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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Wishing you the best re: computer. Merry Christmas!
  2. I liked your post and then unliked it. Because cuppa. No offense. :)
  3. It's aimed at gifted, but my DS is also not gifted. He much prefers this grammar to anything else we have done. I would say it is fine for average kids, good for smart kids. I ordered the grammar island package and the mud trilogy, as well as the if the wolf discussion guide with the RFP published books that went with that. No, I have not come across anything anti-religious.
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/florida-woman-dawn-meikle-attacks-husband-for-farting-in-bed-police-say_567990d4e4b0b958f6582c2a?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 butt trumpet :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, my, I am laughing so hard right now. #hesaidbuttfirst
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: It sounds horrible.
  6. I've rarely had nasal congestion that bad, and the one time I can remember it being an issue, I slept propped up and it was gone the next day. #mouthbreather
  7. I keep contemplating them, but really, I don't see how one would clean it and reinsert in a public bathroom, or at work. Don't spare the gory details. Mark won't mind. Please explain it to me.
  8. How so? I have no sinus issues, and am rarely sick. I have no need to fix what ain't broke.
  9. No. It's like drugs. I'll be the person who dies the first time they take a hit. #irrationalfears #justsayno
  10. I knew I would be in the minority. So be it. I shan't be convinced, so we shall leave it at that. :)
  11. You couldn't pay me to use one of those. ETA: That would be a "no way, no, how" BOOYAH!
  12. Except that if you have recurring ear infections that you let go untreated you may end up with hearing loss later in life (but sooner than normal). I wouldn't mess with that.
  13. DS had a double ear infection when he was a toddler that I did not realize until fluid started coming out of his ear. He never cried or complained or pulled at his ear. :(
  14. Ear ache, too? Could be a burst eardrum from an ear infection. I've had ear infections with no pain...and quite a few with major pain. Although not since college.
  15. Well, then wishing you a great trip and save travels as well!
  16. I was thinking Kelly Clarkson's Underneath the Tree, but that last line is throwing me off.
  17. First three CDs were Enya, but not Orinoco Flow. Had to search for that one. I'm happy now. Thanks, Jean! How did you know that was what I needed right now??
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