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Robin M

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Everything posted by Robin M

  1. I just finished reading new to me author J.R. Ward's first book in the Fallen Angels series "Covet" which is quite interesting about a man who dies and is sent back to save 7 souls in order to save the world. Looking forward to reading the next one.
  2. Today is the start of book week 50 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Where are you in your quest? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews. 52 books blog - X is for xenization. Having a bit of fun and highlighting Save The Words. Adopt words that are disappearing from the english language and help save a word. Things in the works for the 2011 52 books challenge: I'm melding in the science fiction challenge Mind Voyages with 52 books as a mini challenge. The goal is to read the Hugo winners and there are different voyages. Links to the different voyages with lists of books can be found on the Mind Voyages blog. Read around the World. I probably did read around the world last year but didn't pay much attention. So this year I'm paying attention to setting. Keep track of where the story takes place and see how many places you end up. or just stick with one country such as Ireland and do the The Ireland Reading Challenge: Read books set in Ireland, written by Irish Authors or with an Irish theme. Pick 2, 4, or 6 books to read. Jane Austen Mini Challenge: Read Jane Austen's books -Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion. All can be found online here. Well Educated Mind Mini Challenge: Read 3 books from each category: Fiction, autobiography, History Drama and Poetry. New Author Mini Challenge: Read at least one new to you author per month. Try a new genre challenge: Read at least one book in a genre you've never tried before. And of course, with all you folks who are getting e-readers for Christmas, we'll have an e-book reading challenge. and we'll have some assorted Mini Challenges which will be introduced during the year. and for those who don't think they have the time to read 52 books but want to play along, we have Read 12 classics in 12 months or 12 Chunksters in 12 Months And if you need some ideas check out Novel Challenges. It is an awesome collection of all the novel challenges out there in the blogosphere. What are you reading this week?
  3. Morning. Go to the 52 books blog and the blog widget is in the sidebar. Right hand click and save the image. Then you should be able to upload it to your blog.
  4. Check out Novel Challenges which is the one stop place for all the challenges out there. You'll find all kinds of lists and ideas. I have a list of books on my book shelf that I'll be reading this next year. I made up several lists for Mind Voyages if you are into science fiction which will be a mini challenge for the 52 books challenges. Then you have the Nobel Prize literature winners.
  5. I have it and just never got around to reading it. Will have to put it on the list for this year. We should include a well educated mind mini challenge. Will have to figure out how that will work. Thanks for the idea.
  6. If you want those books to count toward your goal of reading 52 books, then yes. But they should have some substance like Nance mentioned.
  7. I haven't read the other answers yet, but I wouldn't say anything to the teacher. I would however, explain it to your son and make sure he understands that different beliefs are not bad.
  8. Cool, the e-readers do come in handy for reading classics and other books and save space as well. I finished the first two in the series and downloaded "A Wild Light" today. Looking forward to checking out her other books.
  9. I have one that's similar which is picking a book based on its cover and not reading the back to find out what it is about. Lots of cool and intriguing covers out there. Okay, so adding another one to the list - cool titles. Keep em coming, folks. I'm formulating a plan.
  10. All good ideas... oh my brain! That would be the TBR challenge and I've gotcha covered. I'm going to work on reading what books are in my TBR pile before buying anything new in 2011. So Dive right in and read your own books and see how far you get. It's all about having fun folks. That's why we came up with the 12 classics in 12 months last year, because some folks didn't think they could read 52 books. Hmm! Now I'm getting all sorts of ideas. My brain is going to explode.
  11. We'd be delighted! Certainly. Keeping fingers crossed for that e-reader. They are the best! Have absolutely no idea, except. :confused: Sometimes people are afraid of commitment so they remain anonymous. Sometimes people are just very very shy, even online. Or maybe they read 'those' :ohmy: books. Leaving 'those' up to your imagination.
  12. Actually I like that idea. I have most of her books and have been meaning to read them. Classics sitting on the shelf being ignored. So yes - we'll include a Jane Austin mini - challenge.
  13. Currently reading Tami Hoag's "Secrets to the Grave" which is a sequel to Deeper than the Deep. Secrets will be released December 28th. Book tour review will be going up on the 14th. Good, good book.
  14. I'm working on it. I'm joining in on a couple challenges - The Ireland reading challenge and new author reading challenge so probably will include something along those lines as well as the classics and sci fi. Will work on it this week and come up with a plan and let you know what the first mini challenge of the year will be next week.
  15. Nope, no cone of shame Yes, you are allowed. At least you were reading and trying for the 52 goal. Yep, I post a thread every Sunday along with a post on the 52 books blog where folks can link to their reviews if they do reviews. No failure in trying, just have fun Love, love, love my nook Um, a re-cap. *gulp* Probably. I'll try to have the mini challenges figured out before jan 1. Sometimes I get an idea and throw it in with the weekly post but right now, know for sure will being doing classics and science fiction/fantasy. If anyone has any ideas, throw them in the hat. They really need to be young adult or adult books. But of course it depends on the book. If it's long such as harry potter, etc, then count it. Magic tree house books and such like those, no. Don't have any idea what the Dialectic books are. I need some enlightenment, please. :)
  16. Eeek - Thanks I love lucy. Don't like that number happy happy joy joy - doing the happy dance. I'll post in the morning with more information.
  17. For those of you who usually don't read the general board, I'm continuing the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge for 2011. Check it out and join in the fun
  18. Hey gang. We are going to do it all over again in 2011. If you didn't join in last year, now is your chance. The goal is to read 52 books in 52 weeks. I'm going to be having some mini challenges within the challenge. 12 Classics in 12 weeks, a mind voyages challenge reading science fiction and fantasy and whatever else my devious mind can think of. The challenge run as follows The challenge will run from January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. Our book weeks will begin on Sunday. Participants may join at any time. All forms of books are acceptable including e-books, audio books, etc. Re-reads are acceptable as long as they are read after January 1, 2011. Books may overlap other challenges. Easy peasy. Come join in the fun.
  19. I just finished reading Tami Hoag's "Deeper than the Dead." Never read any of her books before, so have discovered a new to me author that I will be reading more of in 2011. Now I'm reading Roxanne St. Claire's newest book in a new series "Edge of Sight." She's one of my favorites.
  20. Today is the start of book week 49 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Where are you in your quest? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews. 52 Books blog - W is for wishes. What is on your Christmas wish list? I shared a few of the books that are currently on my wish list. Have you even started thinking about christmas? I haven't quite gotten my head wrapped around the thought yet. Maybe once we start decorating I'll get in the mood. What are you reading this week?
  21. I'm currently reading "Blood of the Demon" by Diana Rowland. Discovered my nook fits quite well on the shelf of my treadmill. Excellent!
  22. Today is the start of book week 48 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Where are you in your quest? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews. 52books blog - What happens when we combine U and V. Five more weeks ya'll. How's it going? Are you ready to do it all over again in 2011 What are you reading this week?
  23. Sometimes it helps to ask yourself - would you yell at your husband, mother, employer, the waitress in the restaurant. I really have to watch myself, because I have no problem yelling at my kid and no one else. So am training myself not to yell. Besides it was teaching him it was okay to yell right back. So, just stop and take a deep breath, speak in a quiet voice, then remove a privilege when they don't move fast enough. My son loves loves loves his technology. One word of losing it for a day, a week, whatever and he does what I say.
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