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Everything posted by MEmama

  1. Yes! My community has groups that collect furniture, bedding and other household goods to give directly to refugees and New Mainers as they are set up in new homes.
  2. Even clothes shouldn't be held on to for too long--not only do they go out of style, but fabric doesn't always hold up to time. I once accidentally overlooked a pair of some DS's adorable but outgrown jammies that were in perfect condition, but when I found them a few years later to donate, the elastic waist had become brittle and useless. It really upset me that no one else got to wear them.
  3. Ha ha! 😻 This one also loves to shred up corn husks from tamales. No idea why, but if we leave one out she'll find it (aka go digging in the compost bowl in the sink) and drag it around. She's crazy for them.
  4. One of our kitties likes to make off with waffles lol
  5. Indeed. She was rather pleased with her escapades 🙂
  6. I think it's essentially the same here. We have so few homeschoolers in my community from my experience, it doesn't seem it would make any difference to the public schools numbers wise. Homeschooled kids are allowed to take classes and do extracurricular in public schools here, including high school.
  7. Sounds like an amazing experience! I'm hoping to go one day and meet up with DS's friend and his family. I would love to get to see it with a local, especially.
  8. I didn't know that either. Even more horrific that they are considered one of the good ones 😞
  9. Gotcha. So when does the "good guy with the gun" become the "bad guy with a gun"? When he commits a crime, or when he gets caught committing a crime? Same question for pedophiles, rapists and the like, most of whom seem to be "good guys" because they are pastors, youth group leaders, teachers, dads who once took their kid to the playground, etc. At what point does their status change, or does it not because they are perceived a certain way (insert the "right religion", a touch of race baiting or flat out denial here)?
  10. So, just so I have this straight...as long as someone claims "but they're a good guy!", then it's okay? Because reasons?
  11. We seriously need a WTF emoji
  12. So do people who go to church (see your above post). Good people, according to you. What’s your point? People carry guns to kill other people. It’s literally the only thing they are for (obligatory orher than hunting animals or farm/ranch use). They very literally aren’t used for anything else.
  13. I've used a hole in the floor "toilet" in Italy back in the early 80's. Young me was not impressed, but it was nbd. Very recently I was in a public washroom in Czechia (IIRC, maybe Poland) where the attendant handed over a giant roll of toilet paper when I paid my euro (or whatever it was) and expected me to rip off however much I might need. There was no paper in the stall, that was the only opportunity lol. That was a first for me! Good idea for him to be prepared with his own!
  14. I think, realistically, it will take good leadership. That's the difference between this country and others--at some point in (usually recent) history, good leaders decided to do something about their gun problem. As long as people keep voting in politicians who hold their financial power above all else, we will continue to have this problem. Once we start living under multi layered, majority *leadership* (ie not just one good president, or a decent governor, but all the way up and down *leadership for the people*) will we see real change.
  15. The very best and spiciest food I've ever eaten was made by a boyfriend's Indian grandmother some 30+ years ago. I paid for it for days, lol, but it was so so so very delicious. Nothings ever come close to being so incredible.
  16. Although treated well, apparently no matter how many white people are in a group, ALWAYS have at least one Indian colleague with you. Don't leave the hotel alone. You will be scammed so be on the lookout and do NOT give in NO DRINKING THE WATER and NO STREET FOOD. A huge bummer but Friend says it's dirty and since we don't get the same vaccinations here it could be very dangerous (though delicious) A shopping mall is the only place to be alone, or at the hotel. Button up shirt and pants= business casual. No need for a tie unless hotel requests Tipping is usually a flat rate no matter what was ordered. Never tip more than 2-10 US$, even at a 5 star restaurant. $1 tip for delivery Never EVER give money to beggars. EVER "Being white is the same as wearing 10 KGs of Gold chains" Never pet the street dogs. They are "walking rabies factories" and if you get bit, you get 13 injections In addition to hepatitis vax, also get TB and tetanus. Apparently it's so dusty a single scratch is likely to get infected. He might want a Very Good mask to breathe. When Friend was here last summer he showed us photos of the Delhi air quality and giggled that I had an air purifier in his room Also, know the price of things, or you'll be scammed But finally, he says just don't be stupid and it'll be fine. It's not a jungle, lol. Worst case is he loses some money and gets food poisoning
  17. For crossing g streets, apparently you just have to go for it with confidence (I imagine that's easier said than done for the initiated) Mumbai has the largest wealth and QOL disparities in the world. He'll go from nice to slum very quickly
  18. So far, be up to date on all hepatitis vaccinations. Will be treated well as a white dude but might get "weird" attention for it Take constipation/other GI meds with him Be prepared for poverty on a whole new level. But also know that poverty doesn't indicated danger Ill add more in a bit...
  19. DS has a really good friend from Delhi. I can ask him for any advice. I know DS has been advised by a Filipino friend with whom he's going to the Philippines to plan on having GI/stomach issues for a few days. Apparently the different microbes take some getting used to. I imagine it might be similar in India?
  20. Yep. Like this: https://abcnews.go.com/US/deputy-fires-weapon-after-mistaking-acorn-for-gunshot/story?id=107229338 Our entire backyard is lined with oak trees. Falling acorns have never once made me think of gunshots--imagine that.
  21. Exactly. It makes no sense --for all the reasons--yet oft repeated despite how nonsensical it is. It has the same lame ring to it as "thoughts and prayers", as though either are any sort of solution.
  22. Once again, the "good guy with a gun" theory proven wrong. Again, and again and again and again.
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