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Everything posted by carlychan

  1. Are you expecting him to have all the facts completely memorized with instant recall? This didn't happen with my kids until later. I would expect if he understands the double digit addition he should be able to do them (even if he has to use his fingers/abacus). Perhaps I am way off, but that is just my experience with my 8 and 12 year old boys. We do use Saxon and have never used anything else, so I don't know what MM expects of a 2nd grader.
  2. I have two preschoolers (3 and 4) and they are pretty much a tornado where ever they go. I allow them to come into the school room with us if they are doing a quiet activity and I make them clean it up before they move on. They are a year older than yours, so they are a *little* more compliant:) I tell them to "stay on the carpet" in the living room adjacent to our school room. They have toys and such in there to play with. I think the other "perfect" looking school rooms are how they looked once. Not what they look like everyday. There is really no way to keep the mess totally contained with litty bitty ones. They are just too destructive! :tongue_smilie:
  3. I will second the tightwad gazette! I love that book!
  4. We just purchase this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0769685595 I have several geography sets and nothing was working for us, but this is easy and fantastic. I can just pull out a couple of pages and go. If you complete the entire book the child will have a good year of geography.
  5. We are Rod & Staff users here. My oldest used Easy Grammar early on and it just wasn't meaty enough for me. We tried LLATL for a short, short time and found it way too gentle. I have used R&S 2, 4, 5, 6 and have 7. 2 starts out gentle and they continue learning little bits at a time. I like that. The curriculum is gentle in a way but meaty. Also, we skip the writing lessons with no problem (and use IEW).
  6. This is my inclination, but my 8 year old thinks so much differently than me I wonder if he just isn't going to "get" Saxon. I am really debating just starting 3 over and seeing how it goes. I really love Saxon and think it is a very good program. I don't want to be a "math hopper." :tongue_smilie: Thanks so much for the advice so far! I really appreciate it!
  7. Sure! He "forgets" how to multiply or add double digits. I have to hold his hand through the entire worksheet and often have to "pull" him along (if that makes sense). I feel like I am doing the worksheets for him sometimes! Today he couldn't even tell the time on the Horizons placement test. He didn't know the ones or hundreds place. It just seems like he has forgotten everything we have ever learned in math! I thought math was his better subject, but his reading is really taking off and now his math is suffering. Maybe that is kind of normal. I only have one older son (7th grade) and I haven't had any problems with him at all (I pretty much think the same way he does and things come very easily to him). My 2nd grader is 8 and just reading fluently (hence the 2nd grade instead of 3rd). So, hopefully that fills you in a bit more.
  8. I am hoping someone can help me. I have a 2nd grader that is working through Saxon 3 (we have used Saxon starting with K). We had to take a month off to move and he seems to have forgotten everything! We are on lesson 78 and he just doesn't get most of the concepts. I really need to change something, but not sure where to go. My first thought was to start the same book over again. I already have it and I am a BIG fan of Saxon. That is the easiest thing for me, but maybe not him. I have researched a little, received advice from a friend, and decided Horizons 2 might work for him. What would you do if it were you? Thanks so much! Carly
  9. We LOVE it, too! I don't have A, but watched TWSS so am doing it with my 2nd grader (mostly with me doing the actual writing). I have B that my 7th grader is going through. They both think it is awesome and ASK to do it! Wow!
  10. I made a sling for my 3 year old with fabric gathered around 2 heart shaped dangle bracelets. You could velcro instead of sew for a "safer" alternative. I didn't think that was necessary for us, so it was simple to sew. Good luck!
  11. I am actually more leery of high priced "show dogs." They scream puppy mill to me (like a pet shop puppy). I bought our GSD from a family breeder. They had several breeding pairs and practically hand raise their puppies. We were able to meet their dogs and see how much they loved them all. He only cost $300 and he is great. He probably isn't "show material," but so what? OTOH, our beagle came from a neighbor who's beagles had an "uh-oh." She was free and is fantastic. Again, probably not the most perfect specimen of a beagle, but who cares? I would not be scared away by the price alone. Go check it out! Have you checked craiglist and freecycle? People often find themselves in situations where they can't care for their dogs and just try to find a good home.
  12. I am so sorry for your difficult time. I have 2 boys (8 and 10) that would be willing to pen pal with your boys. I did have cancer when they were younger, but we talk openly about it. Email or pm me if you are interested:) Blessings. Carly
  13. We had neighbors who accidentally had some beagle pups and we got one! Phoenix is fantastic! She loves everyone, doesn't bray/bark a lot, even comes back if she runs away:) I think females are better at not running away, but we really haven't had a problem at all since she was about 1 and we got her a nice fenced back yard. She will chase birds and squirrels, but has never actually caught anything. She is sweet to out cats and guinea pigs. Her parents where both basically the same way. I have seen a few obnoxious and annoying beagles, but most of that was lack of training and/or love. Phoenix would be a great camping dog if we went. I would recommend getting a wireless electric fence. It is portable and she wouldn't have to be actually tied up while camping. Our Phoenix is a bit timid and would probably not run off, but some beagles would. Good luck!
