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Robin M

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Everything posted by Robin M

  1. I used google or dogpile images or go directly to author website and make a copy of the image from their pages. The best thing to do is right hand click on the images and save it to your pictures, desktop or where ever you save your pictures on your computer. The problem with linking photos from other websites instead of actually copying them, is it slows down their servers and websites. And it may cause your website to load more slowly since it has to go out and gather all those links. Many ask that you don't link to their pictures. Book covers images don't fall under copy infringement like art work or other content unless specifically stated so they can be used for book reviews. Authors don't have a problem with anyone adding an image of their books to your site. So download instead of link, please
  2. Nudge nudge - it's not only for book bloggers. Come join.
  3. This weekend Maw's Book Blog is hosting Bloggiesta An event of epic proportions for the next three days in which you, if you have a blog, change, clean up your links, add some links, work on posts, etc. Check it out, sign up and get to work: There are multiple things to do as suggested by Natasha: Write reviews. Write backup posts for a rainy day. Write that great post idea from three months back. Work on series posts. Write guest posts. Put out invitations for guest posts. Conduct and edit author interviews. Create template posts for your future reads (ie: title, images, linking, tags, etc,) so you can open up, write review and post without being bogged down with technicalities Clean up your tags, archives, books reviewed list, etc. Create a text file (or Google Doc) of cheat sheets (html codes, post url’s, etc) Improve your blog template, clean up sidebars, add a favicon, install those plugins that you’ve been meaning to do. Add or edit your about me page, review policy, disclosure policy, privacy policy, create landing pages (for example – an about me for Twitter readers page) or any other pages you might have. Any bloggy type housekeeping that you’ve been neglecting. Clean up and update your challenge lists. Link up your posts with hosts. Make sure all of your social network profiles are up to date. Brand yourself through those profiles with color scheme, images, etc. Go get a gravatar. Visit the Blogging Tips group on the Book Blogs Ning and find ways to improve your blog. Work on any specialized projects that you may have going. Clean out and organize your feed reader and blog subscriptions. Create an elevator pitch. Make business cards. Find a blogging buddy. The sky’s the limit!
  4. No need to feel embarrassed - reading is reading, no matter whether the book is serious or entertaining. I'll be reading plenty of entertaining books this year. They can't all be serious or my mind would explode.
  5. Do you mean technically how to I upload an image or where am I getting them from? Good job finishing your nf book by the way. I'm the same way and have trouble finishing.
  6. Found this today - two yale guys - one playing guitar, the other singing Lady Gaga's Bad Romance Weblog of Harper Perennial - two guys from yale
  7. You have some work ahead of you to do then. Unfortunately the burden is on you to prove they are wrong. If you use Turbo tax, reprint your tax forms. If you don't use turbo tax, suggest you get it and redo your taxes. You'll have to put it together from scratch if you can't find anything, but do the best you can. The best way to fight the IRS is by documentation. Good luck!
  8. We have. They may have made a mistake in calculating something. Look at the paperwork they sent and the reason why? Who does your taxes for you? If you do your own taxes, go back through and find the area they are talking about. As long as you have documentation to prove they are wrong, there shouldn't be any problem. Call and deal with a person, get them to walk you through how they got the $50K figure. Anytime you send paperwork to the IRS, keep a copy for yourself and send registered mail so have proof. Most times, the error is caused by forgetting to fill in a section and the IRS assumes a figure for you. Wrong, yes...but they do it.
  9. A "retelling" counts as well. There are quite a few retellings of classic stories. Plus books inspired by the original classics. I'm involved in another challenge "take a chance" challenge. One of the tasks is to find a book inspired by the original, read both and compare. It can be a retelling or offshoot. I'll be reading Sense and Sensibility and the book "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. There's also Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
  10. Sunday to Sunday - makes it easy. Martha Washington looks good. Will have to check it out. I'm going to be reading a bio of George Washington at some point for U.S. Presidents Reading Project. Going to work my way through slowly.
  11. Here I go again with the multiple posts. I should read more slowly. The 20/20/20 challenge was thought up by Paula - Elegantlion. It's kind of similar to the 9/9/9 and the 20/10 challenges that are going around the blogosphere. Here's the link explaining the whole thing.
  12. I haven't read this one yet, but will sometime this year. What don't you like about it?
  13. Oh mercy! Nope, no facebook. I don't have time to keep it up too. If one of you want to start a facebook page, be my guest. Those who don't have blogs, can comment on the blog posts or here. Great way to get discussions going. If there's a particular book you want to discuss on the blog, let me know. And there is also twitter, which is a lot easier for me.
  14. I am having a Homer Simpson "D'oh" moment. I never ever saw that. Thank you!
  15. Please do hang with us. I also have a nook and will be reading some e-books. Look forward to hearing about the ones you read. And if anyone can tell me the secret to how to quote multiple people instead of one at a time, I would appreciate it.
  16. Hi karin, Yes, we are aware of this. It's in addition to the weekly thread for additional discussions.
  17. I'm also going to read David Copperfield this year. February 7, 1812 was his birthday, so I'll be reading it in February. I'm going to try and pick a certain book in the bible and study it, instead of trying to reread for the umpteenth time.
  18. Poor Rosie! You actually fit into both categories so why not both. We'll cut you in half. :) Just kidding. The 12 books a year thread will only be posted once a month and is for reading 12 books - not necessarily classics from what I understand. I'll be posting weekly. And since we are kinda sorta channeling the WEM, you may want to stick with us. But that is up to you. Choose one or both. So what was the "stupid" novel?
  19. Interesting list of books. Looks kind of like my list and not sure if it is the my eyes are bigger than my stomach syndrome. No nails across the chalkboard that I can see. I want to reread Pilgrim's progress it's been so long. Perhaps will read younger version with son.
  20. There are two links on the blog - one for participants and I will link your blog in the side bar. The other link is for book reviews. Once you write a book review on your blog, you can to it through the blog for others to Read. For the classics, you probably could rely on the Penguin covers. There are lists all over for classics. Search Great Books and see what comes up. :)
  21. Happy New Year! Are you all excited about our brand new reading year. I certainly am. The rules are simple: 1) Read at least one book a week. *** 2) All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc. 3) Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2010 4) You can join in at any time. 5) Books may overlap other challenges. *** The challenge is very casual - you pick out what books you want to read. No lists required. Built in to the challenge is the 12 Classics in 12 Months since classics take so much longer to read and digest. Read one classic a month and if you find that you have time to read other books, go for it. The book week will run from Sunday to Saturday which just makes it easier to keep track. Our first week is just a couple days longer since Jan 1 fell on Friday. Each week I'll be posting a thread for everyone to comment on what they've been reading. For those with blogs who have signed up as participants on the 52 Books blog, Mr. Linky will be available for you to post links to your reviews. Each week on the blog, I'll be highlight different genres, authors, books, and whatever book related thing comes to mind. This week is all about classics and a challenge to read the classics if you haven't already decided to. Have you read SWB's Well Educated Mind yet? It's a great resource. I'm starting with Aristotle's Poetics. What are you reading this week?
  22. Great job you guys! I'll be posting the 2010 book a week - week one thread on Sunday at the latest.
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