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Posts posted by lulubelle

  1. Interesting article. Many parents around my area let the nanny's bring their children to the library. And, a friend of mine didn't realize there was a non-fiction section for kids in the library. Kids wait to get their library cards in their Kindergarten class trip to the library and parents don't realize that a kid can get a card when they turn 5! I was telling my kids when they were 4 how exciting 5 would be - to get a library card! I think the library is going by way of all the other classical institutions, down the drain. Can it be saved? I'm not sure. It may take another 100 years to get out of it.

  2. I think it's weird. I think she should have her daughter claim it or dump it. It's easy for me to say since we moved several times when I was young and things did not stay around. But, my husband's closet from his parents home is still full of all the stuff he left there 20 years ago. My kids love it. They come home with loads of junk. I do not want or need it in our house. If something can sit for 20 years it needs to go into the garbage. Plus, it's caked with 20 years of grime!

  3. I'm teaching my almost 7 yos math, history, reading and writing. And continuing my 5 yos with basic letters and numbers. At this early point the less we get away from it the better. I think it will feel less of a transition in September too. We have a couple weeks of vacation spinkled into the mix. I have them doing so many extra curricular activities during the "school year" I decided to not sign them up for anything this summer. I didn't even do VBS. They are continuing karate only.

  4. My first grader to be is reading. He will turn 7 at the end of this month and we delayed K for him, which we decided not to send him at all. He had 1.5 years of pre-school. I started Phonics Pathways one year ago and we are 29 pages from finishing! He is reading very well. He reads to me 5 days a week and is just barely starting to read on his own time. His speed is getting better every day. He may need help with 1 or 2 words in the whole book at this point. He picks out his own choice of book. Today it was Scooby Doo and the Fishy Phantom - he read half of it. He will read the other half tomorrow. He tires quickly. He can read level 1 and 2 early reader books very well. I think he could do more, but his interest and reading speed is just not there yet.

  5. I'm not crazy about Tripp. I was not impressed when I read the book. I much prefer How to Really Love Your Child (Christan) and How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and So Kids Will Talk. I think Tripp's book is way too much of a recipe. One style does not fit all. A child's temperment is so important to understand. Tripp's book always made me think of The Five Love Languages for kids and if your child's primary love language is physical touch then spanking that child is just not the right choice. I think parents really get hung up on disobedience and equate too many things with it and then feel that they are compelled to spank or serve some kind of consequence up for that "disobedience". Consequences, no matter what it is, are supposed to be used sparingly. Two wrongs do not make a right. I've been trying to teach that in my home. I have been trying to talk through disagreements between siblings more so then just giving a time out or some negative consequence.

  6. Thanks so much for this link! It is just what I need right now for my ds5. He does not learn like his older brother and Get Set for the Code and Phonics Plaid are not working for this one. I just printed book one and activities one and am starting it this morning!!!! I will do it through the summer and see if this is what he needs! Thanks!!!!!!

  7. I think it's an interesting look at the use of the library. But, I think the purpose of the library is to have access to material that one may not necessarily have the means to. I have used a workbook at the library and just copied a few pages to get an idea if that is what I am interested in. But, my other thought is how many people actually use the library regularly? I'm under the impression that it is a very low %. It is an amazing resource and anyone who has the inclination to use it and to their personal benefit then they are using it for it's created purpose. Whether that be copying one page or the whole book. I don't think companies are losing out much, because the library pays premium for it's material. And, I also don't think book companies are losing either because the patrons of libraries are really very few.

  8. We all loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with award winning Monty Python guy reading it! The Narnia series, The Magic Tree House series, Charlotte's Web, Trumpet of the Swan, Chocolate Fever, Little House (first one), Jim Weiss series (we have a couple). That is all I can think of right now. Oh, and I did find a rare cassette tape, from the library, of Tin Tin that my son loved, he is 6. We are way into books on tape!

