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Posts posted by littlebug42

  1. Most of this list looks the same as it does every day with a few exceptions


    School work

    Figure out what I am making for dinner

    Make dinner



    Continue working on planning school for next year so I know how much of the income tax refund check we will need to buy stuff

    Figure out what I did with the girls' leotards etc since they have dance tonight for the first time in a while because of the holidays

    Look for a monologue for dd12 for an audition that she has in a few weeks.   

    Help dd12 with her song for the same audition

    Go over script with girls for homeschool play we are doing


    Then, some prelim plans in case I need to go out of town next week.  My best friend for 24 years may need me to travel to help her with her little boy while she is in another city taking care of her mother in the hospital.  


  2. Part of the story is a love story and there are some sexual references here and there but most of that went over my girls' heads.  I took them to see it at 8 and 10.  They loved it.  They have seen a lot of live theatre.  I wouldn't hesitate.  I thought it was awesome.  

  3. My new UO:  I think I prefer my Kindle to actual books.  I can get new books easily and the books don't take up a ton of space.  I love that I can take it with me and have several options of what to read without lugging heavy books with me.  Some books I will always want to have in hard copy but loving the kindle. 

  4. The biggest hit for me was a Kindle Fire.  I love it.  Miss for me was another Bath and Body Works gift card.  Don't like to shop there anymore but did when I was younger.  I guess it sticks. 


    DH:  Got himself a drill combining some cash and gift cards.  I got him some DVD sets etc that he liked.  Boo Boo got him a white apron that she decorated with fabric paint.  No real misses this year for dh. 


    Sweet-Pea: lots of stuff she wanted from Think Geek and an ipod touch. 


    Boo-Boo:  Much My Little Pony stuff and the Lego Friends set Olivia's House.  She is also thrilled Sweet-Pea got an ipod touch because now she no longer has to share the older one that they have been using.  


    Big Surprise Hit:  Local Broadway tour theatre did an auction where they had messenger bags made out of banners from the tours that have come through.  Dh bought Sweet-Pea one from The Lion King and Boo Boo one from Wicked.  All of this with another auction item, a Broadway swag bag with a bunch of miscellaneous things from different shows.  The girls loved it all.  


    No real misses for anyone this year, except for the gift card.  We were all incredibly blessed. 

  5. I make some really awesome buttermilk biscuits so I will bring those with some yummy honey.  


    I would have loved to have a nap this afternoon but my boss would have frowned on that.  I hate working weekends but it is what it is. 


    I like Kleenex with lotion.  We have tremendous sinus issues and allergies around here so nice soft facial tissues are a must. 

  6. I have had two very difficult pregnancies and two miscarriages.  I cannot physically go through being pregnant again.  I feel it would also be doing a disservice to my family to knowingly remove myself from their lives for a year, because I can only function at the most basic of levels while pregnant.  I have a commitment to my husband and our children and they deserve the best I can give them.  I do not feel the urge for any more children.  

  7. I love facebook.  I have connected with cousins of mine that I have never had the opportunity to know.  My Dad was the youngest of 11 children so many of my first cousins are so much older and I have never known them.  I love it.  Also, since I have friends scattered about the country (and world), I get to see their children grow and feel like I am a part of their lives.  


    I am just ready for Christmas to be over and life to return to normal.  I normally have so much love for Christmas but have had a very hard time mustering it this year. 

  8. Usually we do Christmas Eve at my Moms and all our presents here on Christmas morning.  I have to work tomorrow at 7:30 AM so we are going to open all of our gifts from us tonight and then just Santa and stockings in the morning.  That way the kids don't have to get up too early and I am not late for work. 

  9. Dh is off from work until January 2 so we will still have lots of family time and much slower pace.  However, Christmas tree will be coming down.  Maybe not on 26th but no later than 27th.  We have a small living room, I am claustrophobic and I can't take much more of the clutter.  I also want to get everything taken down and put away while dh is here to help me with it.  

  10. Our Christmas this year is all out of whack because of everyone's work schedules.  We would normally be at my Mom's today but we did that yesterday because Mom has to work today.  Tomorrow, I have to work so we are bumping some of our Christmas day activities to today.  


    Wrap two more gifts (awaiting one from Amazon via UPS today)

    Cook brunch

    Order pizza for dinner

    open all but our Santa presents and stockings (saved for before I leave for work tomorrow)

    quick trip to store

    Christmas Eve tradition to watch Muppet Christmas Carol before bed


    ETA:  Two more gifts to wrap.  We have one being delivered this morning that we didn't think would make it here before Christmas.  So now we can give those to the girls as well today.  They will be so excited. 


  11. This year, I have to be at work at 7:30 AM, so we will have to wake them up.   We are planning to actually open most of our gifts tomorrow but will open "Santa" gifts and stockings on Christmas morning.  They will have to get up at 6:30 so I can see them open and still make it to work on time. 

  12. While not geared to kids, I think the Pioneer woman cookbooks are awesome and my daughters find them very approachable.  She has great pictures of each step, so if you aren't really sure, you can see what it is supposed to look like.  She does the same on her website



  13. I finished my Christmas shopping today.  I thought I just had a few minor stocking stuffers to get. Then, yesterday, BIL and SIL gave Boo-Boo the same gift that we had for her so I had to go replace it today.  Life has been moving at a break-neck pace and I am ready for a little reprieve.  Tomorrow is dinner with my family and I am really looking forward to that. 


    We do compost.  We have a big compost bin that we got from our county a few years ago.  We have raised garden beds in the backyard and some things just go straight in there.  



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