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Everything posted by gamommy

  1. That's some good advice. I know it's not quite the same but as an adult I've developed a relationship with my biological father, but my step father nurtured and raised me. For years I found it awkward to mention one of them to the other. At my wedding I actually walked myself down the aisle specifically to avoid this issue. I use the distinctions 'father' and 'dad' in my heart and have finally allowed myself to have a chat with both of them and explain that. I don't know if they truly like it, but they've accepted it and we've all moved forward.
  2. Not sure why I'm hesitant really. I think it feels rushed and I'm a worrier.:confused: If we plowed full speed ahead that could potentially mean Calc in 10th. I know Advanced Math could take 3-4 semesters instead of 2. Also since we will most likely work with a more formal program for h/s my options are unlimited next year, but will be limited in the future by that choice. Moni, can you compare DIVE and Saxon Teacher at all? We've only used the former so far and I was wondering that also. Thanks for the tip about MUS, Irene Lynn. I will look into that. Thoughts on LOF anyone? The idea of doing a light text and some PSAT/SAT practice math the second semester seems to be growing on me. But doing a light text might defeat the purpose. Thanks to all who've responded so far! I should have mentioned that while dd has consistantly excelled in this area it is not her favorite.
  3. http://www.textkit.com/ You can download the books as PDF and print as needed. HTH
  4. Would we start at level 1 or go straight to level 2?
  5. My now 1st grader is using MCP Plaid Phonics, FLL1/2 (will be through about lesson 120 at the end of this year), AVKO Sequential Spelling (slowed down pace), and BJU pre-cursive handwriting. She reads at about a mid-second grade level. My olders use WS and I wanted to get started with something for her next year in second. I was thinking of using WWE for a year or two and then perhaps doing Writing Tales. WT looks fun but would still be too advanced for dd next year I believe. Would WWE be an appropriate choice for this student next year? What resources would you recommend? I'm confused about the text, workbook, and student sheet options. Exactly what areas does this program cover? Which level would you recommend? I was thinking that I could drop the handwriting because of all the copy work. Then pick it up again in 3rd when I want to intro. cursive. I could continue on with FLL, Phonics, and Spelling using our current programs. Thoughts? If there's another curric. choice you feel would be better in this case please chime in as well. TIA,
  6. My dd will have completed Saxon's Alg1 this spring. I'm in the planning stages for next year and am trying to decide on choices for 8th. She's a good math student and is pondering careers in Engineering or Cosmetology (I know, vast differences). We're 90% sure on using a coorespondance program for high school and they also use primarily Saxon. For some reason I am hesitant to start Alg 2 next year although she's been successful this year. I am strongly considering taking this 8th grade year and doing a seperate Geometry course. Then bringing her back to Saxon for Alg 2 in 9th. I know Saxon says this is integrated throughout, but I'm thinking since we seem to have an extra year it might be a good idea. WWYD, plunge ahead to Alg.2 or do a year of supplementary Geometry? If I did opt to do a Geometry year could you recommend a text please? I've looked at Jacobs, but am worried about teaching it. I was a strong Math student years back but Geo. was my personal sticking point. Also I have 4 other students so I appreciated using DIVE with Saxon this year to take a bit of the burden off of me. So I guess I'm looking for a relatively student directed study of formal geometry including proofs that somewhat (but not overly) rigorous. TIA,
  7. I'm using Biblioplan Ancients this year with a 1st and 5th grader. For about $20 or so (ebook version) I got a full schedule for the year that coorelated SOTW1, MOH, KHE (red one), and the UILE for me. It also provided a reading list for my 5th grader. I use the SOTW AG for recommended reading for my younger 1st grade student. Plus they include map and timeline suggestions. Well worth it, IMO.
  8. Thank for your reply Ellie. Just a bit concerned that it doesn't seem to be very well know. No one in our local group has used them. Anyone else?!?
  9. We're considering this option for our oldest student who will begin 8th grade next fall. The fees seem quite reasonable as they include all requried materials and shipping. Many of the curric. choices are ones we've strongly considered anyway. We already use Saxon Math and plan to use Apologia science for example. Wondering if anyone could share positive/negative experiences with their program? I'm leaning towards this over say BJU's or Abeka's Academy options as it uses a variety of materials and seems to offer more flexibitily. Other than DIVE cd's for math we do all of our own instruction anyway (dh is a highschool teacher and I used to teach also) so we don't need the dvd type options generally. Would this be a good fit?
  10. I use a combo of MCP Plaid Phonics and AVKO sequential spelling (the latter at a slowed down pace). I think we're getting good results with my almost 7yo 1st grader.
  11. I agree with the OP regarding the potential bonding issue with two puppies. I never heard a vet suggest getting two at once.
  12. I'm with you on exhausting playdates. I try to schedule them a bit more formally now or meet as an OP suggested at the park, playground, etc. Tonight we're having a sleepover which I can only put myself through a few times a year. Perhaps I'm odd but I find it hard to completely relax with others in the house. Through our local h/s group we met a family with two daughters that are very close in age to our two olders. This time we did a girl swap. My oldest and hers are at her home, the other two are sleeping here. That's made it a bit easier.
