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Everything posted by 4kids4me

  1. I have a couple questions...what are the Dive CD's and why do you do it with Apologia? This is our first year using Apologia (dd in 8th gr. is using their General Science text this year), so I'm wondering if I'm missing out on something? Also MFW...could you tell me a bit about this and how it differs from Sonlight? After you read reviews and researched Sonlight, what did you find out about it that made you decide to put it aside? Thanks!
  2. Can anyone help? I'm not even sure I can word this properly to explain what's going on...let's see...whenever I bring up a document, new or old, after each return I see a light gray backwards double P. In between words I see a faint dot. I think it's in my template because I've brought up a few documents and it does it in all of them. How can I get this off???
  3. Thanks, Posters, for the response. Will look into that program to download. I wonder if it'll work on my Mac? I can find out! :)
  4. The DOCX ending I cannot open but the DOC one I can. Is it different versions of Word? How can the sender change it so that I can receive it? Thanks!
  5. I'm curious...I'd like to use Omnibus this year but we don't have a Reformed theology - it's more Baptist. I was reading a review of Omnibus and it kept saying it's great for Reformed Christians. I love the idea of something like Omnibus holding my hand through the high school years. I wonder if I would just skip the theology...or have dd answer and discuss according to what we believe? If you're using Omnibus but are not Reformed, how have you tweaked it to make it work for you? (For example, have you skipped books that are very theology heavy, such as Chosen by God?) I'm also wondering about how Omnibus users are using their schedule. Are you following their suggested schedule exactly? In week one kids are to read and work on Genesis and Chosen by God. Since it's not divided by day how does one determine how much to tackle every day to get it all done in a week but also ensure it's not plain old overload?!?!
  6. I really want to grow herbs, but am really not sure how much to take off the plant and when. I'd like to do a container garden and bring it indoors during the winter months. Planting season begins late May. Does anyone have any really good book recommendations that will teach me how to tend to herbs???
  7. :iagree: I'm not the most diplomatic person to ask advice from since I'd probably start the meeting with, "Are you out of your freaking mind?" I will pray! That I can do!
  8. Eliana...what a detailed response. Thanks so much -- I'll be seeing if my library has these suggestions. I hope your little one feels better soon. :)
  9. Well, we *could* just have bread for dinner. Every night.
  10. I haven't replied to everyone individually....for those posters that I haven't replied to I want to give a big thanks for your suggestions. I've been able to find 90% of the suggestions in my library and have a HUGE hold list going (yay for being able to do it online!). I want to peruse the many suggestions and narrow down what might be a good fit for our family. Now that I'm armed with these suggestions I feel like I have some direction!
  11. Oh I LOVE Michael Smith's Chef at Home. I have his book out from the library right now. If I can only have his pantry now...
  12. Oh they have a "Complete" book which is 700 pages. Wowzers...that should keep me busy and happy, no???
  13. Ladies...thank you so much....I love your favourite suggestions and have either the majority of them on hold at the library or on my amazon wishlist ready to buy! FYI...we're Canadian and haven't been exposed to many different tastes...dh was a pastor's kid, so any casseroles are nixed in our home...I'm not a seafood fan either...other than that we're wide open....lolol!!!!
  14. Betty Crocker ladies: could you link me to the one that you like?
  15. No one has a fav. cookbook? Come on, surely someone has one!
  16. I'm looking for some new cookbooks...ones with lots of photos and recipes that are not only easy to cook, but TASTE GOOD. I'm mostly burned out on dinners, but I also would like new dessert cookbooks as well.
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