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Everything posted by eleileen

  1. HELP! DS1 (age 5) had just started kindergarten, has good reading skills (his teacher estimates around mid 1st-2nd grade level) but apparently managed to flunk his 1st DIBELS testing. His teacher seems unconcerned, as he is among the top readers in his class, but can someone who know more about this help provide more information? I did do some research online and found the more information (including the sample tests the kids are put through). I can definitely see my oldest refusing to read the 'nonsense' words just because it's not something that makes sense to him. I am extremely surprised he could not identify the letters & sounds in the 1 minute test (he can do that fluently by about age 4 & my younger son 3 year old son can probably identify most of the letter sounds). Maybe I need to learn and administer the test to him so he does fine when they repeat it in a few months? Also, I need to find out the repercussions of him 'failing' this test (although he's obvious not put in any remedial reading classes but in with the AR readers).
  2. HELP! DS1 (age 5) had just started kindergarten, has good reading skills (his teacher estimates around mid 1st-2nd grade level) but apparently managed to flunk his 1st DIBELS testing. His teacher seems unconcerned, as he is among the top readers in his class, but can someone who know more about this help provide more information? I did do some research online and found the more information (including the sample tests the kids are put through). I can definitely see my oldest refusing to read the 'nonsense' words just because it's not something that makes sense to him. I am extremely surprised he could not identify the letters & sounds in the 1 minute test (he can do that fluently at about age 4 & my younger son 3 year old son can probably identify most of the letter sounds). Maybe I need to learn and administer the test to him so he does fine when they repeat it in a few months? Also, I need to find out the repercussions of him 'failing' this test (although he's obvious not put in any remedial reading classes but in with the AR readers).
  3. good luck! I have a young-er K son too (end of July baby). lots of people (inc his pre-K) teacher told us to hold him back due to his age, but since he's already reading and doing math at grade 1-2 level, we decided to just get him started with K this year and he is thriving so far! (though we get complaints from him about the work being too easy sometimes).
  4. great resources here! I like the early-reading books and k12readers.com
  5. subbing the above ideas for my own 3.5 year old while we do 'school' with the older kid
  6. interesting! at my son's kindy class, I would guess that 15 out of the 20 kids attended some type of preschool. My son reads at about mid grade 1 level and we're working on more challenging books. most kids in his class could read CVC words pretty well.
  7. I am interested in purchasing these too. potentially looking at these ones: http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Resources-Giant-Magnetic-Base/dp/B004DIZ7H6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1380167899&sr=8-4&keywords=base+10+blocks http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Resources-Plastic-Starter-LER0930/dp/B000F8VBBO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380167949&sr=8-1&keywords=base+10+blocks
  8. interesting post. definitely 'play' with kids getting used to adult 'work' has merits.
  9. agree with having item returned before making refund. the return shipping should be paid for by the buyer (paypal policy & most credit card companies too)
  10. you can get it from target.com and then return to store if there are major issues with the look/design. another option would bw walmart.
  11. agree with getting the owner to do necessary remedy work. your city should have an agency who helps with such issues.
  12. our house is mostly carpet and we bought a hoover steamer recently. great brushes and it does a good job cleaning. cheaper than getting the pros to come in (plus I do not like the strong chemicals they use)
  13. we are starting the official 'k' year (we are afterschoolers), but in my DS1 'jr k' year, we did SM essentials (would do it again), ETC (may have waited a little) and an ecletic mix of BOB books, HOP, etc. I am now looking for a solid spelling program -- AAS seems to have great reviews. Just mulling over due to the costs
  14. *lurking*. I'm ISO a level one AAS set too, currently looking on ebay.
  15. i agree with the above. my 5 year old (just started K), we are afterschooling, is already reading basic books. he picks his own books at our local library or bookstore. sure, some of it consists of thomas the train, transformers, etc which is not super educational, but that is what he enjoys and he is interested in reading to find out more of the storyline.
  16. i did some SM 1a & added miquon as well. and printed some worksheets online.
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