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Everything posted by happyhomemaker25

  1. I have a friend who tested positive with her last two babies and her midwife just gave her the antibiotics through an IV at home. She was able to birth them at home with no problems.
  2. Its true that sometimes when people say to me, "Well all that matters is a healthy baby." I cringe. Like I don't know that. :) Honestly, for me a v birth is healthier for baby in most (NOT ALL) cases. That's just based on research I've done on my own. Darn these homeschool ways that make me research the heck out of every single thing. :) Thats just my opinion after research. I'm totally for a c-section rather than have someone not experienced in breech birth deliver my son. I think my OB is experienced in breech since he's been around for about 25-30 years, BUT if it's not something he wants to do I'm not going to push him to do it. After 25-30 years I'm comfortable with him doing a c-section as well. I just don't want a c-section. I will say after reading a lot, a lot, a lot, of c-sections stories I feel a little better. I'm not giving up on flipping this baby and ultimately want the v birth, but I'm not quite as scared of the c-section. I went to the chiropractor today and it was a good visit. He hasn't turned yet as I can still feel his head at the top, but he is wiggling and moving around a lot more. He seemed to like the attention this morning as well. LOL I go back Friday for another adjustment.
  3. Honestly, I know it's the wimpy thing to do, but I probably won't change Drs. at this point. I don't even know if DH would go for that. He told me it was up to me when I mentioned it this morning, but I really think he would try to talk me out of it. The hospital is actually one of our better NICU hospitals which is ironic since I was just reading the thread the other day about how NICU hospitals seem to have a higher c-section rate. :) I've adopted kids too. My first 5 were all adopted from foster care. Talk about a long, painful labor! PHEW! :) I've run the gamut now on getting kids. Adoption, v birth of my own, a few losses - one pretty traumatic, and now a potential c-section along with years of infertility. I wonder if I'm suffering some from the emergency surgery I had with my ectopic. It took me some time to recover from that and it was a small incision (supposed to be laproscopic but I had major bleeding so she was forced to make two incisions on either side of my belly). Of course the trauma of knowing I'd lost my baby and a fallopian tube was pretty massive as well. When I think of the c-section sometimes I think back to getting ready to be wheeled into surgery for that (I KNOW it's totally different, but it's the only surgery I've ever had) and the panic attack I had. That is truly why I feel so much guilt. I know what it's like to want a baby. I'm so incredibly blessed right now. Two babies in three years?? It's unbelievable. Even our youngest adopted child I got to bring home from the hospital at 3 days old. I feel horrible that I'm so upset that I might not get the birth experience I want. I'm sorry if I've brought up any bad feelings for those suffering infertility. I also know that a c-section is a great thing and has saved lives. I really don't want to make light of anyone's birth/adoption experience. I don't think it's something I'm just going to get over though. I had a beautiful experience with my daughter and was looking forward to it with my son. I have to change my expectations, yes, but it's all a process. I think for me it's just a grieving process. I'll probably feel better after I talk to my OB some more about what a planned c-section looks like. He's very experienced though a little.. old school in a lot of ways while always trying to stay up to date with new stuff. I have a lot of confidence in him to do the very best job. I have to go pre-register so maybe I can talk to a nurse there about the process as well. Maybe it's just the unknown that frightens me... Thanks for putting up with the ramblings of an raging hormone pregnant girl! I really do appreciate having somewhere to talk this out...
