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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. One of my boys had them at preschool and the teacher said he liked them so much maybe we should get some. We got 2 sets at once because I knew it wouldn't be enough for both my boys. It has been about 2 years and they still come out quite a bit. They are great! I would say they are the best toy we have had.

  2. The Explosive Child has been ground breaking for us. What really helped was a seminar I went to here in my area that goes over the whole method and brought it out for me and my husband. A psychologist that works at, I think, Mass General Hospital has co-written a book with the EC author and has a clinic there just for these types of children. If you get a chance check out their web site: http://www.thinkkids.org. They have some great video clips of the technique that are good to watch and get refreshed about it. They have also just begun a forum for parents and educators. One of my kids is intense, impulsive and difficult!!!

  3. Toward the end of September I turned 40! I was ready for a big change and thinking I want to be thin in my older age. The night before my birthday I made out about 4 months of calendars for a food diary. I have never been so motivated in my life. Now, just over 3 months later I have been about 90% sugar free, low carb and very little white stuff!!! It has been great! I have lost several inches all around and feel so much better. My size 8's are fitting loosely instead of not at all! I've lived enough of my life enjoying all foods and being a carbahoic, sugaraholic and emotional eater. No more. I manage to go to the gym 3x a week. I would love to work out more but there just isn't enough time. I could use some more motivation to do some videos at home. Take control of what you put in your mouth and do exercise that you enjoy at least 3x a week! Good luck!

  4. It tends to take longer than you may think. Just keep doing the skills with him and it will click. It may just be on his time. It is frustrating I know! Just be patient and persistent in working with him daily and giving him tons of variety and making it fun.

  5. I also have a 7 ad 5 year old.


    Start - 8:30ish history MFW, science TTh about 45 min. plus with both

    Then, 7 year old read 30min. plus map work 2 or 3 days a week


    While 7 year old does the above, 5 year old does math and letter work


    Then, 7 year old does LA and starts a section of math


    Break for about 1/2 hours (more or less)


    finish math




    Art, music, fitness all outside classes in the afternoon

  6. Phonics/grammer - SWO B, ETC 3, FLL 1, WWE 1

    Reading - 30 min. reading on own and 1x week McGuffy reader

    Health - nothing specific

    Science - WTM (animals, human body, plants)

    History - SOTW Ancients

    Math - Saxon 2

  7. Ds is in Saxon 2. It has it's pro's and con's. My son does well with most of the pre-lesson stuff (hates reciting #'s), good with the actual lesson, terrible with fact sheets, good with the first side of the review sheet, and good later in the evening with the 2nd side of the review sheet. But, it was just too much to get through all at once!!! Today, we start to do it in 3 segments! I should have started that a long time ago. We only have 20 lessons left! But, hopefully will be set up for a better time with Saxon 3!


    Anyone else do it in segments? I'm breaking it into pre-lesson (meeting book stuff), lesson, post-lesson (fact sheet and worksheet). Pre-lesson mixed between LA, break, lesson, break, lesson.

  8. I have a 1st grader ds and I try to remind him to write well, but I only really make him focus on it really well for his writing program - Zaner-Blozer. I don't want other subjects to go bad by saying too much about his hand-writing. I think it's just going to take time for their skill of hand-writing and their skill of other things to click together. It's a lot of stuff. I think as time goes on his writing will naturally get better and better.

  9. I am still figuring out my 7 year old son. It is not easy. It started with him when he was about 2! All the discipline in the world made it worse! My new modo is stay calm and be helpful. Most behavior is a repeated pattern and as the mom you can learn to "prevent" a lot of bad situations. Also learn to divert attention. Also lower your expectations. They are so young and even if you think they know how to behave - they don't and will continue to screw things up. Love them and help them. There is so much pressure on the oldest, they don't know how to handle it. They act out. Correct them with kindness and teach them from example.

  10. We do not exchange Christmas gifts for each other either. We get what we need through out the year and it just seems too difficult to go shopping during the crazy Christmas rush for each other. My husbands parents love language is gifts to a fault! I wouldn't do anything - just have your husband let your sister know that she cannot persuade him to break your personal decision. If your family wants you to open something and it is their love language they should give you a gift from themselves and leave it at that. I do not think it would be honoring to them to go through with it.

  11. Am I missing something? We have the book and workbook and the workbook has both stuff in it. They can be used independently of each other. You can use the book without the workbook, but have to provide paper. The workbook has all the narration passages and pull-outs for the worksheets for each lesson. You really only need to choose one.

  12. We are about 3/4 thru FLL 1 and so far it has covered poem memorization, nouns, pronouns and verbs. Also, some reading comprehension and abbreviations. The lessons do build on each other. WWE is mostly copywork and narration comprehension. My ds 7 is doing well with both and sometimes I double up the lessons. I prefer the WWE workbook since it is all there to simply open up and no prep work.

  13. We have apple tv! But, I don't think I can answer your questions - I have no idea! My husband is the computer geek. You can definitely copy your dvd's for it from your computer. You need a computer to do that and then the apple tv is connected to the computer. You probably already know that. I don't know if you need internet connection? I know you can buy movies on it - and I'm assuming that it is connected to the internet for movie selection choices. I would call my husband at work right now, but he's in a meeting. I will try and find out your questions and answer them later today!

  14. what a coincidence, I just called the doctor today for my ds 7. Every year when cold weather begins he gets mild croup in the evening for a couple of weeks, then he basically coughs his way through a month or so till I bring him to the doctor for albuterol and the nebulizer. I was talking to a doctor friend I have and she heard his sniffs and thought he could have post-nasal drip from seasonal allergies. I called the doctors office to see if he should get tested for allergies. And, maybe he is asthmatic? I should hear back from the doctor tomorrow. Good luck with getting some answers.

  15. I think 10 an hour for an urban place is appropriate. Here I give our babysitter who is 15 yo 12! I remember when I was a kid it was $5/hr for one kid and $1 more for each kid. I think that today $10/hr for one kid and $1 more for each additional kids is reasonable. For a high school girl that is responsible and good at what she does. I have a friend that pays a college student or maybe post college student about $23/hr!!!!

  16. Anyone deal with math anxiety issues. Can't get it right away he freezes. Happens with flash cards and timed quizzes, and also hates counting by 2's, 3's, 25's, etc. Math tends to take 2x as long as it should! We are doing Saxon 2. He does not have the ability to calm down and find the solution. No matter what he is told nothing helps! How do I get him past this? My husband is doing extra work with math at night to give more practice with flash cards and help him calm down. We are on Lesson 106 and I stopped the timed tests last week and told him he will not be timed again until Saxon 3 begins. We are hoping with extra help he will have a better grasp and quicker recall. Any other advice would be great! Thanks! We have Saxon 3 already to go and I am not wanting to switch curriculum.

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