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Everything posted by MEmama

  1. Yeah, now I'm definitely going out hiking in the rain this weekend! Dumb question, but how does one find salamanders?
  2. Sending extra ❤️ and ((hugs)) @Kassia. I know how hard this stuff is 😞 I for one am glad they are being cautious!
  3. When I just tried Local Community + Cottage Rentals several local real estate/cottage rental type places came up. We are in a big tourist area, though, so it might be easier here than some other places. I agree with trying real estate sites too, and local chambers of commerce. Even town halls should be able to direct you to the right folks.
  4. We have local cottage rental places here; you might look to see if something like that is available in your intended vacation spot.
  5. I'm glad yours stayed on! I spend an unusual amount of time determining what sorts of things we need to stay safe and reasonably comfortable in the event of storms, it's almost soothing in a weird way lol. I'm thankful we don't truly need much--heat security is definitely my primary concern!
  6. We have a generator too, it keeps the pellet stove running, lights, cell phone chargers and our small deep freeze running if needed. That plus a gas cooking stove is major peace of mind. Like you, we lose power frequently--if anyone's out, it's probably our street. I'm glad you're back on! CMP sent a text indicating they hoped to have us back by 10 pm TODAY, but instead it was just a few hours. So weird. The kitties are thankful their warm radiators are back, lol.
  7. We saw them once while backpacking in Manitoba, but only briefly before it got cloudy. Seeing them in Iceland or Scandinavia would be amazing!
  8. No, just a coastal storm that dropped more ice than expected, I think. Are you in an area you might get to see the northern lights?
  9. We got power back on for a couple hours and then it went out again! Boo. At least we ran the dishwasher and heated up the house in the meantime. The storm is long past so I’ve no idea why it went out again 🤷‍♀️
  10. Yeah we had an ice storm that basically knocked out the entire coast from Kittery on the southern NH line all the way up to Belfast. Some inland areas got over 2 feet of snow but here on the coast was less snow and more ice. Trees and lines are down everywhere.
  11. Today’s PSA: check on your older neighbours and make sure they have what they need and are comfortable. I just took hot tea to our 92 year old, tough as tacks neighbour and found her cold and shivering. 😞. I sat with her for quite awhile and was able to get her gas stove (heater, not cooking) stove working and showed her how to use her cell phone. I’ll go back over tonight with a hot dinner and battery lanterns if we are still out tonight. Take care of each other out there!
  12. We’ve been out since 9 pm Friday. Is everyone keeping safe and warm?
  13. I've been battling depression for a couple of years. I'm currently in a space where I can accomplish the very basics (and we don't have kids at home so daily clutter is a minimum) but ugh, my house needs a good washing. I'm thinking about hiring a cleaner but I have no idea how. Good luck, OP. It's daunting.
  14. I'm 51 and I still use this trick 😅 (yes, I'm pretty sure I'd be diagnosed with dyscalculia or something similar were I kid today)
  15. Right there with all of you with my college kid. Even on Vyvanse he's struggling so much; I wonder if it's the right dose or even medication. How is it that these companies seemingly have no accountability to provide enough medication for people? (I don't really want a complex answer, just to vent)
  16. I just use a freebie eye mask from the airlines when I need one, but DS loves his weighted eye mask by NodPod https://nodpod.com/ I use Loop earplugs; I've never had luck sleeping in other kinds but I find these comfortable (even as a side sleeper) https://us.loopearplugs.com/. I wear them in public sometimes too (my hair covers them)
  17. I've never seen it spelled out so I assumed it was pronounced like Yeee-Awww like a wannabe cowboy-esque YeeHaw but without the H.
  18. May I suggest Loop earplugs. https://us.loopearplugs.com Excellent for concerts, muting the annoyance of snoring partners, softening the noisiness of loud children, drowning out bad country music in Target, saving ones sanity from the neighbours barking dogs and so much more. I wish for you a quiet night.
  19. So what if a person feels all three ways all at once and all the time? 😳😫
  20. I have read that a lot of peri/menopausal women are diagnosed with ADHD. Either they've masked all their lives and it's showing through without the filter, or it can look a lot the same. I've been unpeeling my own layers and since ADHD and autism run in my family neither would surprise me. I'm exhausted from hiding myself.
  21. No. I drink coffee but just out of habit and I like it. It doesn't really affect me.
  22. I've wondered if they would help. I sure do relate to DS in so many ways and can't concentrate worth anything. I don't really want to go through a whole evaluation though. Anxiety meds have helped me in a huge way, but in truth it's not enough. I'm just walking the line, you know?
  23. Yes--that's what I just bought. Love them!
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