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Everything posted by UncleEJ

  1. I am not sure I know what covers you mean. I know about covers that are waterproof for baths, is that what you mean? Or something different? It does suck, because of his age especially. If he were a couple of years older, he might could use crutches. Or, if he were smaller, at least he would be easier to carry around. This is a crummy age for a broken leg (not like there is really a good age).
  2. Ugh! It is so hard to know what to do sometimes. I am tempted to keep alternating because the ibuprofen actually seemed to help. At least until he feels a bit better. I don't know..
  3. Interesting, the ER doc told me I could alternate between the two, but I will look into this. Thanks. Edited to add: I did a quick bit of Googling and it seems that you are right. Apparently the inflammatory response after a break is beneficial and taking an NSAID will lessen it. Makes sense. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!!
  4. As of yesterday when they splinted his leg, there was hardly any swelling. There was a small knot right where the break was but that is it. All that being said, I have no idea what is going on under the splint right now, it could very well be more swollen today. I guess if will have to see what they say, I am about to call.
  5. That was my thought as well. He hurts the most when I have to move him and his leg sort of dangles. The splint he has only goes to below the knee and I think when his knee moves that hurts him a lot.
  6. Yes, they gave him Tylenol with codeine. I gave it to him every four hours after we got home and through the night. This morning he seemed a tiny bit better so gave him a dose of ibuprofen instead.
  7. DS jumped off the bed yesterday and broke his left tibia, a spiral fracture. We went right to the ER and they did an X-ray and put a splint on. Poor baby is in a lot of pain. As long as he is still, he is mostly ok, but any movement makes him scream. I had him go potty in a urinal jug because getting him to the bathroom is near impossible. We were up most of the night. Anyone who has BTDT, does the pain lessen once a cast is on? Or does it just take a couple days? We will hopefully be getting into see ortho today, I will be calling as soon as they open.
  8. Thank you for this tip! I will most definitely try it. I have also heard the same trick works to keep spiders out as well.
  9. I told DH after we got rid of the first one, if it happened again, I would be headed to the animal shelter for a kitten! :-) he doesn't really want a cat because of our dog but I'm not digging having mice!
  10. DH would love that! He hates this house!
  11. If it were me, I would probably go take a warm bath and drink as much water as humanly possible. Maybe wait an hour or so. If nothing changes, or at any time gets worse, I would head to L&D. If it is premature labor, they might be able to stop it. If it's nothing, well then now you know for sure.
  12. Thank you, I guess I'm headed to get some mouse traps! Yuck!
  13. I think I have a mouse in my house. Eeekkk!! If, in fact, there is a mouse, it will be the second one in about a month. The first time I saw one, it run across my living room into the playroom. DH and I hunted it down and killed it. Now, today, I have been hearing a small scratchy noise coming from one of my kitchen cabinets. Now, I should say that I live in a mobile home and they are not known for their airtightness so I am not super surprised if a mouse found its way in.But that does not mean I am not horrified! So what do I do? I don't have a cat and even if I did the cat couldn't get into the cupboard to get the mouse anyway. My home is on the same property as my dad and he has two cats that I could "borrow" (they come down to my house often anyway), but I am not sure how helpful that would be. My first thought was to empty out the cupboard, but then what? I am sure there is an opening somewhere, it's a trailer after all, so it will either escape behind the other cabinets or run out at me. I don't really care for either of these options. My next thought was a trap or poison. I'm not sure about the poison, mostly because once it dies, it still in my cupboard somewhere! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! So maybe a trap? I have never had to deal with this before and have no idea where to even start. Ugh! Please help me!
  14. I feel your pain! My DH was home from July to the middle of October due to a sprained ankle (yes, you can sprain your ankle that badly, he completely severed three ligaments). There were definitely some trials during that time, especially the first month and a half. After that we got used to it and he was more mobile then as well. What helped us was getting his his own ipad, lots of magazines and tv. We got through whole seasons of many shows during that time lol! But I will say that by the time he did go back to work, I actually missed him!
  15. I am so with you on this. It is very scary hearing about healthy adults dying from the flu, but I wonder if some of it is because they are healthy adults. I don't know many health adults that worry to much about the flu and just tough it out figuring they will get better. I think some of it may be that they don't seek medical attention because they figure it is no big deal. I am worried about the flu this year, especially because in am in TX, but I won't be getting the shot. What I will be doing is keeping a very close eye on things. I WILL be seeking medical attention if I catch the flu and anything doesn't seem "right".
  16. I have never brushed my dogs teeth. I do know that you are supposed to but she has never really needed it. She is a big dog though and I believe that has something to do with it. Little dogs seem to have much more trouble with their teeth and if I had a small dog I would brush its teeth. My dog is 10 years old and has little to no tarter build up. On the few occasions that I have noticed some build up, I buy a bag of special food. It is made by Science Diet, their Prescription Diet line. http://www.hillspet.com/products/pd-canine-td-canine-dental-health-dry.html It is a large dry kibble that does an amazing job of cleaning teeth. It is expensive and you can only get it a vets office. What I do is buy a bag and just supplement about 25% of her diet with it. After the bag is gone, her teeth are perfect again. I cannot recommend this enough. It really works!
  17. That would have been cool. We don't have many friends in the area. I would love to get to know someone from the hive in real life, well, as long as you don't have the flu, that is ;-)
  18. It is bad here in Texas. As of last week, there were three confirmed deaths in my small county. And a great deal more in Dallas and Houston. For the first time in my life I am actually getting pretty worried about it.
  19. When I was little, I couldn't figure out why people called me "carrot top" because carrot tops are green lol. Also, my mom was asked more than once if she had my hair dyed. When I was under 5. Umm..not so much.
  20. I did too, well DH did it. Ugh, it was so thick and painful, unlike any shot I'd ever had!
  21. If you have been taking it for 7+ days you really need to taper. If you stop cold turkey, you will likely feel WAY worse. But, of course, do what your Dr. tells you to do :-) ETA: I got the night sweats also. Prednisone is no joke.
  22. I just wanted to say that I took them with my last pregnancy and I feel your pain. Those injections were not pleasant! If you decide to go through with them, and if I were you I probably would, I will be thinking about you once a week!
  23. I had to take pred for about 3 month at a relatively high dose (40mg) due to Crohn's disease. Among all the other crummy side effect, I did have some joint pain, mostly in my jaw. I have moderate to severe TMJ and the pred made it unbearable. My dentist thought this was odd as well. Since I was on for an extended time, I had to gradually taper off and that is when the joint pain really flared up. Luckily, it did go away after awhile. I am sorry you have to take prednisone. It really is one of those drugs that is a miracle and a curse at the same time. ((Hugs))
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