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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. One of the repliers did suggest that you may be doing a lot of cardio and not eating enough calories. That could be it. Sometimes when your body is pushed too hard it will respond by holding on to what it has. 1500 calories should be what you are having on top of what you are exercising away. If your treadmill workout is using 400-800 calories, you should plan that into your daily caloric intake. The others suggestion to start a strength training routine 2-3x a week is good too - it will help your body to burn more calories at rest to accommadate the growing/working muscle in your body. Good luck!

  2. I read a little about it on the internet - there isn't much. It does say that Mary is the "perfect parent" and brings the Bank's family closer together. She brings order to chaos. She is almost "God" like. Order, affinity, vanity! I get the order, I get the affinity to her, but the vanity. She is constantly checking herself out in the windows of stores - maybe she's OCD about her appearance. And, maybe I just answered my own question. She delights in the orderliness of her appearance.

  3. We had our finished our first year hs last June. We are going year round. Why pay for camps and classes when I can keep them busy at home! We are on a school vacation this week! It is week 9 since last break. We needed it at week 8! My ds7 was burnt out and it was catching onto me! My 3 kids are happily playing and so greatful that they do not have to do work! Since this past May, we have been doing more trips away. We did a trip to D.C. for 6 days and 5 camping trips. It was a perfect summer! A perfect mix of going away and learning at home. We need to plan more trips through the "school year". We need to plan our first winter getaway. I also think that 8 weeks of pure school it too much. TWTM has recommendations for schooling. One is 4 weeks on and then 1 week off. I think that is more ideal. I tend to fear the transition back into school work, but the breaks are necessary. I plan to take off Thanksgiving week and then Christmas week, then try a family getaway in February.

  4. I'm not sure if I know enough to be of any help. You may want to post this on the learning disabilities board also. As for narration, I would just focus on having him answer basic questions first. Instead of directly asking him to narrate after you read something, try having him tell someone else later in the day what happen in a fun story you read (maybe his Dad). Try a back door approach. As for math, I would pick a curriculum and give him a try - he may surprise you and really like it. If he likes numbers, he may really like math. Is he doing more than HWT for his writing skills? Like cutting, dot to dots, mazes, coloring, etc.? I would have him do all these and more everyday to help improve his writing skills. And, as I know nothing about violin, my first thought on that is do piano, because it seems more basic and easier to pick up whether he has reading down or not. If he is good with numbers, he most likely will be good at piano. Piano is very systematic. My ds7 takes a group class that his Dad does with him and it is really great. I'm not sure if I addressed all your questions? Doing more art appreciation one week and not so much the other sounds good to me. I hope this may be helpful. Take care and good luck!

  5. Here's one possibility. Your body may need more calories to sustain itself. When you dip your calories too low, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode. It will keep hold of all that it has. You don't want to "starve" your body. You want to feed it at regular intervals throughout the day with a healthy mix of protein and carbs. Try to find a way to calculate what calories your body needs at your weight. Then gradually taper that down over time. Maybe 300 fewer calories a day, until you start to see some sort of results. More intensive exercise would also be a plus. And then as you lose weight you want to recalculate the number of calories you need at your new weight, etc. I don't know the formula off the top of my head, but I'm sure you could easily find it on the web (I just typed in calories per day on google and got an automatic calculator to figur it out). I hope this is helpful. Good luck!

  6. My ds 5 1/2 was really having a hard time with writing. I have been working with him for about a year to develop it. It's come a long way. We did some clay forming of letters (HWT), lots of mazes (Kumon), cutting (Kumon), dot to dot, forming letters in the salt or rice, and lots of tracing letters (Progressive Phonics - Alphabet - free online). His wrist had to also get stronger. His hand would get tired so quickly. Karate, and using a bow for some parts of it, really helped him strengthen his arm. He was also very frustrated with himself. He hated to draw anything and wouldn't. His older brother drew constantly. And, his little sister can draw much better than him too. I would tell him that there are just some things he has to work harder at than others. My son has begun to draw letters and numbers independently of tracing and is also drawing on his own. I would say just be consistant and give him lots of variety of "writing" activities and he will get there. Good luck.

  7. I know what you mean with the writing overkill thing! I am doing things the WTM way and there is a lot of writing and my son is 7! He does no writing on Fridays. It also seems important to me from the different perspectives. I write his sentence for him with Spelling Workout and if there is one to write for Zaner-Blozer, because it is a lot of writing all together. I think it's important for FLL and WWE for him to write it out and see the structure of the sentence. I also have him do Explode the Code. My expectations for his writing are different for each subject. I also think you could condense his writing or shorten it in some way. You have the best perspective if you think it's too much. Especially if it's frustrating him.

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