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Everything posted by IfIOnly

  1. Yes. 2021 is looking suckier than 2020 already. Didn't know that was even possible.
  2. I'm looking for a recipe to make my own electrolyte mix. Here's a Nuun copycat of sorts. Still looking. Let me know if you have a good recipe. https://theplantedrunner.com/homemade-hydration-diy-nuun-electrolyte-powder/
  3. I need at least 7 simple meals that come together quickly. I've been struggling with cooking for some time because of health challenges and need to better manage so I'm spending as little time as possible standing, stirring, etc. We've been eating out way too much as well because it's just easier. Thank you!
  4. Thank you! I love coconut water and used to drink a lot of it because I felt so much better drinking it. It is costly though. Thanks for the salt tablet info!
  5. Hm. It sure sounds like something to look further into. Thanks for sharing @kbutton I personally don't have varicose veins or drink caffeine anymore because it makes me feel terrible.
  6. Lol. If someone had asked me if I was dizzy I would have said no too. I thought it was mostly fatigue or getting overwhelmed that I needed to go lay down. But I do need to go lay down and not just sit down to feel the best. I must be the one of the least self aware people out there. 🤦‍♀️But now that I'm more aware and paying attention, I do feel dizzy just sitting in bed right now! I feel so dumb.
  7. This does help me understand better what's going on with POTS. Thank you for explaining so well.
  8. Thank you so much. It's encouraging to hear your DD is doing so much better. I have no doubt I'm deconditioned. Just really didn't know how else to cope with the dizziness. It makes sense now that cooking was just the worst and sooo hard. Standing plus heat. Ugh. Will go grab some of those drinks tomorrow. My blood pressure is chronically low. I could use it either way.
  9. This is great. Thank you! I'll start the drinks tomorrow to see if that helps a little with the dizziness. Can't hurt anyway, and I don't have high blood pressure or anything salt contraindicated. Thank you again.
  10. Hm. Maybe so. From what I understand it's a drop in blood pressure and increased heart rate when moving upright. I know low blood pressure upon standing is also an adrenal symptom. The standing and eye test have both been accurate and have led to medical testing confirming low cortisol for several people I know. https://www.integrativepsychiatry.net/adrenal-fatigue-do-you-have-it/
  11. One thing is summer kiiiills me. The warm weather is my kryptonite. Every summer just gets worse than the last for me. I feel awful. I guess that's very true for POTS.
  12. I sure hope she's able to get answers and feel better soon. It sounds like it's a cardiologist and not neuro for diagnosis?
  13. It's weird you say/see that. My doctor did say it's more common than one would think. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm not sure if she'll refer me out for testing, but the standard is a tilt table test. I think it's a neurologist who usually has the equipment. Scroll through for more info about testing in this article if you'd like. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/postural-orthostatic-tachycardia-syndrome-pots%3famp=true
  14. I have been to soooo many doctors. I can't believe this is the first doctor to mention this possibility. Good thing I still go see another doctor every now and then to hopefully find a piece of the puzzle, even though I don't dare hope for much. I try to pick someone every year or two or three who I've heard good things about in the meantime. This doctor came highly recommended to me. edit: I'm also seeing POTS and EDS are related. Not necessarily, but it can be a co-morbidity.
  15. Had another appointment today for bloodwork and doctor is thinking this could be a major key in what's up for me. It makes so much sense. I spend an extraordinary amount of time lying down because I get dizzy. I have to take regular breaks from cooking meals and it makes me sooo tired. I always thought it was because of my fibro, but POTS makes so much more sense with the dizziness and fatigue and just running to bed to lay down after cooking a meal. I don't eat with my family but eat in bed and stay lying down the rest of the evening after dinner. Also my super high heart rate when exercising makes sense. Have no idea what the treatment is or anything. Would like to learn more as I wait for answers. POTS experience? Thank you.
  16. Almost done and this is so funny. Thanks for the rec. Not being political party affiliated, I appreciated the roasting of both sides. From Kamala's support for the women Biden creeped on and calling him out on busing (both before they teamed up) (also Samuel Jackson sarcastically calling him a civil rights hero) to, of course, roasting Donald who provides endless material. Hilarious. Language warning for the show in general and my quote below. Favorite LOL quote is from Leslie Jones about the debates. "I'd say it was a train wreck and a sh*tshow, but that would be unfair to trains and sh*t." Hugh Grant was pretty great too. "Well, it's incredible, really. 73 million Americans witnessing a debate as intellectually stimulating as watching two pigeons fight over a piece of bread in a car lot."
  17. Almost done and this is so funny. Thanks for the rec. Not being political party affiliated, I appreciated the roasting of both sides. From Kamala's support for the women Biden creeped on and calling him out on busing (before they teamed up) (also Samuel Jackson sarcastically calling him a civil rights activist) to, of course, roasting Donald. Hilarious. Language warning. Favorite LOL quote is from Leslie Jones about the debates. "I'd say it was a train wreck and a sh*tshow, but that would be unfair to trains and sh*t." Hugh Grant was pretty great too. "Well, it's incredible, really. 73 million Americans witnessing a debate as intellectually stimulating as watching two pigeons fight over a piece of bread in a car lot."
  18. Oh, no! Thank you for the heads up. I did see this in the paperwork the pharmacist gave. I does say that's a common initial side effect that should hopefully going away and to call my doctor if it doesn't. I don't have any health problems like osteoporosis that makes this especially concerning for me.
  19. I'm sorry your loved one is struggling. I read a lot of reviews from people who were being helped but went off meds because of weight gain. It's a hard position to be in. I agree with you though now at this point in my life and think you nailed it. I'm going to write this out and tape it to my bathroom mirror. Thank you.
  20. Thank you, @MercyA! My anxiety is telling me all kinds of things. I'm anxious about taking the generic vs. name brand. Some people started with name, then switched to generic and had subpar or worse results. That's just one example of many. I'm trying to tune it out and act logically, but it's still there just gnawing at me. I had the anxiety and depression fade away before with meds (natural-5htp- and RX), and it was wonderful. Hoping for the best too.
  21. Thank you for sharing. That is really comforting to hear about your mom's experience. You are so right about how debilating depression is, and it does really hinder my ability to care for my health properly. I'm cautiously hopeful this med could be a positive thing despite, like you said, tolerable side effects. Thank you for your understanding and encouraging words @Spryte
  22. I totally know it is an upgrade thing. I've been dealing with this since the major board format change some time ago!
  23. Why don't I get notifications when someone posts on a topic I started or on topics I subscribe to? It makes it hard to not miss discussion, especially when life gets busy. Sometimes I find a reply weeks or months later when I go back to a thread to remember info. someone shared.
  24. Thank you! I appreciate the encouraging words. I totally get what you're saying about weight gain and antidepressants. This particular antidepressant though is prescribed to people needing to gain weight (depressed or not) and particularly people with EDs. It actually significantly increases appetite and slows metabolism. There are a lot of people saying they ballooned in a matter of weeks, but there are other more moderate reviews as well. I'm a little scared but ultimately it's not fair that, for example, my DH is married to depression more than *me*. He says he's fine with the possible side effects, so that's comforting. Knowledge is power though. A lot of people say they didn't know about that side effect beforehand. In fact, I picked up my RX today and neither my doctor or the pharmacist mentioned the weight gain aspect of the drug. I'm hoping to ride out any cravings or make better, low cal choices if they hit.
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