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Posts posted by littlebug42

  1. I would do it.  The year my Dad died, it was the end of August and I just could not pull out any motivation for homeschool.  That year, we enrolled in our state's K12 virtual academy.  It wasn't perfect and I got frustrated with it by the end of the year but it gave us what we needed for me to get through that year.  Next school year, we were back to business as usual.  Take some pressure off of yourself.  

  2. My DH is super supportive of me and trusts me to do what I need to do to educate the girls.  His involvement is that he helps them with complicated math stuff on the weekends and he spends all day with them on the weekends while I work.  They do things together, go places and he watches documentaries with them.  When we vacation, we always love doing field trip stuff incorporated into our trip.  We are both happy with our situation.  

  3. For me, eating late at night is a killer.  It doesn't matter what it is.  If I eat within a few hours of going to bed, I will have acid reflux.  I drink 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda diluted in a 1/2 cup of water before I go to bed and this usually keeps the symptoms at bay for me.  

  4. The DL is definitely for the security of the person showing the apartment to them.  The realtor/leasing person is putting themselves in a very vulnerable position to take particularly men into a vacant apartment in a building where likely many aren't home during the day.  We were also taught things like never boxing yourself in a room with them and keeping yourself closest to the door at all times. 


    The SS card is to verify that they are running credit/background check on the right person.  It can also be a way to verify that the person is a legal resident of the country.  This is a requirement for subsidized housing and some communities that may be operating with a federal tax credit.  All pretty standard industry stuff.  The income requirements are in place to hopefully get residents who can easily pay their rent and utilities, etc. 


    ETA: We never took cash for anything.  Money order is best way to get her money with no risk involved. 

  5. I struggle with this except my problem is that I do share many interests with my oldest daughter which makes it easy.  I do not share as many things in common with my younger child so I am constantly afraid that she will feel slighted by me.  I just try to show her that I appreciate her accomplishments and how proud I am of her.  I find ways to support her with classes, etc, whatever I can do to feed her passions, the same as I do for her sister, even if her pursuits don't interest me as much. 


  6. Middlemarch.  I was supposed to read it in college.  Gave up and bought Cliff's notes.  


    Also, in high school, Lord of the Flies.  Hated it.  On our reading lists for the year with my girls, I give them two passes.  If they encounter a book they really loathe, they can pass twice and get a substitute book.  My Lord of the Flies experience colored my decision with this policy. 

  7. Lots of park days and time with friends.  Sweet-pea is going to girl scout camp for the first time this year and Boo Boo has a week long day camp.  Boo Boo is also participating in a local parks gardening club for the summer.   Sweet-pea wants to audition for a few musicals so rehearsals will also likely be a big part of the summer. 

  8. One of our favorite things to do is to pick up a rotisserie chicken from Sam's/grocery store and a pack of hawaiian rolls.  My daughter's like to make little sandwiches.  


    I also use my crock pot to make chicken broth or beef broth overnight.  I turn it on before I go to bed and then by morning, I have broth to make soup, etc.  We also eat a lot of sandwiches in the summer.  I do use my crock pot a lot as well but those items I put on in the morning and leave until we get home.  

  9. I used to be an apartment manager in my life before kids.  It was written in our lease that if the tenant wanted to paint, they were welcome to but apartment had to be returned to its original color before they left or it would be taken out of security deposit.   I would not expect the landlord to pay to paint a room because of a color preference.  I would ask them to pay if the paint was old and in poor condition. 

  10. The first part of my grocery list always reads:

    1/2 and 1/2

    orange juice

    bread (wheat and sourdough)



    Meat standards are ground beef, whole chicken, chicken tenders, bacon, and occasionally pork chops or sausage.  I buy steaks every few months. 


    I always have butter, olive oil and coconut oil.  Condiments on hand are mayo, ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, and ranch dressing.  There is always cheese and if our schedules are super busy, you will find lunch meat in there as well. I am also addicted to hummus from Trader Joe's. 


    Produce on hand always include salad ingredients like lettuce, carrots, green onions, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.  Usually there are apples, strawberries and cantaloupe.  I also love peaches and nectarines when they are in season.  Always have potatoes and dd12 loves sugar snap pea pods.  


    In our freezer you will most often find frozen peas, corn and mixed veggies along with lots of frozen fruit.  Usually french fries are in there too. 


    Pantry staples would be macaroni and cheese, tomato soup, kidney beans, pinto beans, tea, hot chocolate, basmati rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, chicken and/or beef broth, taco sauce, taco shells, tortilla chips, peanut butter.  


  11. If you have a dutch oven for your fire, we always make a "beef stew".  I bring stew meat (Pre-browned at home if you want), beef broth, an onion and whole potatoes and carrots and cook for the afternoon in the fire coals.  You can put whatever veggies in there you want.  You just have to be sure to check periodically to keep liquid in there.  Easy and yummy.  Chili is also easy in a dutch oven.  


    My daughter likes to take the foil packets as mentioned above.  We also take some pre-wrapped burritos.  I wrap them in aluminum foil so they can be heated in the coals.  This is one of my oldest girl's favorites while camping.  It is easy for her to eat on the go.  I try to focus on protein heavy meals since the kids exert so much energy while we are camping.  

  12. I think much depends on the specific charter school that you are using the program through.  We did OHVA in Ohio one year when my kids were in K and 2 grade.  It was fine.  The teachers pretty much left me alone as soon as they figured out that my kids and I were all competent.  I used it the year my Dad died because I needed the extra help to keep the kids moving along and it gave us something to focus on.  We immediately returned to traditional homeschooling the next year after I was able to pull myself together.  It all depends on what you are looking to get out of it but you do need to remember that your students are definitely public school students and you are required to jump through their hoops.  The tradeoff has never been worth it for me.  I do know others though that have used this method of schooling all along and love it.  I think you need to make a list of what is most important for you for your kids' education journey and then see where these kinds of charter schools fit. 

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