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Tanya in KS

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Posts posted by Tanya in KS

  1. The difference is MOTH is about creating a schedule for your home and MOTS is for those who are struggling with the academics of their schooling and how to help make it better. They use textbooks and are for this schooling of thought. Each book is VERY good - both have valuable information. If you are just strating out though I would recommend MOTH first.

  2. I just read the thread about publishing a book with Lulu.com. This looks like a fanatatic gift idea for my daughter who has written a children's book called DragonSlayer.... but how to get illustrations added to the book. She is NOT artistic and I would love to add these to her book since it will be her Christmas gift. Any suggestions.......:bigear:

  3. I am seriously considering placing my son in ps or SOMETHING else. He simply is NOT motivated to do his work. He is a 9th grader who is behind in his subject areas.


    This is his current schedule:


    Math - MUS Alegbra 1/2

    English - Progeny Press Guide, Wordly Wise, Easy Grammar

    Science - Apologia Physical Science

    Spanish - Rosetta Stone

    Computer - Lifepac - Word Program (will be complete in two weeks)

    World Geography - Trail Guide to World Geography with Extensive Map Work

    and woods & art class at ps - all morning wor is usually complete before he goes.



    The problem lies in the fact that he simply does the work but nothing extra to retain the information. I have taught him to take notes, outline, reread sections, you name it I have tried it with him for retention.... On the other hand, if he has a test, he spends NO time studying for it...maybe one night and then say 'Well, I knew I was going to fail anyway..." My husband believes we are taking too much accountability for his schooling in that I am constantly asking 'Have you studied, have you completed, etc...."


    I need to find a program where I am not the one harping and he has accountability to someone else. This is ruining our relationship and he is such a good kid. Has anyone tried any of the curriculum companies academies..ie Alpha Omega, Christian Liberty Press, K12? How do they place a child who is academically behind?


    I really struggle with him and his schooling because his other siblings are at grade level or above... I am at my wits end...


    Thanks for listening

  4. Next Friday (yes, I know it is the 13th), I am planning a romantic night for dh and I. We have NEVER had the house all to ourselves in 10 years. I have all 7 children pawned off to various friends and they are excited! Children will be gone before hubby gets home from work and we will pick them up by 10 am next morning..BUT now what to do......


    DH does not know. I want to do a nice dinner for us. BUT what else?????? :confused:

  5. I have mine 3rd & Freshman doing it completely independently. The only day that they work together is Friday when they make a meal & craft for the table to decorate for our dinner. This summer I made binders for each child and set up what they were to do daily. I copied and copied everything. It took a lot of up front work on my part BUT they have learned so much!

  6. Anyone has one of these? I had my gall bladder removed 2 months ago and NOW one of my scars is acting up and bothering me. What is your experience with this? My gen surg gave me a cortisone shot today in hopes that it helps it. It is very sensitive to touch - my shirt rubbing on it, finger running over it, etc... Any advice would be appreciated

  7. I so understand where you are at. I am at that place also and I have ordered my ABeka curriculm. My dear hubby has seen my stress and all the time to take to plan for 5 children with the curriculum that I LOVE. But it simply was not working and we were getting NOTHING done. I was made, angry , stressed all the time.


    So I frantically ordered Abeka last week and a sense of relief washed over me. It almost felt freeing to be free of the constraints that I put on myself and the way I thought our schooling should be. I NEVER thought I would use ABeka or BJ but I am and I think my stress level is going down. And my children are liking it so far. They can do it on their own without me saying 'Wait, I'll be right there' and I show up 1/2 hour later...or a poopy diaper interrupts us AGAIN or dinner is burning. It is simply getting DONE.


    I know that I bought into the philosophy that textbooks are a NoNo for homeschoolers. I LOVE the curriculum choice that I made but for this season, it needs to be put on hold. I need to find the reason why we homeschool again, I need to become a wife again, and I need to become a fun mom again. SO if I have decided to use textbooks in order to accomplish this then I am not a failure just a wise woman who is doing right for her families relationships.


    Please pm me if you have more questions. This is new to me also. But it does feel right and good and DONE! I have not read any of the other threads but I wanted to post because this was so close to home.


    Trust your instinct. We do with everything else we do with our children - health, food, commitments, why not this???

