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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. On a happier note, we got to use a restaurant gift card last night. We are loosely planning to see a movie next visit. Wasn’t much playing this week. I’m hoping I get second interview for casino job. They said I should hear something by end of this week. Ds has not been a butt this summer. It’s nice. And he did get one YouTube channel monetized so he’s excited about that. We watched part of a show together the other night and laughed (the one where only one person is not an actor and they think it’s real jury duty). I have zoom interview today for 9 weeks construction course that meets in Sept. If I get in and don’t have a job yet I’ll go through it. But I don’t know if my orthotics will be enough to help me in a trade job. I ordered a new model night splint. I’ll order second one later.
  2. He wouldn’t wreck it. We’d drive slowly in an empty parking lot or isolated roads. I realize now it’s moot. The school has papers you need. They are closed. And someone told me you also need something notarized.
  3. @bolt.What are you talking about? Ds didn’t make any decision. He went from excitedly talking about how he’s almost old enough/old enough to drive (when I hung out with him on his birthday and another visit leading up to it) to saying he doesn’t think dad wants him to drive this summer. He didn’t express a lot, it was said matter-of-factly… but it definitely did not feel like he had any control or input. It’s moot. The school is closed for summer and you can’t get the papers from the office.
  4. If he’s not ready, we can stop. But if he needs extra practice and we wait, it might feel rushed at age 16 when there’s all this pressure to have your DL. In our area, anyway.
  5. I can’t see him making him wait 2 years. Especially in a state where public transportation is very limited and ds keeps yearning to get a job. He’s volunteering in dad’s library over the summer but I know he wants a paid job sooner than later. I suggested a bike but he’s always shunned riding a bike and didn’t want me to buy one when I inquired a couple Christmases ago. He brought up driving age a couple times before/after his 15th birthday which is why I was hoping I could do some driving with him this summer to ease into it. I just want him to have plenty of practice.
  6. I think the implication was that earlier permit = earlier license — then auto rates go up.
  7. Well I don’t know exactly how to answer that. He’s never been behind the wheel. I saw it as a way for him to get extra practice. He doesn’t have to get the license earlier just because he gets the permit at 15? I delayed mine til I was a senior in high school. But not sure that did me any favors. It’s a toss up.
  8. I followed up with the casino and they said I should get an update by end of this week (ie like if I’ll get a second interview). Xh is being vague about what’s holding up ds from getting a learning permit. Ds thinks dad doesn’t want him to get it this summer. Someone suggested to me that dad is trying to delay affecting his auto insurance. My hands are tied, but I sent ds a link to the study guide. I’ll try to get him a hard copy later. Ds doesn’t seem too upset but I think this summer would be a great time to practice. I got limited practice in my Driver’s Ed class at school. And I have access to roads that aren’t used much. I know parking lots are always an option, too.
  9. Well that was a letdown. They start telling you more about the company and the job and it sounds awful lol. And they wanted me to work Mon-Saturday every week. I said that won't work for me because of my kids (who wants to work six days a week?). I want a short commute to wherever I work so I guess I'll have to wait and see... the casino job would be a 20 min commute from that townhouse. That's OK but not ideal to me. I would need to come up with $1830 to move in (first month's rent, deposit, pet fee, application fee).
  10. In the past 48 hours I’ve done 2 preliminary interviews. One was on a site where you record your answers (casino job). Another was a group zoom call which I walked into late (zoom insisted on an update and I had issues). Somehow I got called back for a round 2 even though no one asked me any questions in the group zoom. They said they base it on notes from the initial phone call, too. Normally you’d go in person, but they offered me zoom today given my circumstances. Which is a huge relief. But I did offer to work with them on date to arrive in person. It’s in Alabama. But like 45 min from the kids so not too far. Yesterday this landlord reached out that he’s now got a unit available but I couldn’t do anything about it. I think I’d need to take out a loan to cover all the upfront costs (Dad can’t help, just bought new a/c unit) and it’s not near the AL job so I just need to see where this goes. If I got the casino job it would make sense, though.
