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Posts posted by littlebug42

  1. Adults and children that feel it is their obligation to inform my children that there is no Santa.  I would never do something willingly to hurt a child that way. 


    Decorating.  The house is generally a mess anyway so it just seems like putting lipstick on a pig. 


    People asking me what to get my kids for Christmas.  I have to take notes to remember who I told what so my kid doesn't get three of the same thing that then I have to return after Christmas. 


    Returning duplicate gifts after Christmas.  


    This year, I hate that I have to work on Christmas day.  

  2. I sympathize, Moxie.  This is the area that I struggle with the most with the Catholic Church.  My husband (not a practicing Catholic) is adamant that he does not want any more children.  I know that getting pregnant again would be a nightmare for my body and would basically take me away from my other children and my husband for the entire pregnancy.  I feel like I owe the children I have a mother too and can't risk that to have more children.  This is an issue that could be a major wedge in my marriage.  It is driving me away from the Church because there just is no resolution of the two sides.  I admire your strength and your faith.  I pray that it becomes easier and you find some peace. 




    How can you tell if someone's socks are inside out? Aren't they covered by shoes, and the top covered by pants?  :confused1:



    This usually comes up with the people I live with or obviously I am around when they aren't wearing shoes.  It isn't something I inspect in strangers. 


    My family does not wear shoes in our home.  However, if you come to visit, you can wear them or not, your choice.  I would never ask someone to remove their shoes to enter my home.

  4. We have a local radio station that plays NOTHING BUT HOLIDAY SONGS starting on Thanksgiving all the way through New Year's Day.  It's normally a pop/lite rock station.  I wonder how they manage to keep any listeners during that time.  


    We normally have this but ours started on Halloween this year.  Insanity.  There is such a thing as too much Christmas music. 

  5. We do Santa.  My kids have always believed although I suspect they know now that he isn't real but won't speak up in fear of losing out on a gift.   :laugh:   We put out cookies and egg nog on the mantle.  I have never done any of the letters to Santa, etc.  At our house, Santa doesn't wrap gifts.  All are wrapped except the Santa gift and it sits out with their stockings, also full.  

  6. I hate baseball but Bull Durham is my favorite movie. 


    I was never an advocate of attachment parenting.  My children slept in their own rooms and occasionally were left to cry.  Neither are maladjusted and we are perfectly well bonded, thanks.  Works for you, awesome but I don't appreciate being told that I scarred my children for life either. 


    I am so sick of everyone constantly espousing this dietary theory or the other.  I don't need to constantly be told/reading on facebook about how your diet is superior to everyone else and those who don't follow it already have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.  My husband's grandmother just turned 90, is diabetic and eats Lucky Charms with chocolate milk on them for breakfast.  


    I wish everyone would just live and let live.  Live life the way you want to and spend less time worrying about how others live theirs. 


    The whole helicopter parent vs free range parent debate drives me crazy.  See previous post and don't worry about how I parent my child.  


    I hate dogs. 


    I hate Starbucks but could live with a Tim Horton's coffee IV.  


    I have never seen ET and have no desire to so.  Never even wanted to see it when I was a kid. 


    I wish I was a better unschooler because I am so tired of homeschooling.  The thought of doing it for 7 more years depresses me.  However, in my mind, there are no affordable, acceptable alternatives. 


    I love doughnuts and they are my biggest junk food weakness.  


  7. About 16 or 17 years ago, I was diagnosed with tears in both of my retinas.  At that time, I had a laser surgery on my right eye and a cryo surgery on my left eye.  So far, I have had no complications and no further tearing.  I do have a first cousin (much older than I am) that had surgery for a retinal detachment and I will always be at risk of my retinas detaching.  I am severely nearsighted so I am constantly alert to any possible symptoms of detachment.  


    ETA: I agree that he definitely needs to see a retinal specialist.  When I was referred and went to see mine, he did laser surgery the same day because he felt it should not wait any longer to be treated. 

  8. Just an FYI-medical transcription jobs are definitely not what they used to be.  As more and more hospitals/doctors move to voice recognition for their transcription needs and/or outsourcing to companies that pay next to nothing, even the jobs out there are difficult to make a good wage.  I have been through this transition and all of the transcriptionists at the hospital I work for were laid off in favor of voice recognition.  I was able to get another job in the hospital and maintain my good pay rate but a friend of mine, with about 25 years experience, went to work for one of the outside services and is just barely pulling in minimum wage now.  I don't recommend that anyone go into medical transcription at this time. 

  9. The Cincinnati area is really nice and has a top notch Children's Hospital.  The cost of housing is pretty reasonable in SW Ohio.  We live an hour north of Cinci and are very happy here.  Many great resources for homeschoolers as well.  



  10. Also, strict and nice do not have to be opposites.  One can certainly be strict - with expected standards - and still be nice.

    Very true. The best teacher I ever had was my Senior year AP English teacher in high school. I worked harder in that class than any other in my life, including college. He expected a lot from his students and we gave it to him willingly because honestly, I also don't think I have ever met a nicer man. I am modeling my kids high school plan after this man.

  11. I also wouldn't do it. My youngest child would be really hurt if I did something like this with her sister and didn't include her. Also, she would not want to go without her sister. For me, it would be all or nothing.

  12. I am struggling with this decision as well. I am required to get the flu shot since I work in a hospital. Sweet-Pea can get the flu mist but Boo-Boo is my asthmatic. I had never done the flu shot before but decided to start with her two years ago because of her asthma. My struggle is that she is deathly afraid of needles and shots for her require several adults to physically hold her down while she screams and thrashes. She goes to a place beyond all reason when faced with these shots. It is very traumatic for everyone involved. Just not sure I want to do that to her again this year. Trying to weigh if the risk is worth it.

  13. I spend about $6-7 per person per week. That does include some organic foods but not everything. I do buy high quality meat as well. We are working on doing all whole foods and I would say we have now gotten it to 90/10 and I am comfortable there. I cook more than I used to but it doesn't bother me too much. I go to a few different stores and watch sales for the meat I do buy and work my meals around what is on sale. I cannot however buy much in the way of snack foods. If I do, it shoots my budget. We have popcorn and an air popper here and I have been making my own homemade sweets, etc. I get a lot of stuff at Trader Joe's and then a local grocery chain that has a great points program where I can get organic milk cheaper than regular, if I spend my points right. We also use local, farm fresh eggs that we get at the local farmer's market.

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