  13. I did one this late fall/winter "A wife after God's own Heart", led a small group study for younger women by Kay Arthur called "Lord teach me to pray in 28 days", but my favorite solo study of 2008 was Beth Moore's loving Well". Just a short, 4 week journal study. Videos are available in a larger group setting but due to schedule conflicts I only saw 1. The journal study can easily stand a lone. It made a very lasting impression on me
  14. This has happened several times amongst my girls' friends. Whether we find it rude or not depends largely on how its handled by the adults and children involved. Sometimes its quite noticeable to kids based on the wording of the invitation and behavior at the party itself. Other times its handled very discreetly. I think the ratio of kids attending and leaving vs spending the night matters too. If most are invited to stay I feel that's poetentially more upsetting than if just a few of the total attendees are.
  15. I think it varies by region. When we lived in New England Virgin Mobile and Tracfone were great, but not as good as the local giant (then US Cellular). Here in our area of Georgia Altel is king and their prepaid service, because it uses their network, was the best. My advice is to find out what most people have the best coverage with and then investigate that companies prepaid service. Most have one now.
  16. I appreciate everyone's insights. I'm struggling with the same concerns with one of my dd's who will turn 7 in a couple of weeks. Coincidentally she's my first lefty. One of my olders reversed a couple of letters sporadically until sometime in 2nd grade but this little reverses letters and numbers both orally and in her writing almost constantly. Reading and phonics have also been tough. I've been wondering what my next steps were too.
  17. My RN mom also swears by the heel test mentioned and has always told me with appendicitis that it's rebound pain when you let up on the abdomen, not the original push down. If my child seemed pained by either of those tests I'd bring them in ASAP.
  18. We've been using Saxon w/Dive with our 12 yo 7th grader. I think the DIVE lessons are short and to the point. I assign odds or evens most days to cut down on the repetition for her. For me it's effortless. Just correcting and helping her over the very occassional tough point. My dh is a public high school teacher who has taught both math and science for many years. He reviewed the course and felt amply challenging and quite thorough. Saxon does not have a completely traditional sequence though in the sense that Geometry is not offered as a seperate couse. It's integrated throughout their high school texts instead.
  19. I had a tubal done during my last c-sec birth in 2007. We'd had 4 very tough pregnancies that resulted in 3 c-sec's. All 4 of my littles were also preemies. Docs advised it was unwise to have any additional children. But my cycles have been MUCH heavier and significantly more painful since the procedure. I never used to suffer from PMS either and I now experience it monthly. I personally know of 3 friends who've experienced similiar. If I had to do it over again I would not do the tubal.
  20. We pulled our children home when they were in 6th, 4th, and K from public school. It was difficult for my dh who is a p/s teacher by profession. Our older girls were apprehensive at first for many of the reasons you described. They were nervous about losing social time as well as missing out on some extra-curriculars. I think that finding an opportunity for them to continue with some of those activities would be important. You can check with your local school district and see what their policy is. One our private schools locally will also allow homeschoolers to join their various art and music programs for a pretty reasonable fee. If you're in an area with lots of homeschoolers there are probably many opportunities locally. In our case I had no idea how much was available until I 'plugged in'. Perhaps getting in touch with some local veterans in your area would give you an idea of what might be available. I agree with others who said that a trial week would not be very helpful. When we pulled out we committed to a year. It took a whole semester or so to really find our stride and truly get acclimated to our new lifestyle. I can understand how potentially losing a charter school spot could up the ante a bit. Good luck with your decision.
  21. Our allergist/asthma specialist recommended this as a possible med. for my littlest who's 20mths but did mention that there is some evidence of troubling side effects. I was torn and spoke to our family doc whom we're close to and attend church with. He told me that he would never put one of his own young children on this med. His tone was unusually strong. So, that decided it for me.
  22. I know you've gotten pages of advice and I honestly haven't read through the whole thread but here's my .02. Our youngest who is 20mths has suffered a lot with recurrent ear infections and most recently with RSV. If your doc's office can perhaps a check for RSV is in order. Mine detected it with a nasal swap, like a rapid strep test. Also amox. is a great first line drug but doesn't necessarily clear all ear infections. It never worked with our youngest so it would be worth a repeat doc visit just to check. In the meantime elevating the crib mattress slightly (we used to place a pillow under one end of the mattress between it and the frame of crib) and running a cool mist vaporizer should help. Also the doc could call in prescription numbing ear drops (these cost just a few dollars even w/o insurance). They are a novicaine type solution. Then at least you'd know that his ear wasn't causing pain. You have my sympathy, Beth
  23. I was 30 when I had my youngest. All of my pregnancies were medically complicated and resulted in pre-mature deliveries via emergency section. I did tire more and took a bit longer to recover from my last, but nursing and care of an infant were much easier this time.
  24. Hugs, my girls were active in 4-H a few years back before we moved south. A pesky fox got many of their favorite show chickens and call ducks. It's heart breaking.
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