  11. The first podiatrist tried that and it was awful. It gave no relief and was one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. The second podiatrist said if he does them he makes a cocktail so it’s not just straight steroid and it shouldn’t be unpleasant like that.
  12. I think they will be too small but I appreciate it! I will see what happens with the ones I ordered and keep the walk fits in mind as something else to buy if I need something.
  13. Oh! Someone once mentioned that style to me and I forgot all about them. I think that would stay put better. I wake up with them coming loose or completely unvelcroed sometimes but I do think it’s better than not wearing them. I’ll add those to my cart. Thanks!!
  14. I’ve been wearing them almost every night for over 2 years… the Velcro sucks and they come loose. They are the worst engineered design ever. I discuss then around 2:45
  15. I really didn’t know how to read the comments regarding shoe brands/experiences. I can see how you both interpreted it. My final takeaway is Xero shoes come in different types so if you consider them probably avoid loops and look at a model called trail runners (I don’t think the word sandal nor trail runner was initially used which is probably part of the confusion here).
  16. Lol I think the thread was about giving bank info to a person, not a legit website at checkout
  17. @Carol in Cal. I wear a size 9. I will look up some of those items. I know going without indoor shoes (I had worn to the YMCA pool since they are sandals and just left in the car a bit) and lapsing on my stretching was bad. I’m back to wearing them inside. I gained some weight recently which doesn’t help so I’m trying to get back on track there. I biked & went on short walk today. But biking is easier on my body (and swimming). I stood on the slant board today which I know helps. Other stretches that help involve a device I own and propping my leg up in a doorway. I think today I’ll make a check list to get myself on routine. Part of that is tracking my water intake again (which I’m doing today… I left my largest thermos at the office by mistake and it was there for days).
  18. I didn’t take the post to necessarily mean actual social media photos so much as “instagram-worthy” or cute Pinterest type ideas on display.
  19. Well I got very discouraged because for a brief period I was doing them daily and didn’t seem to notice if it actually helped. I know I’m probably not making sense. I know I do need to at the very least stretch the calves. I own several devices and night splints but don’t use all the devices frequently like I need to. My worst flare up was when I was overweight and working nights at Dollar General. They wouldn’t let me sit and I was on concrete floors for hours. I quit.
  20. I don’t know if all people that get PF flare ups have a short, tight fascia. They had me flex my foot at physical therapy and pointed out that it looks like a taut guitar string. I’m on my second podiatrist & wanted to get the orthotics while I still have this insurance plan. After I move, I might lose it (if I get a different FT job with less coverage).
  21. Yes. I went to several weeks of physical therapy for the issue but the exercises seem like they are pointless sometimes and helpful others. That’s probably why I’ve been so inconsistent. The calf stretching I do on a slant board — I feel an immediate difference but then the next day it’s like I had never done it. The root issue isn’t really resolved. Like cutting long grass then it is back.
  22. I have read about this but cannot fathom trying it because I’m in pain without shoes on in my home. Does it feel like you’re just wearing a sock or what?
  23. Ok well sometimes we have no control over when ideas hit and only control over what we do with those ideas. I would say you could begin a list in advance and if ideas hit leading up the event, add them to the list. But people like me have poor time management so unless I execute the ideas in advance, it will serve me no good to just have the list. I routinely procrastinate and am not motivated until I’m deadline is looming. Short answer: force a deadline. Create a list Reality: Procrastination/adrenaline/motivation may guide you and it’s last minute
  24. I’ve outlined some things about my PF journey on my YouTube. I’ll make a new video eventually after I try the custom ones. This video is a yr old. https://youtu.be/aF_hoK6MrNQ
  25. The PF has impacted my life a lot in the past 2 years but I used the SuperFeet when I was a cashier after a horrible flare up many years ago. I’ve purchased expensive running shoes in the past few years (Mizuno & Brooks) but they don’t really offer arch support. I replace with my own insoles. Currently my feet ache if I walk more than 45 min on the treadmill. It is messing up my exercise goals & job opportunities.
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