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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I know what you mean. Once I tweak something to *my* perfect thing... Well, ya know.
  2. There are a bunch of us on MFP from here, and we've friended each other to lend support, etc. ;) I used FitDay for years, but I love that my iPhone MFP app can add things by barcode. And there doesn't seem to be anything it doesn't have in the database. Even blog and magazine recipes!
  3. Ugh. There's a good one with almond flour... Let me see if I can find it. Aha! http://thenourishinghome.com/2012/03/almond-flour-biscuits/ Yummy. Really good with herbs, too.
  4. I think I did, too. I'm sure the mods probably get all manner of complaints about offensive things - from just disagreements to actually offensive posts - and since social groups tend to have more leeway as far as controversial topics, I can imagine their inboxes have been full. Hence the sticky. If I recall, the note cautioned to not read social groups where the topic would be irritating to you... I don't really have interest in reading social groups I don't belong to. I mean, if I had interest in the group's main purpose, I'd probably belong to it, right? But they fly by my radar just like the LCHF meal threads (I don't eat low carb/high fat), and the horse threads (1 dog, 2 guinea pigs), etc. There's no annoyance or offense for me there, either. Know what I mean?
  5. Oh, no. There was no nutritional value. Cup4cup, butter, milk, yogurt (I never seem to have buttermilk), leavening... Happy. Total comfort food.
  6. I know. But I'd have to take my clothes off... :lol: I love watching (and playing) but, man oh man, with the boys and girl child having back to back practices with temps that only got to the low 40s stunk. Of course, summer tournament season is hideous the other way... And then we continue into crazy cold fall season. Maybe I should change my screen name to LaxMom. Heehee And then I did! It's really more accurate. The house is way less crazy than it was in '08.
  7. Oh. Ugh, DR. I hate that feeling. I spent 5 hours in arctic wind (it comes with lax fields) and still haven't warmed up... Still wearing 4 layers, drinking tea and huddling by the fire. I hate early lacrosse season. Black bean soup and biscuits for supper. Lots of hot sauce.
  8. Interesting. I haven't felt any clique factor, but I can see how it could feel like that.
  9. Yes, I avoid them. I haven't used them since a few months after going gluten free, but that's when my joint pain finally went away for good. I use Kiss My Face for face & body, and Giovanni for hair (KMF hair products all seem to contain wheat germ oil).
  10. Why? I mean, I scroll through all sorts of stuff I have no interest in (because no one can be interested in everything) and social group threads aren't really any different. Or is it a privacy issue? Just curious.
  11. I nearly spit coffee on my screen. :lol: Oh! I am also writing a 2-3 page "personal statement" and touching up my résumé this weekend, so I can send in my application to Amherst and (hopefully) get accepted and finish my degree. <insert happy dance>
  12. Today is the opening of lacrosse season. I'll be on the field with the kids from 8:30-1 tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get a short workout in before we take to the grass. Sunday, staff workout before the Y opens, then I plan to lay around all day. And do laundry.
  13. I only rarely see add-on items. They're generally small items that would not be cost-effective to ship individually. I get that. It hasn't been a problem at all, in my ordering reality. (The sippy cups came up with free 2-day shipping for me, as well, with 6 of them in my cart)
  14. I was right there with you... Contract, yadda yadda... And then, I think I might have blacked out from the hypocrisy.
  15. I love my French door, freezer on the bottom LG. Hate side by side because nothing fits and everything's cramped. Not fond of top freezers because I'm short and can't reach into the back but, ironically, have to stoop over to access the fridge.
  16. I think they're using it as high-GI vegetables. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc, tend not to spike blood sugar like white potatoes... Though I'm not sure anyone eats water chestnuts in a quantity to be concerned about glycemic load. I often wonder about what the USDA is thinking when they categorize things.
  17. I was wondering, too. But congratulations on Hobbes's rubbish teeth! ( that seems so wrong)
  18. With that list, I eat 0-1 serving per week, which would include occasional plantain, taro, and water chestnuts. I eat lots of red and orange colored veggies, though, along with the greens. I've never seen a fresh (not dry) black-eyed pea in my life. Does something happen in the drying process to make them non-starchy? Odd.
  19. I agree. I wish the many others who seem to believe "rights" mean unfettered ability, regardless of harm or intrusion to others, would go back to their middle school citizenship class. There seems to be a remarkable lack of civility laws here. Unless you count the so called laws that are really intended to make areas undesirable to homeless people. (The "civility laws" against panhandling, etc) Brusssels has apparently had the for quite a while, but has recently changed the law to allow on the spot fines instead of police just issuing court summons. Which leads me to and interesting morning ponder: If people can be stopped from voicing rude, intrusive, hateful comments, would that trickle down from conscious filtering between thought and speech, to not even thinking the thought, to ultimately being a more positive presence in the world? Hmmmmmmm. I wonder.
  20. Right. The interpretation of our Bill of Rights seems to have missed that memo. That's what I was getting at.
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