  4. Thanks. You guys have made me feel much better. I really just needed to say some of those things and it was easier to say them here then where friends/family can just say, "Well the best outcome is healthy baby!" Like that's not what I want. LOL His head is right up underneath my heart so whoever said something about their baby wanting to stay close to their heart really, really helped. It truly does make me feel a bit better to know that he's there because he is so comfortable there listening to my heart beat. It makes for a beautiful picture. Of course, LOL, if gave me an idea to do the frozen peas thing and maybe one of those heart beat simulators simultaneously. The peas by his head and the heart beat simulator down where his head should go. Dh and I are still laughing over that idea. I love the nurses I had for my daughter's delivery and for my whole hospital stay. Every nurse I met was super supportive and nice. According to my Bradley coach the lactation consultant at that hospital and all the nurses there are the best for BFing help and support. They did help with my Lily last time. They even helped me labor with pitocin for 12 hours bringing in a rocking chair and a potty chair so I could move around a little bit despite having to be monitored the whole time. They never pressured me to take the epidural, but in the end they were all relieved when I did. The one nurse called later that night to check on how I was doing. She told me I was the quietest natural laborer she'd ever had and she could not believe how far I got with the pitocin. They were all super supportive and I really have no reason to not think they will be this time as well. I've never heard a bad report on the L&D nurses at this hospital. I guess my other fear is I've always had fertility issues and I don't know if this is the last baby for us or not. I hate having something done that could impair my fertility further. I mean come on it took me 9 years before I was surprised with Lily and then I lost a fallopian tube during my ectopic, now someone is going to be cutting into me which could case serious complications with other pregnancies. The cards are seriously stacking up here. LOL I'm already 34. I'm no spring chicken. My Bradley coach mentioned there is one guy in town who will deliver breech babies. I hate the hospital he is at, and I'm terrified at the thought of switching Drs. so close to the end. She said that since I already had one v birth he'd probably take me... I can't decide whether to call or not. Why, oh why, do people with raging hormones get stuck with these decisions?? :p
  5. Update: So I went to the chiropractor yesterday and really enjoyed the experience. Nothing much happened until I was on my way to the OB this morning for my weekly check. There was some seriously intense activity and I thought I was going to have to pull of the road. I could not tell by outside feel, but I was kind of hoping he'd flipped. Well the OB was checking me out and was talking about how I was softening up but not dilating. He was taking his gloves off when the nurse and I asked at the same time if he was still breech. The OB was like, "Oh, was he breech. No, I'm sure that was the head." He even checked again and said it was definitely the head. Of course now every time baby moves I'm like, "NO! Stay down!" I keep trying to check to see if I can still feel the head down low. I go for my u/s on Monday so we'll find out for sure. Now, I'm trying to decide whether to keep the chiropractor appointment I have tomorrow. When I asked her Wed. if he turned if coming back would turn him again she said no, it would help him stay in place. I think I'll go tomorrow and then just hold off on making any more appointments. It's $25 a visit and we are on a tight budget. I'm also worried that he'll flip back... he's been squirming around a lot ever since this morning. PAINFULLY so! :) I'm not complaining squirm, baby, squirm, just stay DOWN! :) I am 36w 5d today. My baby started 30w breech, turned head down around 32w, went back to breech at 35w and I'm still sitting breech. I have an appointment with a chiropractor on Wednesday to see if the Webster technique will work. I'm also trying all the other "stuff" that's supposed to help baby turn. I've cried all day. I feel so dumb. How many people would love to just have a baby? I struggled with infertility for 9 years. Got my sweet little girl, had a horrific ectopic experience and two early miscarriages, and now I have another miracle baby, why am I so upset that I might have to have a c-section? I know some of it is hormones, but every time I think of a c-section I think of when I pushed my daughter out. I had an epidural pump (after 12 hours of pitocin labor I gave in and got the epidural) I stopped pumping the last hour and was able to feel to push and everything. I loved pushing her out. I loved when they plopped her on my stomach and we just stared at each other. I loved being able to touch her. Now, when I think about not getting all that with my son it breaks my heart. I know in the end what really matters is that he's healthy and here. I guess I'm also just a little tired of everyone acting like a c-section is no big deal. My mom today was upset that I'm going to a chiropractor. She does not like chiropractors (really bad experience a long time ago), she thinks I should just take what I have and be thankful. I am trying so hard to keep that in mind. I keep thinking if I have a c-section it's not the end of the world and in the end I still get this amazing little person to take home and love and nurture. I guess I'm just grieving the loss of the experience that I had with my daughter. (I know no guarantees that it would be the same) I keep praying that this baby will turn. I only have about 3 weeks left and he was already about a pound bigger than he was supposed to be at his growth scan 2 weeks ago. I think he has room though he's been rolling around like crazy. A couple of times this past weekend I really though he'd turned. My whole stomach was moving and shaking. LOL Anyway, I'm really trying to keep my whining to a minimum IRL, so I just needed somewhere to share my feelings. I've shared them so many times with DH and he's trying so hard to understand, but really he does not get it either. He keeps telling me we just want a healthy baby and we should be thankful that we get to have this baby. He really says that trying to help. He's also helping with exercises and was ok with the whole chiropractor thing even though he's not big into chiropractors either. ;) In just a month's time I'm going to be sitting here holding my baby and telling you all my birth story. I want so badly to have peace either way it goes I just wish I could stop crying and thinking about what I really want. I want to just accept that it might not happen that way...
