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Posts posted by littlebug42

  1. I am in a rut and would like to pose this question.  Suppose you are planning a family dinner for your daughters' collective birthdays.  Considering the following parameters, what would you serve?


    20-25 people (includes 2 small children and 5 teens/tweens)

    3 of them are gluten free. 

    6 of them are pretty picky eaters (some of them adults)

    No other food allergies. 

    No vegetarians or vegans. 

    Not a crazy amount of work.  This dinner comes after three other events with food that you are hosting in the same week.  

    Early November date with unpredictable weather.  Could be 70 degrees, could be 40. '

    You always serve mexican food for this particular event and are interested in changing it up some. 




  2. We just went through this last week.  Woke up to bat flying in our bedroom.  Consulted ER doc and public health and was told to wait until results came back to seek treatment.  My dh and I were at risk as were the cats.  We kept the cats locked in the basement until we got results back.  Bat was negative.  This happened on a Thursday and we had to wait until Wednesday to get results back because no testing is done on Fridays so it couldn't be tested until Monday.  We were pretty confident that neither of us were bitten but werent sure about the cats.   Public Health had us take ours to the Animal Shelter and they euthanized and stored it for us.  Also, a local wildlife center offered to euthanize for us  so we could take it to the shelter to await transport.  We are also in Ohio.  

  3. Our vet recommended a combo of wet and dry food.  He said that in his experience almost all cats on an all dry diet are overweight.  We have two cats and give each of them one can of fancy feast in the morning and then we put out about 1/2 cup of dry food that they share later in the day.  So far they are both healthy and have maintained a healthy weight. 


    Sorry about your kitty, Wooly Socks.  We used to have our own sweet orange kitty and he was plagued with sensitive stomach issues his whole life.  He finally settled on Fancy Feast and even at the end, it was the only food he could keep down consistently.  We just continued that trend with our new kitties.  

  4. I work in our areas level 1 trauma center and work directly with the radiologists and ER physicians.  I don't know what they make but I think they earn every penny.  I do not know how our ER docs manage to come to work every day and see the things they see and put up with the things that they put up with.  The level of responsibility carried by both sets of docs in mind-boggling and incredibly stressful.


    I know the radiologists do well enough financially but I wouldn't really consider any of them rich.   

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  5. My dh and kids have been having a great time with this together.  My kids have been walking way more than normal.  Also, when out and about today, they met several neighbors that were out too.  Adults, families and kids.  My daughter came home and said the game was making an awesome nerd community.  

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  6. Took Clomid but my ovaries became severely hyperstimulated.  Ovaries are supposed to measure in the vicinity of 3 cm.  Mine were each 13+ cm.   My ovaries were close to touching in the middle of my pelvis.  Painful.  All of the follicles it stimulated turned cystic. After talking to RE, turns out the clomid was making me produce eggs but making my uterine environment hostile to implantation.  Did learn that the outside skin on my ovaries was too thick to allow ovulation.  Nothing could escape from them.  So, I had surgery where the doc drilled a bunch of holes in them with a laser.  Worked.  I was able to conceive 4 times on my own after surgery, although we had 2 miscarriages.  

  7. I agree with what techwife wrote above and so much of what has been said throughout this thread, but as someone that works at a hospital, I wanted to offer another point of view.  So much of what is being described above is what many patient's families demand from us as health care workers.  Patient is any pain - fix it.   Patient is agitated - fix it.   We see so many elderly patients subjected to so much testing, meds etc because that is what is demanded by the families.  Fix it.  Oh, and don't forget to fix it fast.  That is a whole other kind of pressure put on these docs and the facilities. 

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  8. My children have always gone back on their own and then the dentist talks to me at the end.  It has been better for my kids.  I have significant dentist anxiety myself so I think they were better off without me present.  I did not want to pass that anxiety on to them.  It has never been a problem.  The new dentist in our practice has a very open door policy and wont do anything that makes the child uncomfortable.   They also go back alone at the orthodontist.  

  9. A friend of mine cleans houses for cheap.  I have her come clean the house once or twice a month.  Since I went back to work full time, this has been a lifesaver for me and it doesn't cost a fortune. 


    I have a one year old cat that is a major snuggler.  My recliner + fleece blanket + cat + cup of tea= easy relaxation for me


    My 14 year old has taken the initiative to start doing all of her own laundry.  Dh does his own laundry.  Awesome for me.

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  10. It isn't British but I would recommend Numb3rs.  It is on Netflix.  I am currently re-binge watching this one and I like it a lot.  It is not gory and it has strong characters plus they use math to solve crimes, although admittedly I have no idea if the math is even remotely sound because most of what they talk about is way over my head.  

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  11. Not sure what I am getting from dh but I did get $150 in Amazon gift cards from one of the doctors I work for.  I bought myself a pair of awesome socks, a new heating pad and a new Kitchenaid blender.  Any cash that I from my Mom and MIL is going towards new fiesta ware dishes with maybe a sprinkling of the new Pioneer Woman dishes thrown in for variety. 

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