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Tanya in KS

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Posts posted by Tanya in KS

  1. So we are struggling to make BOTH our mortgage payments. Yes, we are carrying TWO mortgages - YUCK! Medical bills are arising from our daughter's cancer & we are TRYINg desperately to sell the one home but no luck yet. I have never heard of this. So far we are making the payments on both BUT we are sacrificing in adding tremendous debt to our credit cards which in turn of course shows that we simply can not make both payments. So has anyone applied for this???

  2. I just bought Sonlight Core F. I am using it with 2 children this year thus the need for 2 activity sheets. BUT I am a saver because I think my teacher notes are so valuable for when I do it again with my next set of children when they come around to it. I believe - don't fix what is broke with my curriculm buying. My question is...in 4 years when I use it again, the activity sheets will not longer be available to purchase for the copyright that I have now. So do I buy an extra set of activity sheets now & store them for later??? What is the cheapest way to do this? I don't want to use sheets over my activity sheets. I hate wiping off every night the sheets - it's an extra hassle in my mind.


    Thanks in advance!

  3. My son has chronic, horrible bad breath. We have taken him to the dentist - received no input. We have tried mouth rinses. No avail. It is worse when he has a sinus infection but that is not the case right now. I have even tried brushing & flossing for him - no help.


    any advice would greatly be appreciated - everyone comments on it & he is really frustrated by it...



  4. Our daughter, she is 6, was diagnosed Dec. 24, 2009. She has been fighting for ever since. She just went through a stem cell transplant as our last ditch effort for her. Heartbreaking to say the least.. Now we wait to see if it worked.


    It is a very hard road. My advice - do what you can for the caregivers. It is very hard on them.


    Your family will be in my prayers.




  5. We have used Saxon for the last 3 years. My daughter loves it but I am looking to simplify my teaching/grading load. Many of my friends rave about this math program. Honestly, I have always believed if something is working than don't change it but something has got to give. I can't grade & teaching 5 different kids. She will be completing Saxon algebra 1 this next year. So what would you do? Stay with what works well or make change for ease sake?




  6. I am interested in finding a 1st Latin course for my 8th grade daughter next year. She is a very independent learner. What course have you used? Do you still see good retention later? I want to have Latin as a spring board for her High School Spanish courses. Also, I believe it is great for vocabulary building.


    Thanks in advance!

  7. I just received a 1099 MISC from State of KS for $8290.00, nonemployee compensation. It does have my social security number on it. (This is where we live.) I haven't worked in 12 years! I have been married to same man with same children that we have made together or adopted through the state - so no I don't owe child support. We are not delinquent on anything. I just can't fathom what this is!


    It drops our refund down $1000.00. I am so mad! I will be calling in the morning but I am worried about identity theft now & what it could possibly be!!!


    Thanks for listening and allowing my vent.

  8. My 7 yo son has had recurrent mouth sores for some time 2+ months. He is severely MR so he can't tell us any of his other symptoms. He is drooling excessively as a result. Poor baby.


    No diet changes, he is on a gluten/casein free diet.


    Dr. said it was a virus and eventually will go away. Could it be more than cold sores??? Any one else experience this???


    We have restricted his citrus.


    Thanks! As always I am :bigear:

  9. I wanted a "wave" added to my hair to give my hair some body. Well, I got a 1980's perm on my head and now I am wondering what to do with it until it grows out!!!! I am too embarrassed to go out into public with my hair right now. I wish people would look at me and realize I haven't done anything to my hair!!



    On your topic, I would call the salon manager! (It was the salon manager who did my hair!!!!):tongue_smilie:

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