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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. Does anybody here know if there is any way I can find a sample to listen to?? And for those of you who didnt' like it, if I decide to get it, would you sell it to me cheaply??? Can I ask that here???
  2. Can someone give me an opinion of the SOTW audio for vol 1??? Thanks
  3. How about the Gotz dolls? Someone else told me about these....still checking the options.
  4. I have struggled with this very things for a long time...I have a 9,7 and 5 year old. They don't really have "assigned jobs" becasue I can't stay on top of enforcing them...but they are asked to help with many things from time to time...nothing they do earns them money...we buy them what they need...and they have to wait for their wants until it's their birthday or CHristmas. I have sort of wamted to do the chore=pay thing...but can't come up with a successful way to do it...so I am watching this thread. Kathy
  5. thanks for all of the advice on these dolls. I was looking for a more inexpensive alternative than AG for my 9 year old...so it sounds like Taget is NOT the way to go...I am going to look into these other ones though. Does anyone know, can I get doll clothes at Hobby Lobby or other places for her? Every other week we get a 40% off coupon in our paper, so if I start now, I might be able to make quite a nice collection of outfits for the doll before Christmas.
  6. We don't have a Micheals, can you buy them on line? Do they have a name? Kathy
  7. Have any of you purchased one of these? Are they worth it? Are they nice? Just wondering if they would be a good Christmas gift. Thanks.
  8. thank you for the advice...i was thinking that leaving him a lone was the right way to go.....but not being a lefty, I just wasn't sure. THANKS so much!!
  9. My 5 year old seems pretty comfortable using both his left and his right hand for most things including writing. Do you guys think I need to MAKE him use one or the other...or is it ok for him to keep switiching back and forth? It seems that he switches when either his hand gets tired or he uses his left on the left side of the paper and his right on the right. Thanks for any thoughts. Kathy
  10. I plan to remove 4 of the six drawers and put in a shelf for taller items and use the other 2 drawers for storage. Paint it the color of my kitchen (which is a tuscany green)...but now as I thinking about it, how awkward would it be to get to the storage by climbing under the top part??? hmmm...what do you think???
  11. I plan to turn an old dresser into a kitchen island I am going to top it with a piece of butcher block (I think....if I can afford it)...and I want to make it big enough to hang over the edge so I can put a chair or a bar stool or something next to it. My question is how far over the edge should it go...a foot, bigger, smaller...what do you think?? ANd how tall should it be? Thanks. Kathy
  12. yea...that would work here too..the problem would be turning the TV OFF when I got back...:001_smile:
  13. do you start leaving your oldest in charge for a short amount of time...like 10-15 minutes? This is the deal...we live in a tiny town (400 people)...so the post office is down town...about 5 blocks away. We usually walk together to get the mail....or pick it up on our way out of town....but I have often wondered if I could leave my 3 kids (ages 9,7 and 5) alone for the 5-10 minutes it would take me to go to the post office and get the mail and mail a box. (the box is about 15 lbs which is why we are NOT walking today)...so, is 9 old enough to be put "in charge" for that amount of time and for me to not be on the homefront? I know it sort of depends on the kid...Hannah is responsible and would probably do just fine...oh, their dad is just across the parking lot at church (he's the pastor)...so if something did go terribly wrong, one of the kids could run over there. So what do you think??? Thanks.
  14. I also LOVE FLL1/2...and so do my 3 kiddos. we got sort of bogged down on the nouns...so after about 30 some lessons on nouns, I started to look ahead, combine a couple lessons together...still memorized the poems (which I think is so important...memorizing something of substance..not just lyrics to a silly song...)...but I figured if my early 5 year old could tell everyone he knew what a noun was and could identify it in a spoken sentence (and so could my others)...we could safely move one. I knew we would be hitting those ideas again later anyway. But when we are done with this book, I plan to move on to the next one...at least with my 2 bigger kids (ages 7 and 9) Kathy
  15. yea...I don't really "cook" anything...other than oatmeal
  16. I am in need of a new microwave...but need some assistance in what features are good to have and which ones that I don't need to worry about...any suggestions??
  17. I bought this for my son for Christmas, so I haven't seen his reaction to it, but I did open it up so I could look at it. It looks very cute and appears to be well made. The premise of the game is each child gets a flip book where any combo of characters and clothes could be created. Each combo is on the game board and they all race to find their combo. The combos are created by the roll of a die. For what it is worth, it got good reviews on Amazon (I always check that out)...and I bought mine for only $7.00 on clearance at a local store. But I am now eager to see if anyone who has actually PLAYED the game responds. Hope that helps a little.
  18. I just bought the Egypt ones along with several other Egypt books for our VP study this year. I am hoping these will be enjoyed by my kids...the box should be here today...I'll let you all know.
  19. OK...I will try this again this morning...maybe someone out there can help me!! THANKS!!!
  20. I am using VP Old testament/ancient egypt this year with my 2nd and 3rd grader (my kinder sits in and does some of the things we are doing)...but what do I do with the projects where there are stories after stories (like the Unification of upper and lower Egypt)...am I to read these to the kids or is that just information for me? IT seems dry and I know my kids aren't going to sit and listen to me read that, but I don't want to skip over vital information either. Please someone, direct me! Thanks!!
  21. There are so many different opinions and thoughts on this...how in the world is anyone suppose to decide what to do??? Good grief!!!!!!!
  22. great!! My kids are 5, 8 and 9. Kathy
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