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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Raising kids is just plain hard! Whether a homeschooler or not. You just don't see the results of it for years when you homeschool. It's almost like the preschool years going on and on and on. I think sending your kid to school shows some immediate results. I just don't think we homeschool for immediate results. It's for the long term. We are building character, building knowledge, and building family relationships. These do not have quick results. Try to focus on the long term and not the short term. I know it isn't easy!

  2. I have one older sister and 3 older brothers that I barely speak to. I used to talk to my sister a few years ago once in awhile, but she was just so harsh toward me I just stopped calling her. My brothers just live in their own world and could care less. And, now that I am a Christian following homeschooling freak, I don't think that helps our communication flow.

  3. My oldest is 7. I do basic history with SOTW.


    Day 1: Check reference map, read chapter, go over review questions, color AG sheet or their own creation


    Day 2: Read library pick or 2


    Day 3: Read library pick or reference book page


    That's it. My kids are too little to be a significant part of the craft stuff. Next go around I will include it.

  4. my kids are 3, 5, and 7. The 3 yo decided she wanted to play with the sheets! And, I stayed up crazy late last night, because my husband is away - and I'm a little more anxious. And, he said that some of his stuff that he ordered was in the boxes, so I decided to open them all up. It would have been best to have left them in the boxes - was excited I was being so efficient by opening and organizing. It would have been best to tell them what was in it and leave it alone, so that Christmas was a surprise. My 7 yo gets it, but not my 5 and 3 yo. Also, our other half of the basement was flooded a bit 2 days ago with overflow from the washing machine and stuff is all over the place, so I decided not to put the bin in there for now until it was all put back together in there. We have a really small house.

  5. I am so disappointed! I am so stupid! Last night, I just packed a storage bin of all the presents we got through the mail so far. Mostly my youngest dd's stuff. I enclosed it all in a huge bed sheet and put another sheet on top, along with a lid. Stuck it down stairs in the basement in the t.v. area, thinking they wouldn't touch a bin with sheets in it! I normally do not let them watch t.v. in the morning or even take a shower in the mornings, but on this particular morning I did. I'm in the shower and I hear my boys yelling upstairs......and finally realize they are telling there are a bunch of toys in a bin downstairs! I would say it was about 50% of Christmas stuff. It was quite a storm of emotion and first I blamed them and then I had to tell them it was my fault. And, why didn't I shove it into a corner near the other side of the basement???????

  6. WWE and/or FLL 1 only has you ask your child what they "remember" about the passage, not what is the "most important part". There is a huge difference in understanding with these two questions. Sometimes I will ask my ds 7 what he remembered, liked, or didn't like about the passsage. Very simple.

  7. I feel the same way as the OP. It isn't easy. And, I do feel bad. And, I keep having this feeling I should be preparing to send my now 3 yo dd to preschool next year, just to have her time. And, then I can have my time with her older brothers. On the other hand, I know I need to plan better for the younger and just take one day at a time and not feel too overwhelmed.

  8. Looks good to me too. I also have a 5 and 7 yo ds. I just purchased some Mind bender workbooks from Critical Thinking. Or Singapore has some additional workbooks you could add. Do your kids want more to do? I can't imagine adding much more to what my 7 yo is already doing and I don't think he could either!

  9. This is a way too general way to throw out the word "submission" that has so many interpretations. Yes, a man can and will be a better man if a woman can submit to her own will. And, vice versa for the submission of the man to the woman. A woman must submit to her desire to over-control and a man must submit to his desire to retreat from relationship. It is crucial for a relationship to prosper without some of this going on.

  10. Deerfield Elementary School

    Principal - Mr. Achu (we used to sneeze and say his name!)

    K - Mrs. Geardy

    1st - Mrs. ? (she got married half way through and changed her name)

    2nd - Mrs. Morris (she pulled my ear because I wasn't good at paying attention.

    3rd - Mrs. Snow (grey hair, teeny tiny and her last year as a teacher; always wore a different pin every day)

    4th - Ms. Nichols (she showed pictures of her trip to Greece)

    5th - complete blank - maybe Mrs. Liddy!

    6th - Mrs. Fitzgerald (left half-way through the year to have a baby and I had my K teacher as a replacement. Mr. Ward for math and science)

  11. I am doing both with my ds7. I really like the literature focus of WWE and the grammer focus of FLL. Yes, they do overlap from time to time, but I think that is a good thing. The lessons are so short that overlap is okay. Also, it depends on where your child is at and whether they can do more or less.

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