  14. It is bad. I think I am going to try something else, too. I don't see the logic in taking one pill to help one thing and then have to take another to fix a problem with the first. Especially when it is debatable if it is even doing anything. Frustrating.
  15. I have had high cholesterol since I was a teenager. I have always been thin (until recently) and have been on Zocor for a couple of years. I really, really hate it. I have horrible heartburn every day. The doctor told me to take Zantac and see if that helps. I appreciate all the info on this thread. I may try to get one of the cholesterol con books and take a look. I am skeptical of both sides! What to believe?? To the original poster: I feel your pain:001_huh:.
  16. Hello all, We are going into year 3 next year with a 2nd/3rd grader and a 7th grader. My oldest has finished SOTW and we followed WTM for 5th and 6th. He REALLY didn't like reading and outlining, so I bought MOH. I LOVE it, but now I don't know what to do about my younger son. Should I have him tag along with MOH and make it easy on myself? That is what I would like to do, but then what is he going to do in the logic years? We have SOTW and MOH both, so I won't have to buy anything either way. My youngest does enjoy SOTW and would probably like MOH, also. What do I do?? Thanks! Carly
  17. I find myself becoming more and more what I never thought I would be. Few examples: I was an avid extended breastfeeding mama to my first born, then had cancer and fostered/adopted 2 little ones. So, no bf'ing for the other 3. I am now a Christian homeschooling mama who wants to live on a farm. NEVER thought that would be me. I used to just despise those little kid leashes. Well, with 4 kiddos and 2 toddlers they look more and more appealing. So, I believe it happens to all of us:) We GROW above our stereotypes/judgments.
  18. I had breast cancer 8 years ago. I remember the food people brought and the nice cards and notes. I had a newborn and 3 years old so many, many people had to help. I appreciated it when friends didn't act like I was sick. I wanted to be treated more normal. I wasn't invalid! Seriously, try to laugh with her. That is how I got through! :)
  19. I totally agree. It is a bonus to just sell items. I don't expect to recoup the money I paid for an item and what I paid for an item has no bearing on what it should be sold for. I browse and see what others are asking and reduce that a few $$ and hope for the best. :tongue_smilie:
  20. Most of the time my books say I am allowed to copy within my family. You don't know what workbooks I copy and don't. Please do not call me a criminal when you really don't know. I guess it could just be written on paper. Is that what your question was?
  21. I copy most of our consumable workbooks. I buy paper by the case (or 2) so I always have tons of it around. I usually get a great deal on the paper and I don't have to buy copier ink very much, so it seems worthwhile to copy. One notable exception is our math workbook. For some reason that would just seem too tedious to me to copy them everyday. Maybe that is the difference. :) Carly
  22. My husband is a Captain in the Marine Corps and we are back in VA. Your son will be fine. Ooh-Rah!
  23. I don't have multiples, but I do have little ones that are 1 year apart. They almost act like twins most of the time:) They are currently 2 1/2 and 3 1/2. It is easier than it was a year ago. It DOES get easier! It will not hurt your kids to have an "easier" year (although it sounds like they are still doing enough). I agree with the above poster and they should be put into a safe room for short periods of time to train them to play on their own. I had gates up to block off our dining room where we were doing school. They had to play on their own when I was working with the older kids. If your goal is to read to the olders (and youngers if they cooperate) I would start there. I would try to give them something to play with during story time (blocks, balls, etc) and have them sit quietly and play. If they don't take them to their room/crib. They will learn:) I always had my littles sit in their highchair for work time. They had crayons or something non-toxic (LOL) to play with while I worked with the olders. They can't get out and are occupied for a short time anyway. Mine would always sit for at least a 1/2 hour with no problems. So, there is a little advice. It does get better (and then you have more kids)...:glare: Carly
  24. My 11 year old son does the same thing (7/6). He takes around an hour to do the problem set, but misses many, many problems. I give half credit when he goes back and fixes them. He usually is making just silly mistakes (not conceptual ones). I have decided this is just how it is. He scored very well on his yearly assessment test and generally does fine on the tests. I try to just "let it go." We are going to do 8/7 and probably Algebra 1/2. I am hoping this review will help in the silly mistakes.
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