  6. I don't know about with your washer, but since I seem to constantly have urine issues from either my 2yo or my 7yo (just at night accidents) I just throw vinegar in with the soap and I don't have any trouble with smells. It's getting my son to remember to take the pee clothes out of his room and put them by the washing machine that I have the most trouble with.
  7. Thanks everyone. Actually the interviews he had gotten have been with friends referrals. We are saving up for him to finish prerequisites to apply for nursing school. No financial aid because he already has AA. He is such a hard worker always willing to work an extra shift for someone. He is so discouraged.
  8. My husband was laid off in 2009. He finally was able to find a job as a security guard in 2011. It pays not much over minimum wage, but we budget every penny and we get by even with a few extras every now and then. :) Now the station he works at has decided that the guards need a special badge that he'll have to take some classes for on his days off and will end up having to pay for by himself. Neither the guard company or the station he is working for is willing to compensate in any way either for training on his days off or the cost of the classes for the badge. It's not a HUGE amount, but it's enough that we will miss it for that month. I am trying not to sound whiney or entitled, but to take money away from the lowest guys on the totem pole when sincerely the cost for the 4 guards to get this training would be minimal to either company (both national companies) just really makes me mad. Not to mention his days off are pretty sacred to our family time since he works a weird shift that has him sleeping most days and going to work in the afternoon until after the kids are in bed. Yes, after so many years of unemployment we are thankful he has a job. Oh the companies take on this is he can take this new badge/credentials with him when he leaves so they should not have to compensate for it. Except for the credentials are pretty specific to the place he is working now so it really won't do him a whole lot of good elsewhere. He has been applying to all sort of jobs, but when he finally gets an interview he finds out there are literally 100s of other candidates for just a couple of positions. Even a recent interview we were very optimistic about since it was in the field he'd worked in before the big layoffs in 2009 had so many applicants he barely made it past the phone interview. Now, he is looking for another security guard job just so they can't dock his check for the amount it will cost to get the new training. Please pray that he can find a new job. I'm spending most of my day (while he's at work) looking up jobs and emailing them to him. He'll find another security guard job probably with no problem, but we'd love a job where we can actually get ahead again.. :)
  9. I've already looked up the names of several chiros who do the Webster technique. I'm working all weekend on doing exercises here at home to see if he'll turn. I have another u/s Monday if he's not turned then I will call the chiros and find one I can hopefully afford. :) My Bradley coach from three years ago had one she highly recommended so I'm starting there. I watched videos last night into the wee hours of things to do to get your baby to flip and started some this morning. No stone will be left unturned. :) Thanks!! I was thinking the same thing about his size though. He flipped head down at 32w stayed that way until 34w and then flipped this week at 35w. I feel him moving around like crazy, rolling even, I told my OB he's got lots of room because his movements haven't slowed at all. He looked skeptical, but I'm optimistic he's going to turn.