  9. I pretty much felt this way about 1 year ago, when I began K. It is a huge leap! And, totally goes against the grain, yet it is so inviting at the same time and makes sense. It is amazing how great is is to be part of your child's learning. I do wonder if he would be learning more quickly in school, would he be happier, or be exposed to more? I will never know the answers, but our decision to homeschool is made and we are sticking with it. I think my boys get along better than ever and our family is in a better place for home schooling. It is a direction to take your family with great purpose. Just take it one day at a time and remember your purpose for doing it. I'll also say, that in the beginning and probably a good 6 months into, there were several times I thought I can't do this. But, every day I gain more and more confidence and I haven't had that feeling for awhile. Good luck.

  10. We just started to hs this year for K and think about the future. My husband gets very excited about the possibility of hs all the way through! He would take over math and science of course, at some point. But, I also think that I would like to leave it up to my children to choose their high school path. The high school here is very good for top students - so it would really depend on things. Plus, I also wonder about sports. One of my boys is very sporty and I can imagine him really thriving on a sports team. Though, I realize there are traveling teams. It will be an interesting journey!

  11. A family ministry we follow opened our eyes to a no sleepover policy. Just isn't necessary. Little sleep, cranky kids, and unknown stuff possibly going on. But, my husband heard a story from a man at church who told him that he also had a no sleep over policy, but let it go when the pastors son invited his son for a sleep over. It turned out that night the pastors older son got the younger kids into watching porn on the internet! Just so sad. Just what the man was trying to avoid and clearly thought he had. I think the no sleep over policy is a very good thing.

  12. I think I've put this down about 3x so far, but it keeps me focused to do it again. We have added Writing with Ease to the list! TWTM all the way.


    SOTW 1


    WWE 1

    Spelling Workout A and ETC

    Zaner-Blozer 2 and 2C

    Read a-louds and 15 min. private reading

    Saxon 2

    TWTM science or maybe Real science for kids (undecided)

    Evan-Moor 1st grade geography

    Extra-curricular: piano class, art classes (cartooning + art fun), karate, and swimming

  13. I just started it about a month and a half ago with my 6 year old! I just go chapter by chapter and order all the books I can get at the library the week before. There are a lot of suggested reading for the mummies that really overlap - that surprised me, but my husband let me know that I over did the library requests from the list. We did get all 4 suggested reference books though. We are doing the coloring pages and the mapping and word searches. The only thing we really haven't been doing is the projects. My son is just not into them. I've also added a couple of videos for ancient egypt and we got the Reading Rainbow one on mummies and it inspired us to go to the MFA in Boston to see them in person - which was pretty cool! My son soaks up history!

  14. We just received ours yesterday! And, me and my husband poured through it last night! We just finished our first year of homeschooling for k/1 for ds6 and just began a little bit with ds5. We are pretty much following her suggestions to a T. And, just organizing ourselves around her primary suggestions. Not too different from the previous book. But, fun to wrap ourselves around it again. I was happy to see her primary suggestion for Zaner-Blozer, which we have started and will strongly think about using Real science for kids. And, we are trying to collect all her read aloud suggestions from the library. Very interested in the Flyleaf 1st, 2nd, and 3rd reader series and wondering if it's worth the money!? I was also happy that she suggested the Books to Build On... by E.D. Hirsch. I have used it this year for basic intro to U.S. history and I really like the whole Core Knowledge. And, Phonics Pathways has really worked for my oldest - even though she chose to take it off her list!

  15. We have already started SOTW 1 and the next Saxon math. It has been a really good first year of homeschooling! He learned to read!!! I am a bit nervous for the Fall when we add science, bible and get more specific with geography and fit in more fun free time read alouds. It's a bit overwhelming! It all takes time, planning and fun! Plus, figuring out extra curricular activities! Plus, doing more regular work with my 5 year old. And, keeping my to be 3 yo buys too. So, yes excited and yes overwhelmed with it all.

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