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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. OMG I am so mad. Family already scheduled to watch the walking dead season 6 starting at 10. So Sherlock will have to be watched on rerun. Grrr
  2. to be (ser, estar) and gustar. For consistency should read: to be (ser, estar) and to like (gustar). I can't pick three. Maybe one could be listed as a prerequisite of another in the latter' description, so you don't actually have to eliminate one? ;)
  3. They only have Dr Dave and I wanted to physics and similar next year. Leaning towards superchargedscience. DH is opening the purse strings now that it's looking like we will be doing this homeschool thing long term, LOL, and we've checked out the cost of private school ;).
  4. I am trying to find science curriculum for next year. It's exhausting.
  5. DH and I never drive starting about 4 pm on New Year's Eve. Not worth the risk to go out. People around here can't even drive sober!
  6. Okay, I just counted, and I have 6 Bibles in a household of three. And we aren't religious. Make that seven. I forgot about my German one. Most people don't keep multiples of books, but most households have multiple Bibles, no?
  7. DS came home from the seafood place and market, and is now out at the regular grocery. Before he left again he said leave the tree up for now. He likes it. Well, okay then. Maybe I should clean the bathroom and do some school planning. After a shower. I need pants. DH got wine for tonight. So now we have a plan. House party.
  8. I'm currently sitting here drinking coffee, checking the boards, and ignoring the mess. DH left while I was still asleep do do the grocery shopping, and DS is still asleep (we're night owls, and he keeps that schedule on vacation -it makes going back to our ref schedule easier). Plans? I should probably take the tree down and clean. Maybe. Then again, there is always tomorrow.
  9. All I have to say is, "I'm going to vacuum!" and suddenly DS is cleaning up and running his hands through the carpet to find the stragglers. Only took one time to teach him!
  10. (((Dawn))) Somehow I missed your post earlier. Sorry. I would have been all over those hugs sooner!
  11. Laying on the beach. But my birthday is in July ;)
  12. I don't require any output from DS (3rd grade) for science or history (except map work). I buy the Professor Noggin's card game to match whatever we are learning each year, and we periodically rotate playing them so key concepts and info get dusted off now and then. They are DS' favorite subjects. No tests.
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