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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. He basically left it up to us to decide, but I have a script for Concerta. Any info on this drug that I should be aware of? I am almost afraid to google. :glare: He did say there is a slight chance of an increase in seizures with this but that he wasn't concered because the risk is so small. Not sure what to think.
  2. I have to bring my Ds to the Dr, but I am going to record it and watch only the actual swearing in as I hate listening to the talking heads. :D
  3. Thanks, everyone. If we do go this route I probably will go ahead and get the TE book. Figure it's pretty cheap and would be a nice resource to have.
  4. I didn't , but I am still consdiering it. I haven't decided what we are doing for history and lit yet so I am clueless LOL.
  5. Thanks! Glad to know my idea isn't insane after all. :D
  6. In your opinion, which ones gives you the teacher more hand holding as you work through the books. Thank you everyone for answering all my lit related questions! I really appreciate the help and your patience as I work through my descision.:blush:
  7. Thank you. I can't open the document though, it's a .odt, which I have no clue what that is LOL!
  8. Thanks, Lisa. I am not sure what we are doing yet, just tossing around different ideas. I like the idea of asssigning some books from the list over summer, which we could do as this is for next year. I'd like to hear how you like BJU once you get into it some.
  9. One of the options I am looking into is using BJU for literature but adding some whole books into it. I know the high school lit book covers portions of certian books or covers certain authors so I am thinking we could read the whole book after we do the BJU lesson on that book or author. I don't think we would cover the great books this way, but I think we would cover some good literature in depth. What do you think?
  10. Thanks again everyone. Nan, your last post was very helpful! Thank you!
  11. OK, so do less books, use guide such as cliff notes, greenleaf, TtC and audio books. I think we can do this! I really would like to study them together with my Dd because I never had this type of education and I will be one step ahead of the other kids coming up after her.
  12. Thank you for the link and for sharing. It helps to know I am not alone.
  13. Thanks again! I am feeling much better about our ability to do this.
  14. So you allow them to use the guides as they read? That could really help my Dd and me.
  15. Thank you for the encouragement everyone! I knew we could skip books but I see these two on every list so I figured we should tackle them. I am going to look into audio books and am going to try to sift through Sir Gawain again as I admit I only gave it a brief look through. It's good to know that we can pick and choose and still have a sucessful GB study even if we don't read all of Susan's list.
  16. I am planning for my Dd's high school years and planned a GB study. We are currently using TOG, but I was thinking of either Omnibus or following WTM guidelines. In preperation I checked out Confessions and Sir Gawain from my library so I could see a few of the books we would be using. Confessions looks way above my Dd's level and the Sir Gawain book about did me in.( I have the version by Tolkein). How do we go from reading the dialectic level books in TOG to tackling the great books? I'd love to simply stay with TOG but I don't know if I will have the $ to do so. Should I just chuck it all and go with textbooks? I really regret not taking my own education seriously when I was in high school.
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