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Laura Corin

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Status Updates posted by Laura Corin

  1. Spring

    1. Laura Corin

      Laura Corin

      I'm trying to make this the year I'm actually caught up with the garden. We'll see how long that lasts...

  2. Fog in the landscape, fog in my brain

  3. There was a hard frost again last night. Where is Spring?

    1. Unicorn.


      It spent the winter in TX, and is currently battling summer becasue it doesn't want to leave!

  4. My dog is licking my laptop. Maybe it needs wiping.

  5. I'm having a great time with my growing boys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. swimmermom3


      Lol. Laura, I like having sons. I understand about being a girl, but watching the hamster wheels that my boys brains run on is fascinating to say the least.

    3. swimmermom3


      Lol. Laura, I like having sons. I understand about being a girl, but watching the hamster wheels that my boys brains run on is fascinating to say the least.

    4. Laura Corin

      Laura Corin

      What I find interesting is that I don't see many boy-based differences. Calvin's comment, 'Well, you don't have the most masculine of boys.' I do have bookish boys.

  6. This lone parenting thing is no fun with a streaming cold

    1. Hannah


      Hope you feel better soon!

    2. Cassy


      Sorry to hear you're poorly, that sounds tough.

    3. Storm Bay

      Storm Bay

      I hope you're feeling somewhat better today.

  7. Just back from a walk with the dog - she has mud stockings up to her armpits

  8. Almost time to go home from work - clearly not very busy....

    1. kalanamak


      How is work going? Mentally stimulating? A painless way to pass the time? Bamboo wedges burning under your fingernails?

  9. Planted forty trees and shrubs this weekend

  10. Hello Jean - You are very welcome. I'm glad that Latin Prep is working for you.

  11. Hello Karin - you ask about my blogging. I moved to Blogger, so I have a whole new blog. It is at http://lauraandcalvinandhobbes.blogspot.com/


    Thanks for asking



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