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Everything posted by Yolanda

  1. You ladies are beautiful!!!! Thank You!!! Passing along a thanks from Mom, " You have a collection of homeschool moms who know A LOT! More than I could figure out in my spare time! :)" I knew our collective resources would be a tremendous help!!!! As well as being a great big HUG!!!! Thanks again!
  2. I appreciate the continued responses! And I'm passing them on to her as I get them. For now, she's got internet access so she can do some checking. Hunter: I've passed on the questions you asked, perhaps it will get her wheels turning in directions she didn't think of before. I'm pretty sure a definite answer is unknown right now, as everything is up in the air.
  3. Agreeing ETC (explode the code) is more of a review. In fact, my dd went through it but didn't put it together when writing or reading other things. Could just be my dd. But I've heard of many who use it alone. We just started AAS and it's good for dd, very poor speller. I've heard that for those that are mostly good spellers but the parent wants a little something for them, not a great fit-too easy and too expensive.
  4. These are some great options!!!! I so, so, so appreciate them and will forward these right now. She had internet in the past but I'm not sure what is to come. And whether it's 'one' year or more, I just put that because I imagine she could only look down the line at one year. Hopefully it will only be one!!! Thanks again ladies! :crying: It does my heart good (and I'm sure hers, too) to have help like this.
  5. I realize this forum is for WTM & such but I'm trying to help a mom and this is the biggest forum I could think of.... (sorry mods if I'm in the wrong. I guess I'll know if I'm deleted, which I understand) But just wondering if anyone can recommend some literal 'open & go' curriculum for a tough year ahead. she's got a 7th, 5th, 3rd, & 1st grade kids (not to mention the younger triplets!) and is in a very, very hard transitional time: no home, literally, dad's looking for a job, family is against h.s. and the uphill battle has been going on for a few years. I've suggested a few like Sonlight and School house ? Also suggested Amanda Bennett unit studies, COVA etc. What she doesn't have the time or wherewithall to do is go searching herself. So, I can do that with the suggestions made. I appreciate your offerings!!! Unfortunately there is no 'one stop' where i can go to ask....I've been asking on various forums, Yahoo groups and local h.s. groups. :grouphug: Yolanda in CO
  6. Holy moley!!!! This has so much info it's scary!!!! Would love to know how long it took to gather and classify it all!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You gave me the mother lode!!!!
  7. Just wondering if there is a thread that has come and gone for good, recommended books, chapter or picture books, by each chapter of SoTW? We're just starting and do not have the AG yet so I'm looking for a few for now. So, anything in chs. 4-9 or so would be helpful until I get the AG. Any help on this? THANKS!
  8. There are a few art classes available in our area and I'm going to have to do some research/interviewing to see which will be the best fit for us. I don't just want to go the route of the least expensive....I just may get what I pay for! My main goal is exposure. She's been exposed to the arts from a very early age and we continue that today. I'd like to expand her 'palette', so that's where I'm at. What are your thoughts on art classes? What differences have you experienced? Thanks, Yo
  9. I do. It just doesn't go with what we do. :glare: Does it matter to you what word you use when discussing your child's education?
  10. If you go to their web site they have a pdf file of what each book teaches. You can see where your child is at according to their list and go from there. I didn't see this info on their site but read it in Cathy Duffy's 100 best picks that the 1/2 books (1 1/2, 2 1/2 etc) are just review of what the whole number book taught on. I thought that was helpful because it's not always necessary to repeat some lessons.
  11. Trying to get into a sorority many moons ago, we used to light a match and see how many times we could say it! That's always an option.........I still remember it to this day since I said it often over and over again. :)
  12. I didn't know how to word this quite right so bear with me! Just wondering what all the hullabaloo is with Apologia! :confused: I've perused a Zoology book of my friends and while it looked fine, I don't remember it jumping out at me and saying 'You've got to buy me, NOW!' :D So, can you tell me what Apologia has that others don't? Can't the same things that are taught in 'A' be gained via library books? Do you use it as a reference and end up using other books to go along with it? If you don't use Apologia, tell me what you use and what you like about it. Thanks! Yolanda
  13. I would suggest directing them to GriefShare.org. I facilitate this ministry and it's wonderful. In one of the sessions they address this with more detail than a simple time of 1 year, etc. Check it out.
  14. All of a Kind Family is a 5 or so book series of a family of 5 girls from the early 1900's that both my dd (6, 5 at the time)and I enjoyed. Betsy and Tacy series is cute, the first few books anyway. Meaning, as the next book comes out they grow up...hence have different interests. Not bad right away but soon they are in high school so you might want to wait on those! A single book we just read was 'A Room with a Zoo' by Jules P? I want to say Pheifer but not sure. It was fun how this young gal acquires so many animals. We often think of her and refer to the story. Yo
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