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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. Seems appropriate meme :
  2. Oh my goodness, there is a diagnosis and name for this?! Thank you thank you thank you.
  3. My daughter is now 3 years old And won’t go to the potty when told She will scream and cry And in all ways deny All methods that try to take hold. We’ve tried Elmo’s Potty Time, She loved every minute, But won’t follow through When it comes down to it. We’ve tried set times of day, And sitting her down for increments short and long, No matter the stagger, She can hold it til she’s free as a song. We’ve tried going naked, She didn’t care about puddles. She understands the words we say, But just gives a “no” in rebuttal. We’ve tried bribery, Which worked once or twice. We abandoned carrot for stick, It didn’t work either (she just said it wasn’t nice). I have reached my wits’ end So for help I must send. I’ve tried every trick It just doesn’t click Please send any advice you can lend.
  4. This one took me a moment, but then I LAUGHED.
  5. Hmm, I've never seen 'truth' spelled that way... Sorry that happened to you, but on the whole it is their loss, not yours
  6. Not quite Covid-19 related, but the emoji changes were mentioned earlier so...
  7. Coming Soon To A Summer Near You!
  8. Last year I bought 4 pairs of nice looking sandals, all different, all expensive and supposedly comfy/ortho-friendly well made shoes. They looked great, and were comfortable for a few hours. All of them gave blisters, and after going maybe a couple weeks without wearing a particular pair consistently, the blisters would be remade in the same spots -- whatever tolerance I built up to that particular shoe would be lost if not worn very often. Maybe we both have weird feet, but at least we are not alone! (Also, YES THE SLIPPING, UGH) Main thing I do is put bandaids preemptively where I know a blister is going to form. And carry bandaids to use in the middle of the day if I feel a new one forming. eta: like others I am in a sandals year-round state. This doesn't seem to change my "tolerance" level to blisters -- each pair of shoes gives a different set. I have found 1 pair of casual sandals that I had no blisters and have become my main shoe, in 3 colors, but the black pair I wear the most is more comfy on the arch because I wear it the most, so even same-style approach isn't the magic bullet I'd hoped.
  9. I have really enjoyed the "Apocalypse Bingo" memes but haven't been posting them here. But I mean, murder hornets? This is just too perfect for the game, lol.
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