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Everything posted by TwoEdgedSword

  1. My heart grieves for these young women. So much taken from them. And I stand amazed and the depths of evil shown by these young men. eta: I'm sickened where the offender refers to Jackie, the victim as an "it" during the attack. Total dehumanization. The victim is an object. eta: We are raising our boys to kick the living snot out of the offenders and ask questions later.
  2. Online college is looking pretty good about now. I think B & Ms are overrated for our purposes. They are no longer the "only way" to do college as more options enter the marketplace.
  3. Fiddler on the Roof The Truman Show I don't exactly watch these over and over. But if they are on I will actually stop and sit down a while. I thought The Truman Show was one of a kind.
  4. Thanks Kfamily. I appreciate the background. I didn't know she had an Amazon bookstore. So looking at that and the book reviews will fill in a great deal about what she was using. Bummer that it came to an end. But it's nice that she left much of it up. :-)
  5. Thanks krsmom. I put in to join the google group. I was a member of the yahoo one. I think that is closed except for archives.:-( Some ladies in the yahoo one talked about forming a new one. Maybe that became the google group.
  6. It looks like 7th and 8th grade book lists are gone now too. :-(
  7. Thanks momto2Cs. I couldn't find that. Do you know if 9-11th grade book lists are anywhere to be found? In the yahoo files I saw daily checklist, but not the high school booklists.
  8. I realize that Linda Fay closed her site and I'm not privy to all the details. It looks as though some things were taken down from her site and during this time, some ladies spoke of forming a new group to continue implementing her methods. Does anyone have a link for the new yahoo forum or know how to access the highschool booklist? I really miss HUFI material and would like to reconnect to it. Thanks.
  9. I realize that Linda Fay closed her site and I'm not privy to all the details. It looks as though some things were taken down from her site and during this time, some ladies spoke of forming a new group to continue implementing her methods. Does anyone have a link for the new yahoo forum or know how to access the highschool booklist? I really miss HUFI material and would like to reconnect to it. Thanks.
  10. I'm homeschooling my youngest group now too and I know what you mean about wanting to make it fun. Unless there's Divine intervention, this will be my last group of littles. :-( I'm getting excited about doing FIAR again with my youngest kiddos. I'm enjoying Alpha Phonics with them and so glad we ditched 100 Easy Lessons a few years ago. For science for the littlest one, I'm getting Rookie Science Readers from the public library. Math is Mathseeds, Todo Math and CLE. Language Arts is Lifepac Lots of a living books for all of them. Enjoy this time!
  11. I've noticed that many homeschoolers do CM in the early years and ditch it at the high school level. I asked this at the high school board and have no replies so far. :-) Sooo....for those who are into CM and planning on doing more with it at the high school level, this question is for you! Do you have a favorite living books list, source or catalogue for history and/or literature for the high school level? I mention "list" over catalogue because most sellers of living books sell what is only currently in print. There may be great lists out there that I'm not aware of, which include out of print books too. I'm interested in those out of print books just as much. Thanks!
  12. Do you have a favorite living books list, source or catalogue for history and/or literature for the high school level? I mention "list" over catalogue because most sellers of living books sell what is only currently in print. There may be great lists out there that I'm not aware of, which include out of print books too. I'm interested in those out of print books just as much. Thanks!
  13. You are right Donna. I think she's leaning toward BJU World History now bc it's just the History that we really need. She's getting tons of Lit in her AP Lit class and we cover Bible on our own, so we'd be taking much out of MFW WHL. She can still go back and read the Lit from MFW over the summer. We'll see. :-)
  14. My kids enjoy Motown with me, oldies like Build Me Up Buttercup, and classic ELO like Mr. Blue Sky.
  15. ThisIsTheDay, that's a good thought and we are considering that too. She likes the Lit for MFW WHL, and she's considering just saving the Lit for summer when her AP class is over.
  16. Sorry, no book recc for you here, but when we were searching, we thoroughly enjoyed this!!! It was hard finding good books on this period for us. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6583679/the-war-of-1812-the-movie
  17. Anybody else? What are you using now if you and your student really like it? Thanks.
  18. Thanks Clementine. Can you share why they didn't like it? What did you like about it?
  19. Thanks Crimson Wife. That's good to know. Seems like that one SLP almost wanted out of that particular job!
  20. I'm reevaluating our World History choice for our 10th grader. I'm consider Bob Jones, Peace Hill offerings and am open to hearing about any others. Daughter just finished MFW Ancient History and Literature and while she enjoyed it a lot, it was very time consuming. She is doing an AP Lit course that is taking much of her time and Varsity sports, so this needs to be a consideration for her. I'd love to hear what your fav World History is and why. Thanks.
  21. Crimson Wife: "One big thing that I've been stressing with my kids is to make sure whatever occupation they choose is something that can't easily be automated or offshored. Oldest DD wants to be a speech therapist and while some of the work can be done via Skype, a lot of it has to be done in-person. Technology similarly can reduce the need for speech therapy but we're a long way off from having robots who are able to replace human speech therapists." I'd love more info on this issue if you or others have more. I've heard from one local mom that a speech therapist said "you can just as easily do this app with your child at home as I can with your child at my office." There are some great speech apps out there. Wonder if this will be the direction speech therapy goes.
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