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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Free Download Manager is open source software that does the following (as their blurb says): It works really well. If you have a slow connection and have the regular frustration of your downloads not completely downloading, this is a sanity saver! I see that they now also have free video downloads and upload manager, but I haven't used those yet.
  2. There's no box when I click on the first link and on the second link, I see the box (front cover of the book), but nothing happens when I click on it. I wonder if it could be a copyright thing and the full view is disabled for our region? Can't think of any other explanation.
  3. Should I expect to see a full view of the book? I can only see it in snippet view.
  4. Not curriculum, but some really nice sites for the periodic table of the elements. Periodic Videos- Videos that demonstrate experiments for every element on the periodic table. These were linked on the board before. Webelements- click on the element and then on the microphone to hear about the element A poster of the periodic table of the elements with pictures.
  5. You're definitely winning :001_smile: Thanks for the awesome links.
  6. Art appreciation lesson plans, activities, games, biographies of artists and more at A lifetime of Color
  7. Latin for Beginners The blurb on the site says, First Greek See the rest of the site for answer keys and other Ancient Greek and Latin resources.
  8. Garden of praise has Bible Lessons Literature based reading lessons Biographies of Leaders Art appreciation lessons and other neat resources
  9. We go out as a couple about once a year, but we meet up with friends and do dinner at each other's houses once a month. We have theme evenings (Chinese, Moroccan, Sushi, Christmas in July, etc) and everyone brings a dish or we just do barbeques. The kids all tag along. They all get on well and the youngest of the group is 3, so they don't need constant attention any more. Dinner for two at a good restaurant and a babysitter would come to around US$100.
  10. I voted "Something else Colleen must not consider major" My husband watches all rugby and cricket series (two of the three major sports here, the other beeing football/soccer) - so that is what is on in our living room most - and what we all get to watch. I'd say after that the summer olympics. My 8yo dd particularly liked watching the show jumping and other riding events. I love watching the gymnastics. We hardly ever get to see the smaller sports here, so the Olympics are great.
  11. We're using this for 3rd grade this year. It is excellent.
  12. I love all the great gift suggestions!! Would you mind posting it please? That way I know its a recipe that really works. We did a Jesse tree for the first time last year and read Geraldine McCaughrean's "The Jesse tree" at dinner each evening during advent. It was a really nice way of countering all the commercialisation of Christmas.
  13. You're welcome Paige! Thanks for the compliment.
  14. I made history cards for my daughter that she learned to put in order. You can file them in the files section at this yahoo group. She used the cards as a prompt. The list of events are: • Sumerian Cuneiform was the earliest known writing developed around 3200 BC • King Narmer unified upper and lower Egypt in 3000BC. • Huang Di - The Yellow Emperor reigned in China from 2698 to 2599 BC. • Cheops built the Great Pyramids at Giza in 2500BC. • Sargon the Great of Akkad began the conquest of Sumer and found the Akkadian empire in 2360BC. • The Minoans lived on the island of Crete around 2200 BC. • Abraham is considered the founder of the Hebrews and lived in 2100BC. • Mohenjo-daro was a city of the Indus Valley civilization in India around 2000BC. • Hammurabi became the leader of Babylon and produced a code of laws in 1790BC. • The Hyksos conquered Egypt about 1640 BC. • The Mycenaeans lived in Peloponnesus, the southern peninsula of Greece, between 1900 – 1100 BC. • Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt reigned during the New Kingdom around 1480BC. • Amenhotep IV worshiped the god Atena and abolished the other gods Egyptians worshipped in 1350BC. • Tuthankhamen, the boy pharaoh, reigned Egypt during the New Kingdom around 1333BC. • The Exodus: Moses and the Israelites left Egypt in 1270BC. • The Phoenicians were the best sailors in the Ancient world and were famous for their war-ships. 1000BC. • Homer’s composed his poems the Iliad and the Odyssey in 800BC. • Rome was founded in 753 BC. • Ashurbanipal was the last king of Assyria and reigned from 668 to 627 BC. • King Nebuchadnezzar built the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World in 580 BC. • Prince Siddhartha Gautama of India later became known as the Buddha – meaning the “Awakened One.†He taught meditation & mindfulness as a way to enlightenment. • Cyrus the Great was the founder of the Persian Empire and reigned from 559 to 525 BC. • Confucius in China was born in 551 BC. He taught his followers to be peaceful, honest and kind. • The Peloponnesian Wars were between Sparta and Athens and lasted 60 years. • Alexander the Great who lived from 356-323 BC, built an empire from Greece to India. • The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Cartage from 250-150 BC. • Shih Huang Ti, known as the “First Emperor†unified China for the first time. During his Chin Dynasty he began constructing the Great Wall of China in 221 BC. • Julius of Caesar, who established the Roman Empire, died in 44BC. • Octavian declared himself Emperor Caesar Augustus, marking the birth of Imperial Rome in 30 BC. • Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in 4BC. We also do poetry memorisation, books of the bible, verses, etc. There's memorization file for the grammar stage atLulu.com.
  15. I consider my 8yo daughter to be homeschooled although I work mornings and a lot of her schooling is supervised and taught by our au pair/tutor. I research and decide which curriculum we are going to use, schedule it, review what she has done in the morning and teach math and whatever else I think needs my attention in the afternoons. To many I'm not a "true' homeschooler and I have to admit being told that we're not "good enough" does hurt.
  16. As I said on the other thread, English is my second language and I'm not very confident of my writing skills (or should that be in my writing skills - see?), and then I agonize about posting on a board where everyone seems so eloquent. IRL, I just talk and am not at all reserved about sharing my opinions.
  17. Although English is now our home language, it's not my first language. This means that I'm not a very confident writer and I'm always second-guessing the way something may come across. Before I post, I need know that I'll have the time to edit (and then I still agonize about it!). I'm quite the extrovert in real life and I don't hesitate to take part in most conversations.
  18. Congratulations!! And welcome little brother!
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