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Posts posted by littlebug42

  1. We will be happily out of town living in ignorant bliss. Our phone will ring about a million times that day as it usually does on election day and I am so sick of elections and politicians that I cannot wait for it all to be over. I will likely check the numbers a few times on the internet but have no desire to listen to any more political mumbo-jumbo. As if I was not cynical enough about the whole process before, living in a "battleground" state has made me pretty much dislike every possible candidate.

  2. The girls will be able to eat a little after trick or treat. Dh and I will pull out the stuff that they don't like/can't have and either keep it for ourselves or pitch it. Then, we tend to hang onto it for desserts. They don't tend to go overboard and honestly, we still have candy left from trick or treat last year. I will pitch that before Tuesday.

  3. It has always been explained to me that with life insurance you should carry enough to replace that person's monetary contributions to the family for one year. Obviously with dh working full time, enough to cover his salary for a year would be ideal at minimum. For me, I only work part time so my monetary contribution is less but we would have to take into consideration what it would take dh to replace all the rest that I do in addition to that. For instance, private school tuition would be a necessity if I were no longer here because our public schools are in now way any kind of option ever. That is all things that we have to take into consideration.


    We actually have whole life policies that do not expire. We also carry term life policies on each of our children that would cover burial expenses etc if God forbid, anything were to ever happen to them.

  4. We personally have been fairly unaffected by the recession. My dh works is computer systems admin for a local state university and I work at our largest regional hospital. I did change jobs at the same hospital last year because the hospital went to voice recognition for transcription rather than having transcriptionists.


    In general though, our area has been pretty hard hit by the loss of manufacturing jobs. Our local economy was centered around GM and other related manufacturing for so long that now that the plants have closed, we have to figure out a new path.

  5. We don't live in STL but go there every year to for dd8's doctor's appointment. As a word of caution, the City Museum looks awesome but check the admission costs first. We have never made it because it is honestly just too cost prohibitive for us.


    We love the zoo. There is also a wolf sanctuary and a world bird sanctuary that we plan to check out this year.


    We will be there on my daughter's birthday this year and she has requested The Magic House children's museum and dinner at Fitz's http://www.fitzsrootbeer.com/. Also, a must visit for us is the Crown Candy Kitchen for ice cream. http://crowncandykitchen.net/

  6. Well, I remember being taught in church when I was younger that the Catholic church was evil and that Catholic were certainly all going to hell. I became Catholic as an adult so it apparently did not have too much influence.


    I also remember spending about a year in sunday school discussing the evils of rock music and the messages you could supposedly hear if you played the records backwards. I could never hear anything and never did figure out why anyone would be trying the play them backwards except for the purposes of lessons such as those.

  7. I pray that you reach an end to this soon. It is so miserable. HG is why I only have two children. The thought of ever being pregnant again just makes me want to cry.


    For the hospital, when I needed to go for IV fluids, my OB always sent me to labor and delivery at our local hospital. I never went through the actual ER. The nurses were much better at helping me and they knew just want to do for me. Maybe talk to your OB about something like this.

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