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Everything posted by JBJones

  1. Make sure everything is marked. When marking clothing, make sure to include the SIZE of the clothing on the tag with price so people don't have to try to find the size. If it is a name brand, include that as well......some people look for name brand clothing. Hang up ALL clothing if possible. Some people don't like looking through a mound of clothes thrown on a table. Make sure your sale is in a building, like a garage, if at all possible. Make sure to have a sign showing people where the sale is located. If you don't want people to park certain places, make sure you cord them off somehow. We use orange road construction cones. Make sure you go to the bank the day before and get $100 worth of change: Get like two $10 bills, four $5 bills, forty-three $1 bills, one roll quarters ($10), one roll dimes ($5), one roll nickels ($2),......something like that so that you will be prepared to make change. They make those lock boxes that have like the black money holder piece. Definitely make it a combo rummage & bake sale.....sell drinks, have low music playing, etc.
  2. We just finished up our first week. It's been going pretty well so far.
  3. We are on our second day of the 2013-2014 school year. We started early to accommodate increased math units. I totally feel your pain.......I have no urge to do school. Good luck to you. :D
  4. Possibly you've entered Peri-menopause. You're periods can be a little erratic, a little different. I was under the impression that they could do a test (blood-?) to check to see if you are. Have you had a check-up lately?
  5. I was thinking the same thing......just with different words.
  6. :bigear: I'm interested in this as well. Thank-you for posting this question.
  7. Thank-you for the reply. So is the Your Passport to The Human Odyssey sheet from the Student Pages? I'm wondering if I should spring for those. I already bought the WHD from CTC, so it might just be easier for me to go that route.
  8. This might sound like a crazy question, but can someone tell me why in the HO book it is broken up into Parts 1-4 while in the Intermediate WHA Teacher Guide it is broken down into Units 1-15? I seriously think I've ordered the wrong book. LOL I must be missing something.
  9. Yes, I didn't want it to be online. When I get over there to purchase, it keeps saying something about enrollment/add student and a promo code. That's why I was inquiring if it was online because I just want the book set. I must be looking in the wrong place for a promo code. (?) No worries, I will just call tomorrow. Thank-you.
  10. The TOTAL BOMB!! I absolutely love that place.
  11. I will think about this. I don't know if I could get her to sit still. In the vehicle she's on her Kindle. She hates history so I will be lucky to be able to get her through history class as it is. LOL I might buzz on over to RRC and just check them out though. Thank-you for the idea.
  12. I'd say I'm set. I have HO-Vol 1, KHE, SOTW AG, Usborne I-L Ancient World and that CTC-WHD on the way. Thanks for the heads up on that WHD, Crimson Wife. I just ordered it from RRC last night. Thank-you for everyone's help. I really appreciate it.
  13. This may sound like a crazy question............LOL.....but can someone tell me, when you buy this ACHoA, is this online? I guess I was under the assumption that you just bought the materials and they mailed them out. Maybe I misinterpreted from what someone mentioned about it. Has anyone used this before? Thank-you for any info.
  14. We didn't do SOTW-Vol 1 in first grade. We only had three months left of the school year when she was removed.
  15. I removed DD 2/3 of the way through first grade and we just read and discussed a few books about the Romans, Greeks, etc. and on ,of course, a first grade level then. So we really haven't covered much of anything as far as Ancients go. DD has no interest in history at all. She has a high reading level. I bought the Teacher's Guide to go with Vol. 1 of HO, but not the student pages. For some reason, the price was very jacked up on Amazon for the SP. I also bought a workbook from TCTC for ancients. I thought that workbook coupled with the Usborne I-L Ancient World would round out HO nicely. Thank-you for responding.
  16. What is the going norm for 5th grade if you're doing Ancients? Do most people use SOTW or do they jump ship to HO at this grade? I'm just trying to figure out which one would be best. I know that SOTW-Vol 1 is used in 1st grade the first time through in the four year cycle. I have the Usborne I-L Ancient World on the way to help make SOTW-Vol 1 a little more interesting. I also have HO. Anyone have any personal insight on this subject or perhaps direct me to previous links? Thank-you very much.
  17. Could someone please tell me.........is 2013 the first year that the third row seat was split in the middle, making it uncomfortable? Thank-you for the info.
  18. I agree with Alia. I use to own two pits. They can be unpredictable (as can ANY dog), but with a vengeance. I had one that was an English Pit that was extremely docile, loved children, and never exhibited any aggression, towards people or other animals. The other Pit was a total devil, didn't like to be on a leash (was put into obedience training to get control of him), and children were not safe around him. Both dogs were purchased at 8-10 weeks old. Neither was abused. The aggressive one charged a plate glass (sliding) door to reach a friend's three year old. It was like he viewed this child as another animal intruding into his territory. My ex-husband was pondering what to do with the dog when the bad one attacked the good one. The good one killed him. Please proceed with extreme caution. I did want to add that if you don't plan on getting fencing, etc., then I would never leave your dog and/or children outside alone EVER, buy a gun, practice quite frequently with this gun, and be ready to shoot to kill. I was raised on a farm with the belief that if ANY aggressive animal came onto our property and threatened people and other animals, it would be shot dead.
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