  10. LOL, Thanks for the reassurances. They did work and I decided to let it go and not worry. Then at my appointment this week 36w baby flipped to breech. Yeah. This guy is not making pregnancy very easy for me. :p Hoping he's easier to deal with on the outside. LOL
  11. Technically this is only my 2nd baby. We adopted the first 5. Probably a good thing too, because I deal with anxiety when I'm not pregnant, add in hormones and it gets ugly around here. LOL
  12. I don't think you have to defend your position whatever reasons you have. For us the Bible and certain verses are what reaffirm our decision to homeschool. Yes, I've heard the salt and light argument as well. I just shake my head. Proverbs can handle that argument for you, alone. I did want our faith to be the foremost thing in our educational process though, especially with my younger children, building that foundation. I also sought it out as a way to grow closer together as a family and participate in family ministry together. Our faith is a HUGE reason we homeschool, but I also want to give my kids a good education, which is why I love the Classical model. Here is a passage that helped us to reaffirm "our" reasons to homeschool : Psalm 1:1 and 2 actually all of Psalm 1, but these two verses were what snagged my attention the first time. 1 Blessed is the man[a] who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law[b] of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
  13. I KNOW what is up with hatin' on the SEC?? Come on, those of us in the SEC take our football seriously. LOL :)
  14. LOL, Jacksonville, wishes he would just come home, if for nothing else then our team already stinks AND he would certainly sell tickets. :p BTW I am a HUGE Tebow fan. I love that guy for his character (and his sweet little mama) alone! I was pretty impressed with his Denver season as well. All that to say, I'm totally biased! ;)
  15. So now this poor couple is going to second guess every thought of taking their child to the hospital if needed. I know I would. It's not logical, no, but what a nightmare they have endured and it looks like CPS is going to be able to "continue to monitor them". Why? I hope CPS does not try to retaliate against the couple by finding something else to "concern" them. That sounds petty, but sometimes pettiness is just human nature. I'm an adoptive mom of kids from foster care, I totally think there is a time and place for CPS, but I don't see it here.
  16. Thanks for all the input. This is actually my 3rd newborn while homeschooling, but the first one was adoption and the very beginning of our journey. He was a good baby. Content to swing or sit for awhile. My first bio was rough. It took me a few months to get back into the swing of things. She was a bit high maintenance and did not like to be put down. By the time I'd get her down for her naps I was exhausted. She's sitting her now asking questions about what I'm typing, LOL. I don't know what it will be like with this guy. I just know with a middle schooler and a high schooler I can't afford to take all that time off again. I'm reading through all of your responses and I really appreciate them.
  17. That is one beautiful baby! Wow! Congratulations.
  18. That is one beautiful baby! Wow! Congratulations.
  19. Oh my, and kudos for all you've done for your dad! Many prayers for all of you through this!
  20. OMGosh this is so very true! When my mom was in the hospital at Christmas time 2012 with a stomach that was dying the surgeon came in one day (we'd never ever met him) and said, "We have to do surgery right now or you will die." At this point they'd done some xrays and stuff, but we had not been told anything about why she was so sick. Talk about freaking out. Then he said, "It's a complicated surgery and you might not survive." I was ready to punch this guy in the nose. Mom and I were just staring at him. We asked him to explain some, and he did, but it was still very... I don't know really bad bed side manner. In the next few minutes they were prepping her for surgery and I was calling our family. I've never been more scared in my life. When the surgeon came out a few hours later the first thing he said was he was optimistic. Then he went on to detail the surgery and some of the stuff he was a little worried about. My mom's sisters were all beside themselves hearing the "bad" stuff, all I heard was mister, "You might die" from a few hours ago, say he was optimistic. I tried to explain it to them, but they just did not get it. She had to have another surgery later that week because more of her stomach was dying, but he was a little nicer. By the time we were seeing him for follow ups he was the nicest, most considerate guy ever. I think he was just all business with the surgery thing. LOL, he was never really nice to anyone, but my mom and me and I wonder if it was because he felt bad about our initial meeting. I remember after the first surgery any time anyone asked me who the surgeon was and I told them their face would light up and they would say, "Oh good, he's the best!" Of course like I said, he improved and I never caught him not washing his hands. UGH! I don't understand why he can't wait two weeks for the lung thing so your dad can go to your daughter's wedding. That seems a bit harsh. Can't he just schedule the lung thing a bit later? It's not like he wants to go to a birthday party or something, its his granddaughters wedding.
