, we got 10-speed bikes. Parents stuck a bow on them, and they were the first thing we saw when we woke up. I have a very fond memory of us shrieking so loud it woke my parents up. Shortly after we were jumping up and down on their bed. I think wrapping would have lessened the impact, as we would have known it was a bike from the size/shape but not had that instant WOW feeling, kwim?
  12. Not sure I agree with that part about the hands. Did I ever tell you guys about the time I had poison all over my face one Christmas from a live tree? My hands were fine.
  13. Nooooo!!! Say it ain't so! Glad I snagged my mom's dvd copy.
  14. Same here. DS plays with those at "after-school" care. Makes it more fun when it's only there.
  15. Glad we could help. I say we, because ITT. If not me, it would have been one of the others.
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