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Everything posted by Yolanda

  1. I'll be doing one next week over two days and I've got some ideas, but I thought if anyone else is doing a study I could glean from what you may be doing for it. Anyone? Anyone? FWIW: I have 5 kids coming: 13, 10, 10, 8, 7.5. My general categories are: primaries, campaigning, debates, and election. I've got subcategories for each, too. We're not using the real party names either.
  2. Can I get an updated review from those who are still using it? I read at least three threads, mostly from 2010 & 2011 so I got all the excitement on it, but not how you all are doing with it a couple of years later. So, for those of you who have done it for a year or more, what do you say to this curriculum now? THANKS!
  3. I don't have anything to contribute, except to say thanks for posting this. I read the article and some things spoke to me; some things encouraged me to be 'flexible and relax'. Boy, did I need that!!! Thanks! You just never know what a post can unearth for someone else!
  4. Tazzie, Can you elaborate on what you prefer about Flickr over Photobucket? Thanks~
  5. I was using Dropbox but realized, too late, that it's not really a sharing site. Just a holding site. So now I'm in the market for a new photo sharing site that has been tested and works well. What I mainly want it for is to be able to upload pictures and short videos so I can link to friends and family. Then delete them. I don't need to keep them online. I know Photobucket and Flickr are two sites. Flickr had a limit on videos of only 90 seconds and then you have to pay for an upgrade :001_huh: Any sites you use that you like? Any cost involved? Thanks!!!
  6. I really enjoy Rebecca R. and I loved this book, before I had a few years experience with actual h.s.! Just as we learn about our kids and often have to change curricula and schedules etc., I found I changed a lot and her book was so overwhelming it made my head swim. I realized I'm just not that much of a 'cross the t's and dot the i's' so to speak. I mean, each grade she goes through is d-e-t-a-i-l-e-d. ugh. Not me. If you'd like to see the book and peruse it for a while, email me off board and we'll talk. As long as I can find it! But I think it's on one of the shelves..... ETA: I also have the William Bennett book 'The Educated child, a parent's guide'. Like another poster said, 'have them on the shelf, yet to use them'.
  7. We started the first week in Aug. with 3 subjects. My thinking was really how long it might take us so I figured that would take us until about noon. We did the things that weren't finished throughout the summer so it worked well. Then, after those two weeks, we added in the rest, which really meant only 1 or 2 more things on certain days. It didn't seem like an avalanche at all. It worked really well. FWIW: we are also changing to a 4-1 week schedule. We do our regular schedule for 4 weeks and then on the 5th it will be abbreviated with just 2-3 subjects. I'm hoping this will help with 'burnout' on my part. :)
  8. Jim Weiss' voice grates on me so I don't like his version. I agree with a previous poster that said he doesn't pause enough for the listener to let soak in what he just said. I like the idea of them. I do enjoy Joy Hakim's A Story of US, I think it's called. Just US history but she asks does a much better job, to my ears anyway :)
  9. Regentrude- I like this! It goes along well with my 'big picture' thought. The end goal helps to put the rest into perspective. I would love to tangle with a few of your ideas. Wow. You go, R.
  10. I have a couple of books I could look through to see what the whole of LA is from 1st through 12th, to really see what it consists of, but I'd like to know what YOU think it is. Probably this question is for those BTDT moms who have graduated a few kiddos, but by all means, I'd love to hear from anyone. I was just thinking how in math there is the basic +-x & (division) and then it goes into prealgebra, algebra etc. In science there is the basic routes we take as well and then later chemistry is added in etc. So, with that in mind, I think LA is probably similar. Basic grammar, spelling and then writing comes in. After going the distance, what did you see is the whole of LA, in big chunks like I've mentioned. After writing, what did you do? And was writing mainly for writing papers in college or how has it aided your child who didn't go into college? Thanks! I'm a big 'picture person' and this would really do me good!!!
  11. We love the Penderwick series by Jeanne Birdsall. We read all 3 and then less than a year later we read them again! Written so well. Not cheesy or dumbed down. And even though it is about 4 sisters, they are vicious soccer players and love science so it's not a girly girl book by any means.
  12. So many REally, REALLY good things to think through, ladies~~ I thought it was pretty much open and close since with all that is going on, for whatever reason, it just has been overlooked. But that's why I wanted different perspectives, and for that, I am so grateful. fwiw, mom and dad are clean, hair brushed, smell fine & don't see them wearing the same clothes when I've seen them 3 days in one week. Not the same for the kiddos. CPS may not be far off due to opposing people. I wasn't even considering that the cleanliness situation could add to it...ugh. I hope not. I'm grateful, ateful, ateful for the many points of view. thank you, ank you ank you!!!!!!
