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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. We sent our LOI through certified mail 8 weeks ago. Is there a certain length of time where if you don't hear back it is considered accepted? We have been waiting for a response. We have heard our district is quite picky and usually has you fill out paper work and come in to meet with them. My husband is convinced he wrote a clear and specific LOI and left no loop holes for them to want any more information.

  2. My son has some similar issues. I would talk to the Pediatrician first and see what they have to offer. For me it wasn't much from ours, just a recommendation to a Developmental Psych. - which there aren't many around here. We decided to just see a Psychologist for advice. He too was not that helpful, but suggested a Neuropsychological test. The majority of which are not on our health insurance. Since the schools have taken over this duty, the insurance companies tend not to cover them. So, we are waiting for a chunk of money to come along so we can fork over about 3k to have it done! Another issue is the age of your child. She is a bit young for testing and some do not recommend testing till 7 yo. Your best bet would probably be to get a consult with an Occupational Therapist and take it from there. This too can be costly since insurance only covers a certain number of visits and sensory issues need alot of consistent work. I would also highly recommend Out of Sync Child and it's companion book with recommendations that you can do at home.

  3. I think it would depend how she is grasping earth science. I am doing earth science and ancients with my 7 yo and 5 yo. Is she answering questions about it with interest and doing coloring pages or experiments as well. My 5 yo is really interested in both science and history. I would plan to move on to the next science. You are laying that basic foundation that classical education plans. She will be getting it again. I'm pretty sure SWB says it is an ideal combination to have history and science "match", just to give some kind of natural order, but it is not necessary.

  4. I am 40 and I need to stop allowing myself to eat white foods! For about 8 weeks this past Spring I was very successful at limiting them, but it just didn't last. It seems so extreme to say I just can't have any ice cream or M&M's! But, I really just can't. It gets me on a really crazy path of wanting more and more. So this is my public declaration and my goal is to have it last a lifetime.

  5. Thanks, I like the physical activity as a consequence! I think the older does have some real sensory issues. They do swimming a couple times a week as well as karate. I think I need some more rigorous activity built into our day at home. I do allow them to wrestle, which led to my younger grabbing the older over the shoulders (not the bottom). Thanks for the input - it is very helpful!

  6. My 7 ds is going to send me to an early grave. I feel like I go on a roller coaster with him. He does really well for some time, then starts to misbehave, then I give consequences and nothing changes for another amount of time and then he see's that he really needs to change his ways to get what he wants and starts to do better again and then it starts all over again. I see that he is capable of making better choices and control himself, but it never lasts! For example: just a few days ago my younger son was playing and went over to this 7 ds and grabbed him from behind while he was kneeling at the couch playing with legos. Ds 7 does not like to be taken by surprise nor does he like to be in the defense of a situation - he wants complete control - he almost immediately stood up with great force and made my younger son bite his tongue so hard it bled is a few places where he bit into it. This is the most extreme example, but I would say 9 times out of 10 my ds 5 is getting hurt in play with his older brother. I have said playing is playing not hurting a million times. Is this ever going to change?

  7. We, apparently live in one of the more "strict" school districts for hs in MA. So far, they have pretty much ignored us. We sent a letter for K, since we held my son back a year before we started. Technically they should have needed something on the records for him being 6 yo. The school never contacted us back. This year we sent a LOI and it will be 7 weeks tomorrow and still no contact from the Superintendent's office (certified letter). I have a friend in the same town who is sweating bullets to go in and show sample work from last year, this coming week. And, another friend in this town that brought a lawyer to her meeting with the district person because they wanted samples and test scores. My husband thinks he simply wrote the LOI properly and didn't give the district the power to tell us how they want it. I hope that is the case. And, no you do not have to be a teacher certified. That is a NE myth! Good luck and have fun when you get here! Spend lots of time at the ocean and the Mts in NH.

  8. I just saw Rob Bell last night. He's a very good speaker. I had never heard of him before. I would consider his talk somewhat light and entertaining. I sort of felt like he was talking to a college audience. I felt a bit old for it. We have followed a family ministry for several years and all his points were not new to me. He did not leave me hungry for more. But I can see how he would be very compelling to some. And, I'm not really sure exactly what he is. Is he a Christian inspirational speaker? Why is he on a performing arts tour instead of a church tour? Is he non-profit? I have not heard of the other guy you wrote of. My husband likes to read Voddy Baucham's web site. My husband also really likes the Wild at Heart author, which he will be attending his first Boot Camp out in CO in Nov. Along with authors, Larry Crabb, Allender and Longman.

  9. Writing a letter to complain about the children's librarians did nothing. They sent back no apology and accepted no responsibility. And, let me tell you what caused the letter. My husband was holding my then 1 year old next to a balloon (a large animal shape one) that they keep on the counter next to the fish tank. It is there for advertisement for a place that sells balloons. There are no signs around that say do not touch the balloon. My husband stood next to it and let my daughter touch it. A librarian came over snapped, "Not everything is for children to play with" quite harshly. My husband was so annoyed he discarded her comment. She rushed over snatched the balloon away from the counter with a huff. I was so bewildered that anyone public servant would act that way. I have heard many moms in this area say how they hate even going to the library because of the women behind the desk. It is just awful!

  10. We just finished our first year homeschooling and doing it through the year. My son has a tough time transitioning, which makes me stressed out. I gradually added 1st grade in over the summer and into the new "school" year. It was a smooth transition and worked just as I had hoped. I am constantly tracking what will come next and I try to be 1 or 2 steps ahead. There is not too much day to day planning or month to month for that matter. I have a set routine/curriculum and I stick with it for the most part. I am following TWTM very closely and once it's set up - it's pretty smooth sailing. It's my oldest child that is constant work to get him to focus! That would be a whole 'nother thread. We take vacations days as they come.

  11. I agree about pouring on some cheer to them! I have actually sent a letter to the head of our library to complain about the bittyness/bitterness of the librarians here! They all need a love for people workshop! Now that we homeschool the library is invaluable to us. The librarian is now my servant to my needs. They are simply a means to my books that I need. My purpose is stronger than their rules and unfriendliness.

  12. I am not an unschooler, but I'm curious to know if a child that is late to develop math skills can become a scientist or mathematician? I know a woman who unschooled and her kids are all leaning toward the arts. I also just read the book by the couple who raised 4 boys - and as the publishing 20 years ago - 3 went to Harvard. She seems to have been primarily an unschooler. Yet, she and her husband were teachers by trade. I think they taught a lot on their farm with day to day things, but did not seem to do text/teaching books till the boys were in high school. It just surprises me. Now I want to know what the boys ended up doing. My husband is a scientist and is convinced that a kid that is late in the area of math will not be prepared for calculus or a field of science. Any thought?

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