  8. WOW! I did not remember the language or the issues (whorehouses, booze, gambling) brought up in this book. This was our next book to read in HS and now I am not sure that I desire my son to read it. Have any of you done this book? What I remembered from way long ago almost make me want him to read it - the treatment of the mentally retarded, Depression, etc...


    Would love the Hive's thoughts on this book..

  9. Have any of you used Saxon Math K? I have tried Horizons K for my 5 yo and I do not like how it is taught. Ex... addition facts - all different sets of numbers are taught - 2+3=5, 1+3=4, etc... maybe I am missing something but I think I should stick with what I know works for my children and I have used Saxon before and got dupped into something else:glare: Anyway... I have not used Saxon K before and I do not think she is ready for a 1st grade math K yet so thought would be appreciated.

  10. My just turned 9 yo son lost his Nintendo DS system (last night) & one of his sister's games. We went back to where he dropped it and no avail. He was messing around with his sister and did not zip the bag where he kept his DS so it dropped out. Now it is gone.... (He is always losing track of things unless I remind him to check and last night I did not. Yes, I know helicopter mom. But truly it is his personality & not laziness - my sister was the same way and I think he is her clone =)


    Of course today in the mail, he just got a bunch of bday $ and now thinks he should be able to buy his sister's game and buy himself a new system.


    Would you let him spend his bday money on a new system??

  11. My just turned 9 yo son lost his Nintendo DS system (last night) & one of his sister's games. We went back to where he dropped it and no avail. He was messing around with his sister and did not zip the bag where he kept his DS so it dropped out. Now it is gone.... (He is always losing track of things unless I remind him to check and last night I did not. Yes, I know helicopter mom. But truly it is his personality & not laziness - my sister was the same way and I think he is her clone =)


    Of course today in the mail, he just got a bunch of bday $ and now thinks he should be able to buy his sister's game and buy himself a new system.


    Would you let him spend his bday money on a new system??

  12. Looking to purchase grade 3 horizons math - Do I really need the teacher's guide? I will be with my son for his math time.


    Also, we have done rod & Staff but he is simply struggling with writing out every problem sooo I have tested him - he passed the 2nd grade test but bombed the 3rd grade - where shoudl I start him - he knows his math facts fairly well and we have done some mutl & division facts through Singapore 2B...



    Thanks in advance!

  13. So my son is really struggling with the transition to HS. He states that he is stressed out all the time and just doesn't have time to get his work done.


    These are his subjects:


    Rod & Staff - Bible Study - geography/history study

    Spanish 1 - Rosetta Stone

    Literature - Literature guide for Redwall

    Grammar - easy Grammar (his worst subject usually but the only one he is completely daily)

    Computer - Word Program through Lifepacs

    Math - Prealgebra - Math U See

    World Geography- Trail Guide to World Geo.

    Physical Science - Apologia

    Wordly Wise

    Then Art/Woods at public high school at 1:15-3:00 daily...


    He NEVERS gets a whole day complete. Then he is up until 10 pm or later every night working on school.


    Our relationship is in turmoil. He is the GREATEST kid!! I hate seeing him like this. School has never been an issue until now. Since we started 6 weeks ago, he have had weekly discussions about his grades (0s) and the work not being completed. YUCK! He just walks around and glares at me now, no joking... It is so sad for both of us. Yes, he is behind in his subjects but at least he is plugging along... now he is simply drowning...


    Nothing has changed in our family, friends have not moved away, so nothing out of the ordinary but life is happening....


    Is this normal? Will it get better? Do I make changes to his schedule?

    Dad thinks it will take him 5 years to graduate HS with the way he is working through his schooling now. I am so concerned and confused as to what to do..


    Thanks for listening

  14. I just started training for a 5k (couch to 5K program) I am just starting week 2. But I am really enjoying it. My problem was Sat. morning when I went out to run it was FREEZING (I didn't realize until I got home) it was 35 degrees!!! I thought that I had stretched really well - I got terrible shin splints right away and it felt like I was on day one all over again. It was very discouraging...I felt better once I realize how cold it was though.


    6:30 am is the only time that I truly have to run - soooo how to do it? What clothing to wear.., do I complete week one over again because I have to adjust to the cold???


    Thanks for the advice.:bigear:

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