  21. I am due to have a baby in late May. We usually school through the summer because it's just too hot to do anything around here besides school. The problem is this was a rough pregnancy and we've fallen behind. I finally have 4 of my kids doing CLE Math and LA so that's been a huge help. I still have to check their work and we go over the last few lessons before a quiz or test. I'm also available to help them with anything they need, but it has freed up time. My youngest son is working through Saxon Phonics 1 and Saxon Math 1 right now. Those are his time consuming subjects. I'm going to add in the other stuff in the fall when I have more time. He is also doing A Reason For Handwriting, but that is all him with just some correction from me occasionally. We have evaluations for the two older girls in June (I'm pushing it to the end and crossing my fingers there will be no repercussions!) I have evaluations for my other three students in September. I'm kind of pushing them to get done with the levels they are in by the end of June which is realistic, BUT it means they will have to work through June while I'm busy with a newborn. Do you think this is realistic? If I am only doing the stuff I mentioned above for CLE can they do it? I'm really only asking them to do LA and Math. I will continue to check it and review with them before tests/quizzes and try to help them when they need help. Can I ask my older girls to help Jonathan with his math and phonics for a few weeks? I would be around to help and supervise, but they would be doing a lot of the work. It probably takes him and I about an hour to do those two subjects. I thought about for something fun doing some read alouds with them all and adding in some fun literature activities that I let the older girls plan. What about some science experiments that the older girls help the younger three with? Dh can help some, but he does work a weird schedule and we do have toddler... I hate to give up school completely for the month of June because that will cut into our fall play time and it could mean our evaluator is not happy with our progress. Not a big deal because we only have to show forward progression here and I have that, but you know the stress of it all. LOL Plus, a whole month off means a harder time getting started when we can get back in the game. Stuff just falls out of their heads when they have more than a few days off. I wish my kids were still little sometimes and we could just veg out and watch educational shows on Netflix and read all the books we wanted all day long.
  22. Because I have diabetes I have to have a scan every week to check fluid and placenta. They won't do another growth scan until about 37 or 38w. I just don't know how I went from a 7 pound baby three years ago to a baby who could be 10 pounds this time. Granted I've been hungry all the time with him, but I have done everything possible to keep my sugars normal. Everything was fine 4 weeks ago. He was average about the 38th percentile. Now we are looking at 83rd percentile just 4 weeks later?! Thank you all for your reassurance. Sometimes I'm ok with it and think it will just work out and then the next minute I'm major stressing about it. LOL Gotta love the pregnancy hormones. I don't think I would have a problem pushing a 10 pounder out, I ain't no little girl :), but I do think my OB will fight me tooth and nail on it and I'm one of those all bark and no bite pregnant people. I want to stand up for myself, but then I get all scared and back down and worse, I get... weepy. UGH! I hate that. My little girl came at 38w so I'm kind of hoping this guy decides to come a little early as well, that would help a lot. His belly looked really, really big on the u/s. Even I noticed it and I can't read those things for anything. I just keep hoping it's off and I'm going to be really, really strict from here on out, stricter than I have been with my food. It's good because I can only eat a little bit at a time at this point anyway, I'm all baby. LOL I have been doing well with my eating, but I might have let a snack slip in here and there that should not have been. It did not make my sugar spike though, because I tried to do it in the mid afternoon when I usually have the lowest blood sugar. I'm sorry to ramble on, it's just not something I feel comfortable talking about IRL right now. I have a few worry warts in my life that will just bug me and make me worry more about it. Thanks so much for listening to the whinings of a crazy lady who is TERRIFIED of having a C-section. :)
  23. My baby measured 6 pounds at my 34w growth scan this week. I'm so upset. I have Type 2 diabetes, but according to all my logs I've kept it under control. My A1C is fine as well. My daughter was born at 38w5d weighing 7 pounds. I really thought I would have another 7 to maybe 7 and a half pounder. I know scans are off all the time, but his belly did look really big on the u/s. My OB will do a C-section if he is over the 90th percentile growth wise. Right now we are at 83rd percentile. My fundal height last Friday was spot on for 34w. Just 4 weeks ago he measure perfect maybe an ounce or two ahead. Now he is almost a pound a half ahead.Help, just reassure me that he MIGHT not be 10 pounds.
  24. I truly heart Nan in Mass... always! :) She totally helped me redefine my children's education about a year ago and here she goes again with even more wisdom.
  25. I got one a few weeks ago. I did not have a fever, but I did sleep the rest of the day. I was so exhausted. I'd done nothing more than go to my OB appointment that morning so I think it was the vaccine. I'm not prone to running fevers though. The two times I have as an adult I had a serious illness. The 4 times my mom remembers me running a fever as a child I had a serious illness.
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