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Tanya in KS

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Posts posted by Tanya in KS

  1. I have looked and looked at all three programs. I know WWE is not available for my older ones.


    I NEED a writing program for my students who will be in 3rd grade, 6th grade & freshman. We have done writing with Rod & Staff, letters to family but never a formal writing program.


    I would like a program that I can start and finish with all. Thus, I am leaning towards CW or WT.


    I do not like IEW. It looks too teacher intensive and I simply do not have the time or money to invest in it.


    Would love your thoughts :bigear:

  2. My son is working in book 2A. Can someone please explain to me their crazy method for introducing multiplication? And then jumping into division without all the facts of multiplication down!!! There does not seem to be any consistency to it at all - the 2, 3, 4. It all seems to be mixed up. Am I missing something??? :001_huh:

  3. We are working on this right now:


    Simply Stated is the curriculm that I have used this year. It has been wonderful to add picture books, along with longer readers about each region.


    Here is the link for the website:




    We combined this with Simply Presidential. I loved their simple approach.


    We made simply notebooks with facts that we learned about each state. I have a 2nd & 5th grader doing this study together.

  4. I would like to get my kiddos started on this series but I am confused as to the "best" way to read through it.


    Should we go chronologically?? Where can I find how to read them chronologically? I know I saw a list somewhere but I can not recall where.


    Should we go as they were published?



  5. I have a daughter who is in Book 5A. She does VERY well with math, occassionally she misses a lesson because she does not read the textbook. She completes her lesson very quickly - 15-20 minutes. I schedule 1 lesson per day, sometimes 2.


    My husband thinks she should be working on her math longer and that I should set a time limit for math and then that is when the lesson is complete, not when the 1-2 lessons is complete.


    I would love to hear others thoughts on how they schedule Singapore. Should I supplement it with something else? She has very good retention so I do believe that she needs drilling.



  6. Okay... why do we do spelling???? To teach phonics rules? To teach vocabulary? What is the purpose of continuing spelling past when you teach phonics?


    My daughter is a good speller. I really do not have concerns. She is in the

    5th grade. We use Rod & Staff, she is in the 6th grade speller this year.


    DO I continue or move into vocabulary for her?


    Then the question becomes which program?? :confused:

  7. We have had the puppy since July. Not only has she peed on my couch but she has created a little spot in the corner of our living room as her personal waste center. Thus, carpet and subfloor will have to be replaced someday when the funds magically arrive. We have tried many methods to no avail.


    This is soooooooooo hard, dear hubby doesn't get it so I just came to rant to someone....


    thank you to those who understand and not condemming me in this difficult decision

  8. There are times that I HATE schooling the kiddos now. I have been doing this for 12 years now and realize that I have a 2 yo that hasn't even started!!!!


    I am alone most of the time as hubby job does not allow him to be home much. So I do the shopping, errands, schooling, doctors, boys scouts, violin lessons, etc, etc... all alone. It is DRAINING to say the least.


    I don't have any answers but I do know that you are not alone in how you feel.



  9. Very Sad Day soon this week - I am having to put my old kitty to sleep. She is just 16 and I have had her since college. I am so sad.


    Also, 10 year old kitty has started to pee on BRAND NEW couch. She was checked out and nothing wrong with her - we think she is simply mad because we got a new puppy. Hubby says she has to go....



    SO sad....:sad::sad:

  10. Good Election Evening!


    I am looking to purchase ROsetta Stone for the family. Some questions that I have after being on the site:


    DO I purchase the personal or homeschool version? They look the same.


    DO I purchase the extra $40 audio?


    Any coupons available??


    Lastly, do you like the program? What ages are you using it for? Are they actually learning to speak and comprehend if spoken to?



  11. My marriage is probably your average marriage - we have our ups and downs. I just do not want to go to a movie that would possibly cause distension with my husband and make me see things that he (maybe even waht I may be doing) may not be doing for us in our marriage. I know that we are missing the romance that I loved when we were dating. I just know this is an area that Satan will attack me on.


    I love this movie company and truly want to support them so I will be gifting them my movie tickets AND video purchase.:001_smile:

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