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Everything posted by GVD22

  1. Great thread! I was just thinking about this recently. My kids do like some fun stuff but would rather just get their work done. Projects are a waste of time IMO, unless they want to do them. I never liked having to do a project in school. Blah!
  2. http://pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZvDy It looks interesting, can homeschoolers purchase this?
  3. Hmmm, I'm trying to make a list of everything I need for our first week of science. I hate the gathering all the supplies too but kits seem so expensive. I think I'll take another look at a few suppliers of kits and see if I can spare myself the agony.;)
  4. DD will be in 8th grade this year and I'm starting to feel a little bit of the panic I felt when she was going into middle a few years ago. Even though I have been researching high school courses and requirements since she entered middle school, now that it's almost time for high school I am really feeling the weight of her education on my shoulders(especially since we have a new baby and I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to teach my other 3). Kudos to those who do this with kids in the higher grades and infants too! DH doesn't really have an opinion one way or the other on what curriculum I use and has no idea what is required of her to graduate and get accepted into college. He has said in the past that if I just show him what I'm interested in he will take a look at it but I would love for him to take some initiative with her education and bring things to me that he has researched. He fully supports me in homeschooling(he helps teach them in whatever areas I need it) but he doesn't like to research things and that is my strength.:glare: I just hate feeling like everything rests on me. I think I'm going to talk to him tonight. Does your spouse take an active role in choosing curriculum and making sure your children meet all the requirements for high school and beyond?
  5. LOL. We actually have a two hour quiet time but that doesn't start until 2pm. Hmmm, maybe I should move it up. Maybe I'll be more motivated after our new addition arrives.
  6. I'm thinking of switching the kids' independent work(math, language...) to the afternoon so I can be more enthused about science, history and other things when I'm most energetic. Anyone else have this problem?:glare:
  7. We're using BCM this year for Pre algebra and I love it. I find the explanations to be really detailed and DD has done really well with it.
  8. My 7th grader is doing Lial's BCM. We flew through it until we got to the next to last section (intro algebra) we're taking this section a little slower. I figure we'll be ready for Foerster's Algebra I by March.
  9. I'm tired of this cold. I moved from N. Central Fl to So Fl because I hate the cold that much. I'm so glad next week is going to be a little warmer.
  10. I've thought about the last few weeks before baby comes as well. I'm wondering if I'll be able to concentrate. I initially thought two weeks off after childbirth was a little ambitious, maybe it's something to shoot for after all. Congratulations:)
  11. I'm thinking I'm going to take off for 3 weeks to a month after our new addition comes. The last time we had a baby, the oldest was in kindergarten, so I didn't give it much thought, now she's in 7th. How did your schedule change once having a new baby?
  12. I used LA 2 last year and it's a great program. This year I am supplementing with more handwriting and spelling as DS needs more help in these areas.
  13. I picked up a teacher's card a few days ago. I just provided a copy of one of the kids "intent to homeschool" letters.
  14. How about Pentime? http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=9&category=2002
  15. This sounds really good! DH and I were talking last week about some sort of motivational system for DS.
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