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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Last year I had my ds do 4 days. The other day was out and about (aquarium class 1x month, lego class 1x a week, day off, etc.). This year my second ds is doing preK/K and he is having a tough time with number and letter recognition. I'm pretty much having him do something with them 5 days a week. He is also tagging along with big brother with history and science. I think it really depends how the child is comprehending the work.

  2. I have done K, 1, and am half way through 2. I really like it. Never thought I would get through 1 and am doing well getting through 2. It fits my sons methodical personality. I like how it moves the difficulty around. Ex. for many days the lesson is very easy and the fact sheet is quite challenging or the pattern is very easy for several weeks and then it is very challenging. A mix of challenging and easy works really well. I may feel differently as time goes by and math gets more challenging in the upper grades. Plus, my husband, who is a physicists, likes the fact that a physicist made it. He helps me stick with one math curriculum. Other than feeling that it just doesn't fit well with your child and they are not learning well enough, I would stick with it!

  3. I think my 7 yo son needs military school! It would do him good. Today, he decided he would wad up toilet paper and stuff it down the bathroom sink drain! He would not admit to doing it, until I talked him in to telling me. He says he doesn't know why he did it. Then, I talk to my husband about it. He says he was like that too. He just did things to do it. No real reason. Just to see what would happen. No thought beyond that. I'm thinking great, I have an adult one and a child one! It just doesn't seem fair. But, I must say I was relieved to hear my husbands words. It's okay. It's normal. It may not seem "right" to me, but a boy like this needs a little room to explore. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone and he makes good choices most of the time. God is in control. I need to loosen up more.

  4. We like the book FaithTraining by Joe White. It has a list of scripture to memorize according to a child's age, questions, and tons of resources. Our kids memorized psalm 23 this year! It was huge because when we went to our Family Camp, the woman at the book store gives a store $1 to every verse memorized. The boys were so proud! We are on to do 2, 6 lined verses for this year. Good luck!

  5. We are onto our 2nd year of hs our 7, 5, and almost 3 year old. We live in a very good ps area and had full intentions of sending our kids to school. My dh was against the thought of hs. He would always say that ps was good enough for him! But, we decided to seek some wise council, about 6 months before kindergarten began for our first, from a couple we both respect highly and that led us to deciding to hs.

  6. I am on week 2 of first grade WTM science. I really like it! I do the encyclopedia, tell me something interesting they heard, write it down, and then give them a coloring page I printed from the internet on day 1. I get my 7 yo, 5 yo and almost 3 yo involved in coloring! On the 2nd day of science for the week we read a library book and talk about the highlights. Done. I also have a plants and animal experiment box I will get out soon for the animal part. I have done no animal studies with them yet. My son did take a 1 year aquarium class last year. So far I like it. I also start with it at the beginning of the day, because it's fun and interesting!

  7. We decided that when a workbook is completed we go to the candy store for a small bag of candy as a family. And, when Phonics Pathways is completed, which will be in about 3 weeks, we will be going to Chucky Cheese's or some other fun place as a family. Somewhat of an incentive and also just celebrating the accomplishment.

  8. According to the WTM, you do SOTW again for 4th grade through 7 (using the test booklet here). Then, use her adult version for high school. I'm assuming, since I haven't read the high school section, that there are some written chapter reports in this section. She has it very well planned out.

  9. I have begun to use Progressive phonics with my 5 year old and it has really clicked with him. It's hard to pin point a phonics program for any one kid. My first son learned his numbers and letters easily and went right into using Phonics Pathways and Phonics Plaid with no problem. But, my second son is not picking up his letters as well. So, Progressive Phonics has been great with the beginning Alphabet recognition books they have. It states on their web site that Progressive phonics tries to blend both techniques, phonics base with site words put into it. I think it really depends on the child. Ask your friend to see what level each child is at. Do they know their letters and sounds? If they do then jump into Phonics Pathways or something like that. But, if they don't they need something different for letter recognition.

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