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Acorn Island

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Everything posted by Acorn Island

  1. Here is a really good recipe for fudge frosting! It frosts a 9 x 13 cake. -2 squares baking chocolate -1/2 cup brown sugar -1/4 cup water -1.5 cup powdered sugar -2 Tablespoons butter -1 tsp vanilla Put first 3 ingr in saucepan. When it comes to a boil, cook for 3 more minutes. Remove from burner, add butter and vanilla. Cool. Add powdered sugar and blend until smooth. Spread on cooked cake. If thick, add small amounts of water or milk.
  2. I just LOVE those pencils. They are getting really hard to find, too. I used to be able to find them in the stores - but not recently. I think the Walmart price is pretty good, based on what I've seen! If you do find a lower price, please post it!
  3. Those pursuing a career in Human Resources also benefit from taking some accounting classes. There are a lot of financial aspects to HR - compensation, benefits, etc. As far as a degree, a general business degree or a degree in business with a human resources emphasis are the most common. But I agree with earlier posters, in that any degree will work. You just hit the ground running if you have had coursework in HR. Good luck to your ds! :001_smile:
  4. There is a forum on the Olly site. Plus, if you have questions/probs not answered on there, the developer responded fairly quickly to my questions.
  5. I have used HST+ before getting my mac. It has a steep learning curve, but I like what it can do. When I switched to the Mac, I tried Olly. It is easier to use than HST, although it has fewer options for printing reports, etc. If you are not looking to replicated HST, I think Olly is pretty good. My husband has still kept his PC, so I currently have HST installed on his computer, and I access it through TeamViewer software. Basically, it lets you access someone else's computer (who allows you to do this) over the internet - and then you are remotely using their computer. It works fairly well -- I use it so I can access old data on HST. For me, I did not want to use HST online, due to the higher cost, and because I like me info to be local.
  6. Not sure if any other airlines do this, but last time I flew Delta you could pay a little extra (like $10) to board first. It was an add-on option when you buy your ticket online. There is a limited number of 'zone 1' boarding tickets issued -- but I got on early, and could stick my luggage in the overhead right by me. It's cheaper than checking baggage, plus it's nice to get settled in before the masses.
  7. First, I would get your ds tested to be sure he is allergic to dogs. There is a blood test that can be done. If he passes that - try a brief visit with a friend who has a dog, and build from there before committing to your own dog. If ds is allergic to dogs, I think even having an outdoor dog would be too risky. If your dd is really a big dog lover, she is going to give ANY dog you own all kinds of hugs and love etc. The allergens from the dog will get on her and then into your house. Maybe she could volunteer and a shelter and get some puppy love that way? She could always change clothes and shower upon returning home. Just a thought! It is a tough situation to be in. :grouphug:
  8. :grouphug:Congratulations! You must be thrilled!
  9. I have used MANY different sharpeners - manual and electric, with varying results. The BEST I have found is this one (and it is only like $10): http://www.dickblick.com/products/alvin-glass-inkwell-sharpener/?clickTracking=true#reviews Also, part of the issue is the type of pencil you are using. I have had the best luck with the paper mate mirado black warrior. They are hard to find - I order mine from Amazon - but they last, sharpen nicely, and don't break ever 10 seconds.
  10. We have 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (i.e. treadmill, biking, etc.) to earn 30 minutes of video game time. (limited to 30 min per day.)
  11. I use Garnier Fructese (sp.) It is pretty cheap and works great. Also Tresame makes one that is good, too.
  12. I have used it - one child liked it, one did not. I think it does a good job of preparing a student for Algebra 1. It was fairly easy to e tweak it to fit our needs. The student text is VERY thick (600 some pages, I think)-- one of my children found that intimidating - the other didn't care. Hope that helps!
  13. You might want to try bitter apple spray on the rug and table that you don't want the dog to bite on!
  14. I agree - Working through the work text is usually plenty... If I have a child stumped on something, I would use the TE for other ways of explaining something.
  15. Try over the counter Allegra. (Generic is fexofenadine and way cheaper). Works for me ...and I didn't have any luck with claritin and zyrtec. :group hug:Good luck! Allergies are tough!
  16. You've got my sympathy! (And my empathy, too!) My ds has peanut, tree nut and milk allergies. It is a bummer that our kids have to deal with this. (And it is a lot of extra responsibility and worry to parent a food allergic kid.) If you ever need to vent or commiserate, feel free to pm me! :grouphug:
  17. When my kids had pinkeye, we were told by the doctor that after 24 hours on antibiotic they were no longer contagious and could even go swimming -- hope that helps!:001_smile: (They were on the antibiotic eye drops.)
  18. Here's another tip for you... Home stagers will arrange books by height on each shelf. I have tried it and it does help things look less cluttered!
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