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Posts posted by littlebug42

  1. I'm going to take a wild guess that the flavor/texture/whole taste experience just MIGHT not have been the same as you remember if you'd taken a bite upon his return...


    BBQ freezes well (so we can bring it home successfully).  I'm not quite so sure about Whataburgers.   ;)


    Your are right but rational thought doesn't always go hand in hand with pregnancy.  


    When I was in college in Austin, I had a friend tell me never to eat at Whataburger because in the future, you would find yourself with the worst cravings and be far from a Whataburger location.  I should have heeded his advice.  It has been 20 years since I left Austin and I still crave them from time to time.  

  2. First pregnancy: Constant nausea with little to no vomiting for the first 12 weeks.  2nd trimester I felt a little better but then started vomiting daily for most of the 2nd trimester and part of the 3rd.  


    Second Pregnancy: Hyperemesis that hospitalized me 3 times in the first 12 weeks.  Vomiting disappeared pretty much once 2nd trimester hit but that first one was a doozy.  It convinced me that I never wanted to be pregnant again.  DH also said that he couldn't watch me do it again.  Horrible.  Being pregnant was miserable. 

  3. Actually, even if his reasons are discriminatory, it may not be illegal.  There is a loophole in federal fair housing laws called Mrs. Murphy's law.  It states that if a person owns fewer than four rental units and lives in one of them, they are not bound by fair housing laws.  They can deny anyone for any reason and don't have to explain it.    http://fairhousing.foxrothschild.com/2013/04/articles/fha-basics/the-fhas-mrs-murphy-exemption-a-50-state-guide/

  4. My daughter primarily uses cloth pads.  She is 12.  She loves the ones from Pink Lemonade Shop with both the minky and the bamboo velour top.  I have made some for her as well that are fleece bottoms with flannel on top.  I bought some fabric from Amazon to use as an inner layer http://www.amazon.com/Zorb-Super-Absorbent-Fabric-Made/dp/B00B4CGTYO/ref=sr_1_1?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1404163924&sr=1-1&keywords=cloth+diaper+fabric.  


    I also got some that I love from a company called Blossom Pads but they are closed indefinitely.  I have a bunch more fabric and need to get some more made but it would be so much easier if I had a serger.  I think I may sew a bunch together and take them to my MIL's house and serge them.  


    ETA: We dont care for the ones with the PUL Backing.  Much prefer the fleece backing. 


  5. We have been to the stores in Chicago and the one in St. Louis.  I much preferred the one in St. Louis and that is the one younger daughter still talks about.  We went into the little bistro and had dessert.  Boo-Boo ordered cookies and milk and they served the milk in a little glass bottle.  She still talks about that several years later.  The Chicago store was just overwhelming in its size and the cafe there was just too expensive.  

  6. For our homeschool group potlucks for the most part, everyone brings their own (I usually bring extra in case anyone forgets).  We sometimes have them at a church that allows us to use their plates, etc.  If I were going to one at someone's home, I would expect they would provide these items.  

  7. Yep.  I don't bother anymore with selling or buying used.  I will buy used from somewhere like Better World Books or Amazon if I can get a cheap price.  Otherwise, I would just rather buy it new.  I would rather just give my stuff away to people I know can get some use out of it. 

  8. I do get most of my support from my local homeschool group.  It is such an incredible group of people.  Not everyone schools in the same way we do, but they definitely give me the encouragement to continue and recharge my batteries to be able to continue.  I have one Mom in another state that is my curriculum facebook buddy.  We always have some lengthy curriculum discussions in the spring.  

  9. I voted other for all three questions. 


    1) We homeschool partially for academic reasons but primarily for social reasons.  Dh and I both find that the pressure on children, particularly girls, to grow up way too fast was just something we did not want to be a part of.  Now, after doing it for 9 years, we continue because we love the lifestyle and whole experience. 


    2) At one time or another, we have used all of the curriculum options listed.  We are very eclectic and I pick materials based on the needs of my children and what will get done.  


    3) We use textbooks, workbooks, living books, etc.  Again, I use what will get done.  Both of my children read extensively and that is the primary basis of their education. 

  10. I just tried the recipe from the Pioneer Woman and it was good even with cauliflower instead of pasta! We used provelone and some Romano to add variety. and like someone else said, add a good, strong mustard powder!




    I use the recipe from Pioneer Woman with a combo of sharp cheddar and gouda.  It is very yummy.  


    For something completely different, I made this sweet potato and brie mac and cheese.  So good. 



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