  13. yes, they are boys, the 12 & 10 yr. yeah, I didn't plan on saying 'your kids are smelly and dirty'! she's my friend too!!! 'how dirty are we talking': dirty clothes, one of them smells, but I'm not sure who; the socks are black, seriously so the feet aren't much better; dirt on their neck, legs, arms etc; wipe food on their clothes. the chore chart I would put together would consist of things like" wake up and get breakfast for youngers make bed take a shower put on clean clothes put p.j.s in drawer fee the chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese ( no lie) ask mom what I can help with etc
  14. I'd love your opinions! I'm helping out a mom of 7 with her three older kids (12,10,8) to just get them refreshed in learning after the long summer. Readin' writin' & 'rithmetic stuff. Well, they are doing really well in that area, although I will continue to just get the juices flowing for the next couple of weeks. But, I see other areas that could use some refreshing, or rather learning for the first time, and wonder what the 'hive' thinks! They need hygiene habits & clean clothes habits. (I'm talking visible dirt on clothes & body as well as odors) I was thinking I could help them to put together a poster with chores for them to do which would include take a bath or shower, washing their clothes (by hand if necessary because I'm not sure why they come with dirty clothes), brush hair, use a napkin etc. I'd go through and see what all is needed. I just don't know if it would be pushing the boundaries. Dh and I have known this couple before they were a couple and on through the years of the 7 kids. And while I've offered my help in the past regarding getting a schedule down in writing for the kids' chores, it's never been done. But I think it's because it seems overwhelming, not so much that she doesn't want to do it. So going into the hygiene realm is uncharted waters for the both of us :confused: So.... A. would you mention it at all, in the way I'm suggesting, to help them out with a chore list which includes hygiene awareness and just send it along with them and talk to mom about it when I take them home? or B. 'don't go there! they are not your kids!' or C. your own rendition of this situation! I'm all ears and I really appreciate your input!!!!! Thanks! eta: this is from a post I made after this: the chore chart I would put together would consist of things like" wake up and get breakfast for youngers make bed take a shower put on clean clothes put p.j.s in drawer fee the chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese ( no lie) ask mom what I can help with etc
  15. Well, I don't like owning books. Just don't like stuff, so I'd rather do library books. When dd was younger (she's now in 5th grade) I hardly spend $100 a year. I was always doing what was in the freebie boxes and used curriculum and whoever was giving away 'but I had to come pick it up now', that's what we did. But I've purchased things along the way that we are using this year and I'd say it's about $150--and that's using Apologia, SoTW and Beyond FIAR, MM, AAS, R&S Eng. they were just good deals I scoured around for in the last years.
  16. A friend gets frustrated with them because they are too often upgrading or revising so old versions do not match with the new nor do they work at all if your kid goes to a school that teaches AB.
  17. If you are not a supporter of this prez or are not sure, would you take your kids to see him for the historical and election year side of it? Or would your dislike of him keep you from letting them see him? What are your thoughts?
  18. Dd is currently going into 5th but this is the way I've done it for a few years now, and you can find more details on Simply Charlotte Mason. It's a series on planning your CM education in about 6 steps. The basics of what they say is with each book you intend to cover, figure out how many chapters there are to cover. Then with your schedule of 4 or 5 days a week, you fit it into the 36 weeks-or however many-taking into consideration your time off for holidays, going out of town, etc. When I first did it, I used a big poster board I had available (wouldn't go out and buy one, tho). I put it all down in pencil or you could use little pieces of paper that represent each subject and move them around the days of the week, kind of like if you were determining furniture in a room, but on paper. It sounds intensive if 'big picture' is not your style but I had fun and did like to see as much as i could. What I learned from the past and kept in mind this go round was that what sometimes takes 'as little as 15-20 a day' (from what some curriculum packages will say) for us took about 40-50 min. So, instead of scheduling 3 subjects that only take 15 min, I need to keep in mind for us on subject is the bulk of an hour instead, then a few min. for a break. FWIW: I wouldn't schedule out the whole year either. You can still break down the books into 36 weeks but just really schedule the 1st 3 months and see how it goes. I've found I make lots of changes! With that in mind, look over the CM ideas and see what resonates with you, tweak what you need to, and go from there!
  19. This is very cool! And very much like AAS!!!! Probably why it's so cool :) She also has a blog and here is just a snippet of a treasure I found: It is time to begin to accept the diverse learning styles of our students, not as handicaps or disabilities, but as gifts. Let’s face it. We are not all good at everything. Some are gifted in relational skills, compassion, working with animals, sports, science, math, creative writing, technical writing, advertising, foreign languages, designing with print, designing with steel… we need them all. The current system values a narrow swath of students who fall within a narrow skill set and seek to promote those above all others. This system then alienates other talents and marginalizes the students. Her blog is deniseeide.com and the post is from March 11, 2011. A blog worth looking into, imho. :)
  20. So, so glad you asked this question! I need it too, but there is no baby scheduled :) Just needed some trimming
  21. I was just on Amanda Bennett's site unitstudy.com and she's got lots of states, if not all, for unit studies. another option is Highlights puts out a program per state with maps, booklets and such. Not sure how that might work for a whole class but perhaps it could be good for grouping the kids, each doing a few states or a region or time zone, and then doing a presentation before the rest of the class. Then you get some public speaking going on as well!!!
  22. Want something FREE? Something to go at your own pace? Online? Covers lots of the bases? In a friendly novella style? (yes, i feel like a commercial!!!) I found this and I think we will give it a try. It's free and here are lots of other options, as well, for many, many languages. In fact, when you check out Open Culture, you could spend hours there. Be warned!!!! :)
  23. Adding something...I've always told my daughter that if she goes up to someone she thinks is safe to help her, they shouldn't ask her to 'come with me to my office and we'll call her' or some such rouse to get her out of the public eye and into the shadows. If they say that, then go off to someone else. She shouldn't have to go 'away' to be helped. We've also had conversations about how 'people of trust' can sometimes be the ones we need to be watching out for. Just need to cover all the bases.
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