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Tanya in KS

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Posts posted by Tanya in KS

  1. Here is the situation:


    We just added on to our home. Of course, it increased our mortgage. (We started this all last year and just got things wrapped up before gas and everything else started skyrocketing.) We own a trailer camper. We have 7 children in the home, 4 are under the age of 5. My husband works LONG hours in agriculture at a local cooperative as a fert manager. My husband is NOT willing to move (with the market in our area our home would never sell) and he is NOT willing to sell the camper. Two of our sons have medical needs which means travel 2 hours to a doctor. Gas, Gas, Gas.... We are working on paying off credit debt (yes, the cards and closed and cut up and GONE)


    So to my question.... with the price of milk, eggs and everything else rising at the local, rural grocery store. Our budget is so tight due to the above things I have mentioned. We are determined to stick to our debt payoff plan BUT I almost have nothing left for groceries and clothing. Dear hubby, does not understand because he does not pay the bills. I am considering putting the younger children on WIC, just to help with the grocery bill. I struggle with this choice due to the fact that we have some luxuries (big house, camper) and I really feel like the program is for those who need it. If we could get rid of the camper then, we would be okay BUT like I said - hubby will NOT NOT sell the camper. It is his freedom when he can get away from his job.


    Sorry for rambling...just wanting to get out of this pit



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