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Everything posted by motherofjoy

  1. Don't flush personal hygiene products into a septic tank/field. Biodegradable, organic, and liquid. That should be your mantra. We don't use a garbage disposal, dishwasher, or powdered soaps, or chlorine bleach with ours. All of those things will shorten the lifespan between pumps, or clog your junctions. If you're having to have your tanked pumped "regularly", there's a problem. Since my new tank was installed 9 years ago, we've never had it pumped. It's a 1000 gallon tank with lots of usage. And we don't use commercial shock treatments either. We just follow the simple rules above.
  2. The memories that come to mind first are the times when my older siblings paid some special attention to me, instead of telling me to get lost. Of course there were family vacations, special holiday traditions, and grandparents too.
  3. A private school steeped in a religious traditions and dogma, practicing hiring discrimination, and expecting religious conviction from every student is not comparable to taking an elective class in an institution that does not practice any of the above. And in my experience, "religious" degrees are assigned as Philosophy degrees in anything but a college of divinity or private college. But to answer your question, no, I don't think elective courses in comparative religion should be dropped, and I'm sorry if you read my response that way. I'm clearly opposed to my tax dollars going to support an institution's possible discriminatory practices.
  4. WHAT? I keep reading about the liberal bias here! I must have been misinformed. Sorry!:D
  5. Check out the homeless population in any large city. Do a simple google search of all the people who have to fight for federal disability - people lost in the health care system. Check out veterans groups, and all the men who proudly served our nation and aren't getting help for their war related illnesses and injuries. We're talking about millions of people who fall through the cracks every single day. To believe otherwise is pure ignorance.
  6. There's always that option. It's not limited to religious organizations you know, ANYONE who accepts federal money has to abide by federal discrimination laws. All states have similar, but in some cases, less restrictive laws.
  7. I've love to read the documentation about professors losing their jobs or students being kicked out of schools for religious reasons. I googled but wasn't able to find any articles. Thank you in advance!
  8. You're free to either a) complain to the management or b) explain why. I don't agree.
  9. The difference is, all those classes are secular in nature. I don't want my tax dollars spent on a religious education, regardless of the religion. I don't want my tax dollars spent on any faith based initiatives, education, welfare programs, or research. Any faith. The government spends tax money on many things I don't agree with, not the least of which is public education, yet there's a need for that and so I wouldn't vote against it. Faith based doesn't mean Christian Only. The Christians don't own the rights to faith. I used the analogy of abortion in my post because that's an issue that many faith based voters object to having their tax money spent on, and I understand their displeasure. Their displeasure is comparative to mine, as far as where tax money is spent.
  10. Yes Elaine, please edit your responses. Too many good discussions have been locked (or my post count would be closer to the 50 I need to sell curriculum).
  11. I also interpreted your response as having no idea what socialism is, or that it's somehow a "bad thing". However, I answered you with a "sure", hoping you'd extrapolate on your response. If you're so inclined, you still can, after you consider that "all those places" have socialist governments. Regardless of the troll accusation (aren't we all new here at some time?), I'm sincere.
  12. I've read more than 12 posts. Yesterday you told someone else named Elaine not to respond to someone else - I'd link you but your action resulted in that thread being deleted. Now you're calling me a troll and feigning insult. Where exactly did I insult you? I asked you legitimate questions. It's your choice to pretend you're the victim.
  13. You spend a lot of time telling other posters how to act. Want to add to the discussion? How about you define "socialist" to me, and show me how Obama fits the criteria. The hysteria is overwhelmingly amusing to me. Unless a "socialist" congress is also elected, there's very little chance of our government becoming "socialist". However, if Obama is elected there's a very GOOD chance that health care, education, and jobs for the already born will be a priority over war and the constant bleating of sheep.
  14. If socialism is what it takes to give everyone access to education, health care, and gainful employment, I'm not opposed.
  15. In my experience, without evidence to the contrary, the judge always believes the officer. Maybe your local traffic court is different. In many areas, a traffic citation received on a clean record gives you some options, like a class instead of a fine. It certainly won't hurt to go to court and try to argue your case. You seem like a person who can give a reasoned point of view.
  16. I personally have no problem with faith based organizations having no access to federal (or state/local) tax money - or for that money to be strictly controlled with secular restrictions. Just as the pro lifer is discouraged at the thought of their money being tied to the payment of abortion, so I am appalled that my tax money should pay to indoctrinate anyone into a certain religious belief. Go Obama!
  17. As a graduation requirement, all students in grades 9-12 in our district must volunteer 30 hours in any given school year. They're allowed to when and where. The school provides ample opportunities, and the students can also choose their own.
  18. Voter fraud? Then let's not forget "politicin' from the pulpit", in the tax exempt atmosphere of nearly every church in the country. Let he without sin throw the first ACORN.
  19. Where's the outrage on the part of the parents? Oh, there wasn't any. In other news articles about this, it states that this is a small charter school, and that the parents were completely aware and supportive of the "field trip". http://www.edgeboston.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=&sc2=news&sc3=&id=81806 It's all about the spin.
  20. Doesn't McCain think he can get elected without constantly stretching the truth about ACORN? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/11/us/politics/11acorn.html
  21. Sirius Satellite has an entire channel devoted to AC/DC.
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