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Everything posted by dauphin

  1. Rising 2nd & 7th next year. Both are strong readers for their age/grade. We've never really consistently done ANYTHING together as a family, and next year would be 2nd grader's first year homeschooling (& 7th grader's 3rd year). We've tried GGC with the older one this past year at a faster pace (b/c it's below grade level) because I like the covenantal overview as a foundation for all future study. But haven't gotten far because it always gets forgotten/not part of the routine, depends on my availability....etc. So I'd like something that doesn't rely upon my: presenting reading out loud (at length, at least, because that will TOTALLY lose both girls..unless they have something hands-on to do, and while some criticize BSGFAA as busy work, I think they'll like the puzzles/busy activity rather than just a listening/repeating session....KWIM?) leading discussion organizing/throwing together a plan because it takes what resources I have to consistently FOLLOW a plan (which is why I like the Foundations checklists!!!!) Goals? overview begin to lay a foundation of who God is through what He has said about Himself (which could then be followed by begin to lay down a practice of regular study short periods of time will probably get done more consistently Is it unrealistic to do them together? side note: Could people please stop using Foundations in their curriculum description? I know it's logical but it gets confusing??!?!?! (CC, LOE, Dynamic Literacy, and this Bible one....I'm sure there's more).
  2. I didn't get anything and have lived fine without it but there's a few things available last time that I'm hoping might be offered again and that I kind of wished I d gotten then....
  3. Is this a new course? Hoping for feedback on it and/or the instructor if it IS new. I know the discount is ending soon....but there's no textbook, etc., listed. I don't feel very skilled at leading socratic discussion so I wonder if I'm interested more for MY learning? ;). Also wondering if this is redundant if DD (7th grade) is signed up for a combined history/lit discussion course locally.....
  4. DD already has high enough scores on the 5th grade SAT-10 to qualify for Duke TIP 7th grade. But I'm curious to see how she looks this year (last year was our first full year of homeschooling; I still feel like I'm trying to get my feet under me). Today is the last day to join up with someone offering the SAT-10.
  5. I've seen Writing With a Thesis mentioned a few places recently, it seems. How would it fit into the big picture vs. piecemeal continuum?
  6. Actually, it was recommended a couple of times in another thread and I decided to do a spinoff since it was such a specific question. Does anyone who uses it and is NOT Mennonite find some of the doctrine/theology to be heavily Mennonite-influenced?
  7. Or other subjects for that matter. But I saw it recommended twice on another Bible curriculum thread. If I had to describe my theology, my attempt would be: reformed, Biblical, somewhat conservative. I can use something like R&S English, I think (just started), but I had a problem with Wisdom & the Millers. I don't want to have to explain too many theological differences in our Bible curriculum, I'm doing good just to get something done regularly. We are liking Gods Great Covenant but it is only 4 books and also, if R&S is more independent......
  8. She hates Analytical Grammar (AG) - perhaps too much repetition of easy stuff (to her) (more mastery than spiral?) at the beginning? She doesn't mind R&S at all so far. In fact, we are partly doing it because I brought a copy home and explained it to her and she said it seemed like a good idea, making a comment along the lines of "yeah, I memorized _____ for CC EotEL (love your abbreviation! LOL) but I didn't really know WHY _____. I like that this teaches the why." I just wish it was more independent, and would like to know how people accomplished that. Right now I have her read the lesson introduction out loud, we do the class practice, written exercises, and review exercises orally (and since so much of it seems easy/review, we are doing only odds or evens). She often balks at having to do too much written work, although she complained about AG and that was just labeling sentences, not even recopying them! But then again, I think she'd be okay with just doing the written exercises.... we were just discussing that yesterday. She said that she wishes less of our schedule "depends on you to be involved."
  9. Seriously asking for feedback about why one program or the other is/is not a good fit. Kind of like Sonlight's list, "26 reasons Why ____ might not be for you. If ______..... I am drawn more to CLE for a rising 2nd grader who has been in a Montessori school. She's quick to pick things up so I suspect the kind of repetition/time spent on a subject like in FLL will bore her. CLE, I suspect, may have a healthier level of review, but In a more spiral fashion? But this is also the kid that I'm considering Beast Academy for. I think I might be most drawn to CLE for the ease of use while also covering all the bases (especially over the years...I hate feeling like I might have forgotten something....)
