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Posts posted by Seasider

  1. I’m scheduled for a repeat c-section in 2 weeks. If you were me, how would you feel about visits in the hospital? I’m thinking about saying no visitors except family - mostly because of the flu season, but also because I tend to go into hostess mode when people come to see me (yes even at the hospital.) It’s not really conducive to recovery and nursing/bonding with the baby.

    I probably should just do a poll, but I’m on my phone, and I don’t know how to do that from here.

    Well for my last delivery, also a C-section, I asked for no visitors. And it wasn't even flu season. Just my husband and the other kids, and that was fine by me.

    • Like 1
  2. Smoothies and bowls are getting us by here. Smoothies covered already, just adding we use vegan pea protein powder as it has a milder flavor than some other protein powders, if that's something you want to add. Frozen kale or spinach and frozen berries are also staples for smoothies that don't require prep time and hold well in the freezer until used. Liquids we use are coconut milk, carrot juice or tea.


    "Bowls" consist of combinations of rice, quinoa, black beans, diced grilled chicken, diced tomatoes, diced cucumbers, salsa, shredded cheese (parm, cheddar, Monterey Jack), olives. Bagged salad greens. Canned tuna. Easy to prep ingredients on one day of the week and use throughout the week. Vinaigrette and ranch dressings.


    Same with cut veggies and fruit - apples, baby carrots, kiwi, bananas and clementines are already serving sized and ready to go. Bagged salad greens make things easier.


    For us, the key is grab and go. My kids always seem to think that when they open the fridge, by some magic a bag of Chipotle lunch will be handed out. Making it easy when they cruise for food helps get the good stuff in. Prepping on the weekend or one weeknight evening ensures that we will also be ready when we need to pack a lunch to take out.


    It takes some discipline to shop and prep, but it's worth it.

    • Like 2
  3. If I was the teacher, the little girl would have found a whole ziplock baggie full of scrunchies in her desk. :(



    (ETA by which I mean heck yeah!)


    Also, this would have prompted me to get to know her better in case the home situation was discernibly off enough to exercise my duty as a mandated reporter. I'm not vindictive but it would be interesting if someone sought out that teacher for an interview.

    • Like 4
  4. I am dependent and isolated mostly because of my daughter's severe health issues and the fact that we homeschool. I will never encourage anyone to homeschool again.


    I used to have access to the financial information. It was after I fled to the women's shelter that he started to control all of the money like this. I took a thousand dollars out of the bank account with me that day. Between medication and gluten free food for myself and daughter I've already spent more than half.

    I am thinking that the events that led you to flee to the women's shelter in the first place will be very important to your case. You really do need professional legal aid beyond what this forum can provide. Any recourse through that shelter, since they know your history?

    • Like 6
  5. I’d probably plan to do all three. But then in reality, I’d throw a load of laundry in, maybe pick up for a minute. Take a break and grab a book or call a friend and then lose all motivation for the rest of the day and accomplish nothing beyond relaxing. That is until I get the “we’re on our way home†text from dh and then madly do the Flight of the Bumblebee cleaning rampage. Ya know. So they don’t catch on to my routine. ;)


    PS- enjoy your day. :)

    This is me one day one. If it's only one day of "alone," this is about how I spend it. It's so relaxing - physically AND mentally - to have no one else's needs dictating how I spend my time for a day.


    Beyond one day, I look to the kids' rooms - what can I do in there while child is gone for a while? Excavate for lingering dirty laundry or other items? Clean it up so s/he can be off to a fresh start upon return? More than two days, paint a wall? Kids at camp for a week often come home to spiffed up bedrooms. Much easier than when they're home telling me how to do it.


    Sometimes I do food prep. I enjoy time in the kitchen to just get the entire fridge and pantry cleaned out and some meals prepped when there's not the crunch to have meals ready at a certain time. All with a good podcast or audiobook or music I don't have to turn down or worry about swear words in because it's just me listening.

