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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. A friend of mine asked me if I would get opinions on these 2 phonics curriculums for her or if you would have another thought for her. Money IS an issue, but if the curriculum is good, she would consider it. She has a 5 year old and a 7 year old. She is not a teacher type...so the easier to teach the better. She is also interested in games and other fun activites either related to the curriculum or not. She was not impressed with ETC. All about Spelling Progressive phonics Thanks. Kathy
  2. Which set of beginning readers would you recommend using for kinder?? Kathy
  3. I have never used R & S...but I do use FLL and love it. I like the short, but very effective lessons. I LOVE the memorization of the poems...even my 5 year old can recite them..and he is learning the parts of speech right along side of the "big kids". There is very little writing...almost all of it (at least so far...I am still pretty early on in the book) is verbal and the children just simply memorize small bits of information at a time. Good program in my opinion. Kathy
  4. For a 2nd and third grader with no previous Latin, which of these two curriculums would be the best for starting: Prima latina or Latina Christiana. Kathy
  5. What curriculums would you recommend for a 2nd and 3rd grader with no keyboarding skills?? Thanks. Kathy
  6. We are going to have envelopes (instead of drawers or boxes) and I plan to include Math, handwriting, spelling, phonics and reading in the envelopes...but then for Science, History, and language, because we do those subjects together...they won't have an envelope...unless I am adding supplemental things for the 2 bigger kids. Did that make sense??
  7. I noticed that the RS abacus has 2 different colors on each line...is that super important...better than one that only has the same color per line??? I am using Saxon for math and I was wondering if anybody here uses an abacus with other curriculums. Kathy
  8. Does anyone here use an abacus for Math...or is it just sort of useless?? Kathy
  9. This isn't really a game...but I have had my children spell their spelling words with the tiles...connecting them as they can. It is a fun variation to spelling.
  10. THANKS so much!! This is what I was looking for. Kathy
  11. I am planning on using Saxon Math this fall, but I was wondering if there was any sort of placement tests available...I am honestly not sure where to start my kids...they don't know all of the material below grade level, but they do know most of it. Do I just start at grade level...or do I try and figure out a different plan?? Thanks. Kathy
  12. I have been watching these on Amazon and just last night they went from $44 down to $31...with free shipping...so I snagged them. I am thinking Christmas maybe...if I can wait that long. Kathy
  13. have you tried this? I wonder why this would work?? Kathy
  14. so do you give (or take) the Dramamine after the first time they throw up..or after several hours or what? Can you disove it in water or something if they don't want to eat anything?? This is interesting...I have never heard of this. Thanks. Kathy
  15. I have looked at buying these, but the cost of them has slowed my thinking down...but now that I see several of you own them, can you tell me how much you like them and what age group would you recommend them for?? Kathy
  16. Am I the only one around here that can't seem to find the right curriculums for our family???? I am SOOOO frustrated. Right now, today, it is math. I started out the MUS....thought I LOVED it...but it was too worksheet oriented, and for one of my sons, THAT was like pulling teeth (the other two...not too bad)...so then I changed over to a program called Math On The Level, which is just the opposite...no worksheets (to speak of), just lots of games, using Math in real life and then some practice of problems in small doses...it really is a good program, I think, but it was too labor intensive and not directive enough for me...especially with needing to teach 3 kids this fall. So, I am on the look for another one. I have considered Saxon (knowing that it is a great program...but like MUS...it is worksheet oriented again.)... So, please, 1st tell me if I am NUTS...and is there any help for me...buying curriculum anonymous or something....and then is there any kind of "Math" cure for my problem...suggestions for math curriculums. THANKS!!!! Kathy
  17. I actually emailed TLC when the 5th season started and it was obvious that troubles were really brewing. I am too VERY upset and sad about the whole thing. I told them that they needed to take the high road, tell Jon and Kate that their show ha been canceled and they needed to focus on their family instead. I knew my little email wouldn't make a difference, but I was just complelled to say something anyway. I am just sad. Kathy
  18. You guys have listed all of our favorites, but I am madly adding to our Birthday and Christmas lists. Keep 'em coming!! Kathy
  19. Really? I guess I was thinking that the kids would enjoy having their own set...looking through the cards on their own...etc. But you think, not so much?? Thanks. Kathy
  20. I am planning on using Veritas Press for history this fall. I have been looking and looking for 2 extra sets of used cards, but they simply aren't becoming available...however, if I was interested in buying the TM and CD along with the cards, I can find them (used). SO, what I was wondering, would it be wise of me to buy the whole set (used) and try to resell the rest? In theory this is good, but in reality, is it...will people buy just the TM and CD? What do you guys think?? Kathy
  21. Would you be so kind as to tell me how I join these groups?? Kathy
  22. We are winding up our "official school year" and I am on a exhaustive search for a new history series, program, curriculum...whatever for us. We have given SOTW a good try, I think...but my kids just moan when I say we are doing History...and I don't want them to consider history boring, like I did as a kid...so I am looking for something different. SO, please, if you have any ideas for me to explore this summer, I am all ears...I want to use this summer wisely and have it all figured out before fall comes (and as we all know...it will come all too quickly). Some ideas I am exploring are: Child's History of the World, All through the Ages by Christine Miller, Mystery of History Series, Truthquest and Christian Liberty Press. I have also considered just reading Historical Literature to them for a year or so...but I don't know. So if anybody has any pros and cons to any of those, please share. By the way, my kids are 8,7 and 4. Thanks. so much
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