  10. Preschool, enrichment, Montessori. Generally only buying <$3.
  11. I'm thinking outsourcing is going to be a big part of the solution. Should I also ease off on doing the "best," most WTM-ish (that also seems to best fit my teaching style and DD's learning style) curricula? And/or figure out how to be more organized?
  12. And I think there's a sale on the science mastery program right now.....I'm thinking about upgrading from gold to diamond as my 2 years e-science subscription is about to expire.
  13. I thought, starting out, that subjective evaluation was the way to go. Avoid testing and graded workbooks/worksheets because so much of it just seems like busy work (also, coming from a Momtessori background, with aspirations of CM although I have realized that that's not for me either, a little TOO open ended!) When grades/scoring is necessary (cover school requires), I'm comfortable reporting based on actual experience with where Dd is because I was right there with her. And TBH there really isn't anything she doesn't get (perhaps I need to make more challenging choices?), and on the rare occasions that she needs practice, we do it until she doesn't. Unfortunately it seems that the reality of it is that it is much more teacher intensive than either Dd or I like...she will be in 7th grade next year and really needs to be more independent, particularly if I might bring 2nd grader DD home next year. From a Montessori perspective, the Creek Edge Press task cards seem ideal for taking ownership of the work but still being more open ended. FTR I am also probably going to outsource History/lit (combined) and Science through co-op/tutorials.
  14. FWIW, DD is in 6th grade and we are starting R&S 6 (I loved AG but DD hated it...too much practice of the same concept??? IDK. Anyway we couldn't get through more than 4 units before tears and rebellion!). From what I can tell, a LOT of it is review so far, but I went with it because I also know there is stuff there that we didn't cover. FWIW, DD's mastery of grammar is largely from CC's Essentials of the English Language program. We both learned a TON. Anyway, that is to say that I don't expect much in this to be 'challenging' but lays a good foundation for, probably, continuing with this program through HS/R&S 10?).
  15. No scoring/grades/required responses but a breath of fresh air and SO MUCH hands-on and independent work-Supercharged Science. But YMMV!
  16. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die." So could I.
  17. FRENCHIE! Anyone who posts pics of Frenchies (or even talks about them knowingly) gets 123456789 points.
  18. 93% Booyah! I'll take eleventy billion points because I think im the highest scoring poster and because, well, I'm Texan. 333 points if you can figure out what I missed (not that I know... But if it helps I left in 1993, I was planning on moving back after school but there was this hot law school guy....)
  19. I haven't. I've done Gods Great Covenant with oldest one at a faster pace since its a little easy but I like its overview from a covenantal perspective. BSGFAA also has my attention... Creek Edge Press also has a WTM-history-cycle-linked recitation and enrichment program that is very appealing as it also includes CM-ish elements (eg poetry) that I might not have gotten to if it weren't scheduled. But I've considered doing CC with the younger one and that would be doubling up/ highly redundant on the memory work...
  20. I think I was thinking of not so much beefing up AIG itself as using it as sort of a baseline/bases covered, and then adding all the cool stuff on top of it... But I think yall have talked me out of it, I thnik, and I think it's for the best... But I'm still hoping there's something I could combine...Bible, memory work, art?
  21. I was also going to recommend VideoText AND that article reviewing Algebra options!
  22. Best way to combine 2nd and 7th in science (Chemistry fits with our history cycle)? Both love science and would probably do projects/experiments half the week if I'd let them. ;) I think I'd prefer something like AIG that gives younger DD some exposure AND fun projects, then beef things up for older DD. We have a Supercharged Science Mastery Program kit which includes a substantial Thames & Kosmos kit, so I'd honestly be fine to do enrichment utilizing both of those....? I don't think I like the looks of ES or Easy Classical, in that I think I want something that doesn't jump around as much between resources, as that's harder to manage and this would be the first year I HS both kids..but for all that I just said about ES and Easy Classical not being a good fit, I really really REALLY like Creek Edge Press task cards for the way they foster independence and align somewhat with Montessori methods/principles (which both kids have a background in). http://www.creekedgepress.com Oh and I also find Ellen McHenry's Elements program appealing. But is that on the older side for younger DD (7 yo, starting 2nd grade next year)? But then again, while most of the AIG courses are labeled as grades 1-8, it looks like the Chemistry program is labeled 3rd+. DD is bright, but I don't want her overwhelmed....
  23. So if you were starting with Ellen McHenry's cells & Botany, what would you want to see added for a full biology course at middle school level? What about 9th grade Biology?
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