    • Like 1
  6. So he doesn't allow you access to finances? Unless you have a history of something like compulsive gambling (clearly unablento handle money properly), I think this would be considered abusive. You might be able to get some legal aid - or direction to it - through a local women's shelter.

    • Like 6
  7. Without reading other posts....


    For a school assignment, it would not bother me at all that he read it, but it would REALLY bother me if he went looking for it specifically. For a school assignment, I would not be putting anything in the writing that I wouldn't want someone else to read anyway.


    But, it bothers me when DH starts looking through my phone, I REALLY don't want him snooping through my computer. It's not that I have anything to HIDE from him. Rather, I want to talk to him about whatever he might find when I am ready to talk to him about it. If he finds something I am upset about, I want to be able to find the right words to be as clear as I can be. Basically.........I don't want him to read "rough drafts" that he might interpret differently than I mean.


    So, it would bother me that he went through the computer looking....but specifically reading an assignment for a class, that wouldn't bother me at all.

    Re the phone - I don't even like to let him hold it! Too many times I've tried to show him something on social media, only to have his fingers inadvertently "like" something! He doesn't use an iPhone so he's not as adept at avoiding those things.

  8. My state does a portfolio review, that you do with a certified teacher of your choice. So you find one that does evaluations (listed online, ask around, etc) and meet up either at your home, at theirs, or more often at a park or Starbucks or whatever. I know we met at a mall food court once. They sign off that your child is "making progress commensurate with ability". In other words, adequate progress will look different depending on the child, and their are no specific benchmarks or subjects to meet or cover. You can uncschool and "pass" the portfolio evaluation with no issues. Often people use a blog, or photo album showing what they did that year rather than a traditional collection of worksheets. You do have to keep a record of books/materials used, and a log of activities, but the state never asks to see them. The big thing is the portfolio. I like it because as much as introvert me hates meeting with someone, it does mean kids are having someone see them and chat with them each year.

    We've never had anything but a really good experience with portfolio reviews.

  9. That's the first time I've seen that style, except for maybe a clown. If it becomes popular I will definitely pass. It must be for the really avant-garde. It does provide ample storage though. You could put some binders in there or a stack of books, or your lunch, or two lunches, a laptop and an extra sweater, as long as you don't walk at all. Walking would be a problem.

    Now that is a truly frightening thought. I really don't want to consider what could be lurking in all that space. 😳

  10. I'm just making a little extra as I go. Slicing an apple for me? Slice a couple more and add lemon juice for grab-n-go snacks in the fridge. Ditto for slicing cheese. A little extra for the next couple snacks.


    DH is on a low carb diet. A baked eggs and vegetables thing can be several breakfast servings at once. Slices in a tupperware to grab-n-go.


    I'm never super far ahead, but there's a little buffer.

    Do you have a recipe for this baked eggs and vegetables thBig?

  11. I'm with hornblower, who wondered if they were *here*.


    I'm with Mergath, who doesn't understand how a person does not report, or even wonder about, children who are obviously foraging for food in the trash, or who looks the other way even though the children are not allowed to greet their neighbors or come outdoors in the daylight.


    I'm with the poster on the Free Jinger board who wonders if horrific abuse neglect cases among "homeschooling" families are like cockroaches - nobody really knows they're there, but if you see one, there are a dozen more.

    All these points are why I have no problem with REASONABLE oversight of homeschooling families.

    • Like 17
  12. It really doesn’t sound like that’s the case -



    Every day there are many calls to the police about any number of ridiculous, small disputes between neighbors. It really boggles my mind that people call on that stuff, but don’t call on this.


    Plus, for seven adults to be that small and stunted in height, you’re going to ned to be lacking in sufficient nutrition for a long time. I cannot imagine a 17 year old the size of my 10 year old. Granted she’s usually the tallest in a group of same age peers, but even then...


    The story is horrifying.

    Their being underweight could be from a suddenly-gone-nuts situation, but overall stunted growth (height, weight, fragile bones and slack muscles) is the result of long term malnutrition and confinement. So so sad, I cannot imagine how they got away with this for more than two decades.

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