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Tanya in KS

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Posts posted by Tanya in KS

  1. I have a son who is using MUS. He is doing so much better in it than he did in Saxon. He just wasn't grasping fractions or decimals through Saxon. He has gone through episolon and very soon we will start zeta.


    Should I combine the Saxon & MUS? If you do this approach, please pass on your wisdom of how you exactly combine the two courses.


    Also, if you combine MUS with Singagpore. I would LOVE to see that also. I have a daughter working in Singapre and am considering adding MUS, the explanation is so much better.


    Thanks in advance

  2. Yesterday, I read almost all the thread in regards to the bailout not passing trying to understand what is happening in our country. Several people stated over and over it is going to get really bad.


    What does that mean? What is going to get bad?


    I live in VERY rural Kansas. Farming community. We are not close to any major cities - closest one is two hours away. Hubby does not think all this will affect us - I just am not sure because I do not understand the "really bad".


    Thoughts to my ignorant mind would be appreciated.

  3. Again, thinking of large families - it must be the night for this topic:001_smile:

    and WIDE grade spans


    Do you keep your curriculm year to year OR do you sell knowing that by the time you get back to it something new and better will have come along???

  4. How do you homeschool with many different ages and age ranges???


    I have a 8th grader (I am stressing about HS next year - what will I do with him??) Pretty independent worker but still needs some guidance when things aren't completely understood. ie math problems, science, etc


    5th grader * 2 grader - we do history & science together, everything else separate. 5th grader, pretty independent but still needs teaching for math & grammar sometimes. 2nd grader struglling with phonics rules but reads excellent! just doesn't seem to have confidence to write own sentences without me spelling EVERY word for him


    4,3,2 year old. all doing Little Hands to Heaven but 4 year old will be ready to start reading probably after the 1st of the year. YIKES!!


    Also, have 5 year old - autistic one that attend public preschool


    SOOOO when you have some many different ages and grades - how do you get it all done??? How do you concentrate on HS when you need to be teaching phonics to the little ones? How do you grade all the different grades -particularly math, grammar???


    Thanks for your help!



  5. At the end of the day, I just want to be taken care of. After picking up the house, dealing with 7 children & hubby. I just want someone to do something for me without me telling them, without me posting a list of what needs to be done, without questions being asked, without my eyes having to see what needs to be done, without my hubby getting upset because I am not home and out with one of the kids for an activity that he suggested.


    When will my time come? And will it come before I lose my mind????:crying:

  6. Looking to purchase a sectional for our home. We would like to have more seating and this seems the way for us to go. Anyway... we stopped at Ashley Furniture store. Wondering if any of you have purchased from them. Are you pleased with your choice? How is it holding up?


    There seems to be many of these stores popping up around us, so I was concerned about quality.


    Thanks in advance


  7. While I was out today, helping a friend move. Dear hubby came home for lunch and received a call from a collection agency. It was in regard to a bill from March 2007 when our oldest daughter was hospitalized. I have NEVER seen a bill to begin with. It was my understanding that our primary insurance (blue cross) then secondary insurance (medicare) took care of it. I have NEVER received any bills for this!!!!!!!!!! Now they want the payment TODAY.


    I plan to contact the hospital tomorrow morning. What is my recourse??? Any advice would much be appreciated. I am wondering if we are not being scammed in some way

  8. I am considering adding a foreign language to our studies next year. I would be a for a 5th grader.


    Should I wait until jr. high???


    What have you used that youe really liked and worked for them to truly learn and use the lang.??


    My daughter goes with her grandparents to spanish speaking countries, twice a year thus we would be studying spanish. I would like her to learn to learn to communicate with those that she might come in contact with at the resorts they stay at.

  9. Heading to convention in a week and need to make some decisions:


    How long do you do spelling with your children? What grade do you stop at? When you stop spelling, do you move into vocab? Which vocab program? :confused:


    This was a subject I wanted to dump but after dicussing it with hubby, I know that I need to add it back into our day.


    Thanks for your help in advance

  10. I am looking for something like Quarter Mile Math but online and maybe that I do not have to purchase.. :001_smile:


    I would like something that would help with learning the math facts, testing them and recording the journey so I know how the kiddos are doing...


    Is there anything out there??

  11. We are using Rod & Staff Grammar. I LOVE it and do not want to change. But am feeling compelled to add more.


    We have tried Writing Strands and I HATED it. Not enough instruction or guidance, IMO. I have been looking at Writing Tales and Writing with Ease. Both look great and what I think I am looking for in a writing program since we seem to struggle in this area. Daugther seems to be an okay writer, I just want a program that will really show her how to write a well written paper, story, or whatever.


    Also, do I need to add more copywork? I love Queen Homeschool copywork books.


    Lastly, her cursive is not that great. Daddy is not too concerned but should I work on it more? Add a handwriting program? which she would do great in but then when it comes to other work she is down right sloppy. SO I know that she can if she choose to.


    Would love to hear what works for your family for the subject of Lang. Arts



  12. I am hoping to go to a warehouse sale in May. Have any of you been??? What are prices like? If I can not go until the last day (it is a three day sale), will there still be good bargains???


    What are some great buys that you have found?


    I would LOVE all the insight into this - to make sure it it worth my drive and time.




    homeschooler of 7 children in rural KS

  13. I am looking to test my 4th grader this year and am wanting the Iowa Basic Acheivement Test. I know that BJU Press carries this BUT it has the cog abilities test with it. Right now I am only interested in the Basic test. Is there anywhere else to buy this test???



  14. We use a token economy for all sorts of privileges here, and my two dc (6 1/2 and 9) can "buy" 1/2 hour of computer game time per day.


    General TV watching with the family I don't count, but if they want to watch something on DVD, then that does cost them credits.


    Please explain your token economy further please. I am very interested.

  15. I did not take it as a flame. She claimed herself to be one so I simply addressed her the way that she addressed herself. I took her opinion to heart as I am with all the posts. I am glad for the opposing opinion as I am struggling with what is the best thing to do. I am simply weighing all my options and praying feverently about the situation

  16. I agree with the one who flamed me that is why I am struggling with this decision so much. I know that we got ourselves into this situation. The home improvement went over budget, of course. My husband is not willing to sell the camper. He will not come to an understanding about the budget. We are making minuim payments on the credit debt. This will be a short term solution to help with the budget. I have no intention on staying on forever, I know that children can stay on until they are five. Just until I can make a balance.

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